
Leo’s top strength is...

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I’m taking the life purpose course and I found that my top strength was humor(which involves the ability to make other people laugh and smile). Being my top strength I want to build on it and I can’t help but notice how much Leo is building on his top strength of perspective. It seems clear by how he talks in his videos that he does a lot of fucking research on a wide range of topics and all of that helps expand his perspective. On top of that, he seems to go so much deeper into that strength than what one might initially think is possible just by looking at what the strength of perspective entails. Here’s what the VIA character strengths website defines perspective as.

”Perspective is distinct from intelligence but represents a high level of knowledge, the capacity to give advice and to recognize and weight multiple sides before making decisions. It allows the individual to address important questions about the conduct and meaning of life.”

Isn’t Leo doing exactly that? But he’s doing it so much fucking deeper and that’s how I want to be with my strength of humor. I don’t want to tell jokes, I feel like that’s shallow and wouldn’t be fulfilling. I want to go deep as fuck into what really brings happiness, smiles, and laughter to others. 

Am I making sense or is this gibberish? Haha 

How do you take your top strength and go deep into it like that? 

Does anybody else have experience with taking their top strength this deep? 

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I mean joy and happiness. You can read books about it and learn from the best, contemplate it and of course do personal development. If you want to make others happy, take notes of what you're learning on the way. This is sort of the same for most things.

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@Slade double down on your practices, and your research / self inquiry into what you actually are. Once you know what is illusion, and what is the One, your humor will only be lighter, and stronger. Then, you’ll see right through everyone. The more you see within with clarity, the more you see in others, with clarity. Then, you’ll be an unstoppable, undeniable - hilarious - force of change & spirit. You’ll inspire liberation.





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@Slade Other than his own narratives, in my opinion, Leo's top strength is actually showing the fuck up every single day...for YEARS. If anyone does that, becoming world class at something is only a matter of time.

Make your life purpose your whole life. Practice and research a lot... after day. And one of the most important is to become super openminded. Be willing to go wherever or do whatever your purpose demands of you to do in order to expand your art...things others may haven't ever imagined. If your purpose requires you to run around naked in streets jiggling your titties, be openminded to explore that possibility (just like Leo probably would delve into anything to find the TRUTH or improve his craft) :P

''There are some questions that no one can give answer for you. Keep practicing steadily and the answers will come to you at the right moment''

- Zen Guitar   

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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Leo’s top strength is... something we should not speculate in, because we don't know him. 

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@Slade There is a snowball effect that will happen.

You start with a little nugget of LP, like telling jokes, and as you work on it over the years, it will deepen, and as you contemplate the essence of what impact you're trying to make, and who you authentically are, everything will deepen in an amazing way.

Don't expect super depth from the get-go. It's like you found a diamond in the rough. Now you gotta polish it to see its full glory, which will take some years to see. Be okay with that.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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My top strengths are creativity and judgement. Any tips how to find the most suited life purpose for those?

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