
getting back on track

4 posts in this topic

Hi all,

so about a year and a half ago i watched leos video on how to stop caring about what people think about u cuz i had this people pleasing mentality and it was eating me alive, the video helped me completely i became a none people pleaser and was on my own track in life it felt really good, then i went back to my home country  i do not if it was due to it being the very environment where my people pleasing habits developed but i lost myself again and since then i havent been able to get back on track. ive watched the same leos video on how to stop caring what peope think of you but it doesnt seem to have that punch anymore and its not helping. ive done the affirmation times and times again still nothing an im getting really frustrated now.someone help!

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It's definitely possible being in an old environment triggered some old behavior patterns.

You may want to consider moving.

Otherwise, realize that ridding yourself of being a people-pleaser is not going to happen over night. People-pleasing is deeply rooted in our subconscious desire to be seen as "good" and approved of.

So do your spiritual purification work (meditation, yoga etc) if you really want to remove this area from your life.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Did you ever watch Leo’s video on paradigms? If not — I suggest you watch it. But to put it simply — there are different schools of thought in healing emotionally, and to only use one of these schools of thought is limiting. 

Thoughts must be changed. But emotions also need to be accepted. Both have to heal this way to change. Affirmations focus on changing thoughts, as well as cognitive behavioral therapy and every positive thinking tool. But practices like meditation, yoga, parenting the inner child or the creative arts focus on accepting emotions. Western practices often focus on thought change. Eastern practices often focus on emotional acceptance. 




“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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