By heisenburger
in Personal Development -- [Main],
If you're someone struggling with social anxiety or wish you could be as relaxed as you are around your friends any time than listen up because this will change your life.
Nearly everyone is afraid of rejection, this exercise can help you overcome it in literally one day. Seriously actually realise what I just said IN ONE DAY YOU CAN DRASTICALLY OVERCOME YOUR FEAR OF REJECTION!
That day will pass anyway, its up to you whether you wake up next week more free, more confident.
You don't need affirmations or to practice visualization for weeks, in one day this technique mindfucks you into not caring what people think.
It is going to be scary at first, but quickly becomes one of the funniest things you'll ever do, I look back on the day I did this as one of my favourite days this year I had so much fun!
Rejection therapy:
In a nutshell instead of running from it we make rejection the goal.
Basically what you do is you go into town and you embaress yourself, you do everything you're afraid of doing. You make strangers think you're loud, think you're obnoxious, you look stupid and loud and attention seeking, and make yourself look incompetent, and its amazing!
The idea being that once your brain sees rejection again and again it realizes it's not a threat and you're not scared any more.
Every excercise I did changed me, like I was pressing delete on old Fears I had.
Here's what you do, go into town and complete this checklist.
Rejection therapy checklist
Complete this checklist, do the easiest stuff first. This is all stuff I did and it was nerve wracking at first than become so fun.
- Warm up Ask a stranger for the time
- Ask a stranger for a handshake
- Ask a stranger for a hug
- Ask a stranger to buy you something
- Ask if a store has anything for free they can give you
- Ask a busker if you can play his guitar even if you cant pay
- Spend three minutes walking around a public space like a store and be clapping for 3 mins
- Freeze like your a statue in a public space
- Go up to an attractive girl and say an embrassing sentence than walk off eg "Hi I have low self esteem"
- Stand in a busy place and start talking out loud (150% louder than normal voice like a braveheart speech) about a topic for one minute to no one in particular
- Give three compliments to three random strangers
- Tell a stranger a really bad joke, that's not funny at all
- Lie down in a busy footpath
- Go into a store and look at womens underwear (if you're a man)
- Slotus position meditate in a public place like a busy sidewalk
Thats it, go into town and do all this in one day. It will change you, you won't recognise yourself after doing this.
I remember when first doing this I was terrified. I had to go up to a stranger and give him a high five. I was sure something was gonna go wrong, it was like I had a nagging voice in my head from my past telling me "You cant do that". But I went up for him asked him for a high five, he looked at me weird and said "why?" than gave me a high five. It was such a small thing but it built up momentum for me to do tougher and tougher challenges until I was desensitized.
If you're too scared to do it, or know it will be exactly what you need but are not going to do it:
- If this is too scary and you're not gonna do it, don't worry about it, just notice every time you are scared to do something like talk to a girl, you can at any time do this excercise. Just think "Im scared now but at any time I can decide to spend a day doing the rejection therapy excercise and overcome this forever by the next day". I guarantee you wont last more than a year until you finally say ENOUGH and realise you need to fix this rejection. Just wait for the day you say 'fuck it' and do this, you now have a way out of this trap of caring what people think at any time.
- GO WITH SOME FRIENDS! If I did this by myself I don't know if I would have the courage to do it, but the social commitment of doing it almost forced me to overcome my fear, as my friends were there to see if I got too scared. Just don't do the challenge in groups, make sure it's just you doing it so you take the weight of the embrassment. (you can still do it by yourself obviously)
- You can try taking cold showers, its a good way to condition your brain too take risks.
- This list may need to be personalized, eg if you're afraid of being rejected by a girl, go up to a girl and purposefully get rejected, this list will cover basic fears of social rejection, but add more to put yourself in the worst case scenario.
Benefits I've received from it
- Can now approach strangers with no fear
- Actual confidence not just fake confidence
- There's so much stuff I can do now that I couldn't before
- Feel less and less the need to impress people or "I need them to like me I need to be funny or cool to impress them" this point sounds kinda underwhelming but it's AMAZING when actually live this.
- Remove the voice telling me "No ones gonna laugh if you say that" so now I'm funnier.
- I'm getting more approval from others, paradoxically since I care less I now dont fake my personality, so am more authentic and thus more likeable.
- Even outside of social fears am more open to taking risks more confident more secure.
Its hard to convey how amazing this has been for me, this list may seem underwhelming but when it's actually happening to you and you're not reading about someone doing it it's life changing. I actually feel like I different person than I did the day before I did this exercise.
Seriously try this you won't believe it!
Just imagine yourself saying 'fuck it' calling up some friends and going into town tomorrow to do this, this is possible for you it's a possiblity for you to start next week a completely different person having overcome your fear of rejection. Can you see yourself laughing with friends in town right now completely free from the fears that had been pinning you down previously, can you see yourself being an inspiration as you overcome fears that others have struggled with.
Notice that right now reading this a choice has opened enabling you to completely radically change your life, if you've been asking how do I be confident THIS IS THE ANSWER!
Have fun and I genuinely wish you the best