
How Come People Less Well Off Don't Struggle With Motivation As Much As Those More Well Off?

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I think this is a matter that needs to be talked about more. I'll get into situations where I'm doing personal development and I'll have someone like my dad, a friend, or really anyone for that matter say something that's along the lines of 'dude. There are people that have it way tougher than you and have so much less money in yet they still have to go out and put food on the table. Some of them even get to high levels of success. Yes they may not be happy but I'm talking in terms of success. What you're doing is making this more complex than it actually is. People in 3rd world countries don't need this stuff to go out and make a paycheck. Yes, they might not have a dream career or even a job they like for that matter but if they don't go out and make fuckin' money they starve. So they work. That's what you need to focus on.' I just don't think this issue is addressed enough because I think that common commentary, although it's pretty ignorant, it still holds a lot of truth... maybe more than I want to admit. I mean, yes there are poor people out there who don't work hard at all but there are also one's who do work incredibly hard. I mean, there are a lot of poor people out who don't do nor know of self-help in yet they do what they got to do regardless of what their source of motivation is. 

@Leo Gura and anyone else, I could really use some feedback on this as I think this could really shed some light. Is focusing on higher quality motivation something that should addressed more depending on what stage your at in your life?

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This is not a matter of knowledge, it's a matter of attitude. How you approach a situation is the key. People can know the same stuff, but the one who will amplify the best parts of oneself, this will be the person who will be far ahead. ;)

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You need to do some Life Purpose work.   It's that simple.  

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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The issue lies in brain chemistry in my opinion. It is like with watching porn and masturbating you artificially release tons of dopamine and by that become numb to the small pleasures of life, people who are well off in this day and age will have some serious addictions like 98% of the time, if not even more. People who aren't well off simply don't have the possibilities to engage in many addictions.

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Of course you find examples of people who rose from poverty with no formal studying of personal development. Your life is ultimately in your hands, and so if that is what you chose to do you could do it. Plus, some people from poverty might have more emotional leverage to actually take action on improving their life.

But that doesn't dismiss that YOU should be doing personal development.

Why wouldn't you use every advantage you have? Do you think people pulled themselves from poverty by ignoring the opportunities they got?

Formal personal development is a huge advantage. You don't HAVE to do it...but you don't have to do anything.

Also, consider that personal development is far more than material success.

Maybe these people pulled themselves from poverty. But what are their relationships like? Their health? Their spiritual connection? Their life purpose? Their happiness?

I find it extremely rare that people nail all of these.

Notice that everything your friends and family advocated ultimately ends with you living a mediocre life, doing something for work just to get by.

Your friends and family are not going to understand doing personal development. They have their own limitations and will put them on you.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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