
Law of attraction - Either a lie or useless

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If you know what you're looking for,

and if you work hard for it (not on the superficial level, but with strategy),

then for sure you're going to get it. 

I think asking things like money, holiday, being famous, or getting a boyfriend from the universe is bullshit. But if you really know who you are, what you're looking for, no doubt you will get it.

Edited by Pelin

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Breaking news !

Even if you got 100 millions dollars, the perfect wife, the perfect kids, the perfect body, the perfect fame (whatever that means), the perfect house/car, friends ...

You would still not be happy.



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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@Shin perhaps I am simpler to please than other people. 

I would be happy, why not. Those things wouldn't add anything negative. 

Those things will help me accelerate consciousness work, not decelerate it.

The only bad thing about having good things is the recognition that they will pass. The only good thing about having bad things is the recognition that they will pass.

In the present moment though I would enjoy an ice-cream and not so enjoy a poo, even though they both will pass. I prefer the good dream passing. 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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You must believe until you know. Once you know its game over.  Start with small simple things and as you start noticing more and more work onto greater challenges/goals. Practice makes perfect :)


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22 hours ago, Dodo said:

@Shin perhaps I am simpler to please than other people. 

I would be happy, why not. Those things wouldn't add anything negative. 

Those things will help me accelerate consciousness work, not decelerate it.

The only bad thing about having good things is the recognition that they will pass. The only good thing about having bad things is the recognition that they will pass.

In the present moment though I would enjoy an ice-cream and not so enjoy a poo, even though they both will pass. I prefer the good dream passing. 

It will never work.

Think about all the time you said to yourself "oh, but If I just go that, I would be happy".

And you were, for like what, a week, a month ?

Money, success, women, sex, fame, it's all the same ... It will make you happy for a short period of time, and when you will see it doesn't work, you will lie to yourself and do it more, because at this point you just can't accept all your life was about chasing something that won't work for you ...

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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2 hours ago, Shin said:

It will never work.

Think about all the time you said to yourself "oh, but If I just go that, I would be happy".

And you were, for like what, a week, a month ?

Money, success, women, sex, fame, it's all the same ... It will make you happy for a short period of time, and when you will see it doesn't work, you will lie to yourself and do it more, because at this point you just can't accept all your life was about chasing something that won't work for you ...

I don't need money, I need the freedom money gives in this society.

You need money to run your Internet and express your opinion about how you don't need money to be happy.

Well then we all should live in the street and it will be absolutely blissful. Why are you not living on the street? Donate me your money that dont make you happy. 

Only they do make you happy, they just raise the bar on the happiness you can have. You will realise how happy money make you when you lose them all.

Would be rather interesting if you could get your hands on psychedelics without money, try it.

I don't even need the other stuff, just money,  because I am far enough in my meditation practice to enjoy aloneness.

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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