
What are the pieces of advice that you would give to your younger self?

19 posts in this topic

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For example:

  • If you skip a day or two from doing your routine is ok. Just analyze what went wrong and get back on track!
  •    At the beginning  of  2016, I interrupted completely my meditation habit just because i skipped  two or three days. I got back on track after eight or nine months. =))) 
Edited by Everyday

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Whatever I would say, my younger self would probably not understand anything. The things I was told, are the things that I would told my younger self:

1. Learn for tests

2. create for a healthy Carrier

3. Make Sport and 4. Eat healthier (since I was overweight)

But I would recommend my younger self to learn 5. a second language in school and read a bunch of books.. But again, my younger self wouldn't give a damn about my babbling future self. I was way to ignorant to follow advice and it wasn't the easiest way.

"If I [Myself] could start from scratch, I [Younger Self] wouldn't change shit" The Game


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To not look for logical solutions to everything and accept you have no control and that everything is meaningless. It's fine to be lost, but just realize your way out of there.

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do not go to the business school....

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Nothing, otherwise I woul most likely not be here.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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For 15 years olds

The girls in you class are hot as fuck, sleep with them, they might already really like you, trust me it's better than a wow raid. You might not get another chance for 4 years. Work out also.

Also try to play less video games, get a summer job if nothing else you can buy games for the money. Also don't pick technology in high school that shit is boring as fuck, pick economics or something. (If you are in a country where you pick majors in high school)

Edited by Spiral

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-To create more things

-Train harder in Martial Arts

-Appreciate mum's lasagne more.

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1. Meditate

sweatergoat//aye//the evolution is absolute

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Nothing. Everything seems to have pieced together to bring to where I am today, and I am enjoying the show.

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nothing, no conscious action matters as it is only the action of the ego.

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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do more hard things and pratice (or more deliberate pratice) more 

pratice delayed gratification 

be more honest, fully feel emotions 

Edited by BjarkeT

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@Spiral the fuck? totally subjective opinion on school subjects and advising someone who may not yet be sexually mature to 'start fucking the hot girls in class'.

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Be you, and enjoy it. Don't be afraid to run. Let your passions carry you forward without fear. 

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@Light Lover Well the answer was for my younger self. You are free to disagree, it's was just my opinion. "Hot girls" is a term i would use for kids that age, because that's what I cared about at that time.

15 year olds can reflect on that and if they find value in the can change their behaviour, if not then that's fine.

Edited by Spiral

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