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Jamie Universe

Reply to "What if Enlightenment is a secret evil organization"

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My reply to:

What if “Enlightenment” is a secret evil organization? by egoless 


I know this post was locked. It does sort of look like that post could've been useless, but in other regards, egoless could've potentially dropped pursuing enlightenment because of lack of understanding, and to push the topic further it could've prevented others reading about it from pursuing enlightenment. 

I'm mostly making this post because I was about to reply to the topic but then it got locked. It wasn't confusing to me, I knew what he meant, I've actually gone through a very similar thought process, and in my reply I contribute my solution. I believe that the post had beneficial value, but if I'm wrong someone please tell me. I'll even delete this post if I'm convinced to do so.

But anyways here's my reply:






Well I think I know your problem. People here are trying to tell you to open your mind, and etc. But even an open mind won't blindly believe something if there is logical problems. The open-minded people here are right, but they could be telling you to accept the possibility, that religion could be right, and they wouldn't be wrong. But your implying to be cautious, which is strategically better.

Its funny though because I've actually had a similar thought process, and I told myself.  "If enlightenment is some huge mind controlling, manipulative, organization, with unknown motives, then how would sitting on my butt asking questions such as "Who am I?" and meditating (which is basically doing nothing) be the technique a mass organization would use to mind control me/etc."

Of course you could come with rebuttals to that, like "just because you don't know how it works doesn't mean its impossible"


So then I thought of my options, which are basically. Continue to live the average ego life, maybe living at an average level, maybe pursuing success. Which also might blow up in your face. so instead your trading a mass organization that manipulates you, with yourself. Which for all you know could be a lot worse. So at this point your options are purse enlightenment, or pursue anything else. Both could potentially be bad.


Here's what you can do. You pick one of them, and you try them out for a little while. If one works out then you can try it for a little longer, and then a little longer, and keep going with it and see if it works, and if doesn't be aware and cautious of that.


If your worried that your going to seek enlightenment and that its all going to end up with placebo effect or some high emotional state and not last, that's understandable. I think apart of the point is you don't know. But in Leo's introduction to enlightenment video, he explains, and makes logical sense about how your just a bunch of labels really, opening your mind to no-self. And that's true for me, and self inquiry work is based around this truth.


The enlightenment work you do is not based around random shit, its based around legitimate facts which any plebian can find true in their direct experience.


I think to get to the bare bones of this, if your going to pursue enlightenment, your going to just have to jump into the unknown. But if you want to go into full on debate/trial mode. The evidence points towards enlightenment being the better option.




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