
A Case About Imagination And Some Crazy Claims About "Reality"

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What if there's not such thing as "imagination"? (in the classic sense of the word).

I mean, in a situation when you're asked: "Man... imagine how that guy is feeling right now..." you, through "compassion", can feel the other person. But what if you're not "imagining" it, but you are feeling it. You are that guy in that moment and living "his reality". It might be some usual perspective for some of you guys, because it makes perfect sense if you are everything, as Leo says in lots of his videos.

But watching the last 2 of Leo's videos made me go further. "Imagine" you being stabbed with a knife in the guts 5 times. And what if it's not "just in your brain"? What if you're just tapping in some other universe? (which there are infinite number of) The more your "imagination" is developed, the more your images will "feel" real. So let's suppose it's not the imagination, "making stuff up" that you're developing. Let's suppose what you're doing is dissolving the barrier of being able to connect to the other universes. Just think about it! Why you are able to imagine ANYTHING ? Maybe because ANY universe exists? (a.k.a. there is an infinite amount of universes, each and one of them strangelooping one into the other).

But then the question arises: "Why does it feel (for most of us) that "our universe" is the most "real"? I mean, why this barrier between "our" and the other universes exists?

What I'm really asking is that "How come the ego was created?". And this always makes me think about the bible. It's like "a sin" occured, and the ego plague started spreading across us. "The devil" started possessing us.

Actually, I'm currently developing a "radical" model of the world (it really might sound crazy for some of you guys), but it makes SO MUCH SENSE for me, and my intuition is, like, boiling when I run this model through my mind. I'm going to share it with you guys, in lots of detail, later, when I fit the pieces better, but let me give you, at least, a couple of claims to consider: 

  • "All the diseases come from your mind" (You literally create cancer for yourself)
  • "Coincidences and accidents exist only because you believe they exist" (A plane crash is not just a mere coincidence)
  • "A disease is actually a good thing: it's a sign that tells you that you have to change something in your life and you can teach yourself to interpret any of those" (I would really recommend you to read Valeriy Sinelnikov's book "Love Your Disease" if you're interested in this particular point)
  • "Lies exist only because you believe they do" (There's no text that contains "False Information")
  • "Anything that happens in your life, even getting into an "accident", is programmed in your unconscious " (You get into a car accident because you created this situation in your life, not just "by accident")
  • "You have problems because you want to have them" (You're not happy because you don't want to be so)
  • "Incurable diseases exist, (as you might expect) only because you believe they (Cancer is easily curable)
  • "Palmistry is a valid tool to "read your life" 
  • "Paranormal phenomena exist" (There are actually people who can walk on water, levitate and travel in time)
  • "At some point in time, our ancestors didn't need to eat to sustain life" 

Thanks for your attention! I hope you found it interesting and I would really love to hear your opinions about all this stuff! 

Edited by Serge

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I think imagination is why ‘we are made in the image of god’. Imagination of people is tool for consciousness to express itself on further and further levels. So maybe the ‘closer we are to god’ the more impossible things we can do through our imagination. More consciousness = more freedom for expansion of imagination through turning potential into actual. I really want Leo to address how can we conceptualise existence of actual and potential in the absolute infinity. 

Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said: “one can’t believe impossible things.”
“I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”.

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@Serge Careful not to get carried away with your radical models.

Don't confuse nonduality with anything-goes. It's the opposite of that, actually. You want to become hyper-aware of the narratives your mind is building about reality, and drop them as much as possible.

The fact is, most of the stuff you believe, you have zero experience of.

It's very easy to abuse this work and hurt people. So be very careful with your theorizing.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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"All the diseases come from your mind" (You literally create cancer for yourself)"

This is so fucking dumb claim.

I agree, that maybe 70% mind plays a role, but..

Can i give std to myself by my mind? I thought i need to fuck somebody for that. We probably dont need to use condoms anymore, because stds are created by the mind.

There are outside factors, infections and bacteria where you have no control whatsoever.

If you hangout days in a row with somebody who has super bad flu, you have a good chance to get it too.


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2 minutes ago, Richard Alpert said:

"All the diseases come from your mind" (You literally create cancer for yourself)"

This is so fucking dumb claim.

I agree, that maybe 70% mind plays a role, but..

Can i give std to myself by my mind? I thought i need to fuck somebody for that. We probably dont need to use condoms anymore, because stds are created by the mind.

There are outside factors, infections and bacteria where you have no control whatsoever.

If you hangout days in a row with somebody who has super bad flu, you have a good chance to get it too.


"you" have created your reality. 

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1 minute ago, elias said:

"you" have created your reality. 

Go tell this to a kid who has cancer. Im sure he will be happier.

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@Leo Gura Yep, I agree! I just didn't mention it, but I'm aware (or, at least I'm trying to be :D) that it's just a paradigm. I just get a much more deeper understanding of the "world". It feels like satisfying my intellectual hunger :D. Pieces start to come together.

@Richard Alpert


Can i give std to myself by my mind? I thought i need to fuck somebody for that. We probably dont need to use condoms anymore, because stds are created by the mind.

Of course you can! :D That's exactly how it happens :D. But you've misunderstood me. You think there's a "you" who goes to fuck someone and getting an STD. You think that it's plain simple: You fuck someone infected and you get the infection. But why it has so happened that you've gotten into this situation? Why you didn't wear a condom? Because you're dumb/by accident/you forgot? And why that has happened? You see, you think A causes B, unconsciously assuming that there's nothing before A. Go deeper.


If you hangout days in a row with somebody who has super bad flu, you have a good chance to get it too.

And why it is YOU that is hanging out with somebody with super bad fly, but not somebody else? "Well, just because it is"... Don't you see the problem here?


Go tell this to a kid who has cancer. Im sure he will be happier.

Your emotions don't allow you to think clearly. Kids form a lot of their "you" from their surroundings (in most of the cases, from their parents). You're unconsciously materialistic. You ASSUME that if stuff is out of your perception - it doesn't exist. And if I tell you that parents, with their negative energy, cause children's ilnesses you won't even open your mind to that possibility. 

And if you ask me "How then genetic diseases happen?" you'll unconsciously assume that sperm doesn't carry negative energy, because you assume, again, that it's IMPOSSIBLE for it to exist.

That's the problem with rationalism. People tell themselves that "I ONLY believe something when there's sufficient evidence for it", not being conscious of the fact that by living this paradigm, everything else outside of evidence is impossible and the nature of evidence itself is created by that same paradigm.

Most people have got it ass backwards. They think "I believe X because it's true", not realizing its "X is true because I believe it". Just drop all your beliefs and you'll get amazed how much your mind will open. 

And again, I'm not saying "DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING". I'm just saying "Be conscious of your beliefs/assumptions". Don't be their slave. Let them work for you.

I like the way Sadhguru phrases it:

"Don’t give too many names for your problems. Your problem is just this - your body and your mind are not taking instructions from you, that's all."

Edited by Serge

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Good points, i can agree with you on some level. This is good guide to wake you up to take full responsibility for your own life.


In my experience it's not actually, "you" who makes these bad descisions that cause all negative things. It's the unconcious mind and even if we have the illusion we are it, it has it's own patterns that it acts and runs through. What i would consider "you" is the subconciouss you, the deep wisdom beneath all the shit.

If the master is at sleep the mind will happily run you through it's patterns. I don't think it helps anyone to start blaming themselves for acting unconciously and causing disease to themselves, blaming is just more unconciousness. And there you go again, in the viceous cicle. That is why reading a list like that in unconcious state can be harmful.

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@ADD Yes! That's exactly what I mean! "The unconscious mind"!

By putting "you" into the sentence, I mean that you CAN change the program written in your unconscious mind!

I'm not saying you are to BLAME. I'm saying you are RESPONSIBLE. Those are 2 totally different things. TOTALLY. Blame/shame includes a negative feeling/energy. Responsibility is just neutral realization. By blaming you enhance the autodestructive process, by responsibility you take take control of your life!

Edited by Serge

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All of Reality is Mind,

YOUR Mind is a pathetically small part of Reality. 

Don't conflate the two.

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@Joseph Maynor @Will Bigger Thanks guys for advice, I really appreciate that! But I didn't speak of those things as being part of Reality. I'm well aware that it's mind stuff. All I'm saying is that this model is making much more sense than the scientific/materialistic one. It explains the reality/map/mindworld much more better, making it much more practical and OPEN.

I'm conscious about the fact that this model is just a tool and I'm doing all my best not to become this tool. I hope you understand what I'm talking about.

Thanks again to everyone for your feedback!

Edited by Serge

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