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Identity begets meaning

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I’ve been noticing that the act of identifying a concept or etc inherently strengthens the meaning and importance of it. 


For example, thinking about how I should   eat salad for breakfast is nice and all but I tend to think a lot but not do. But taking the time to stand up and look myself in the mirror and confidently say out loud, “I want to eat salads for breakfast” better identifies the thought and makes it feel more concrete, more true, more trustworthy, more likely to guide my shopping and breakfast decisions. 

It could just be a trick of the mind tho, ;) so as usual part of my process is to check if anyone else has mulled over similar ideas :D that, inherently, to purposefully idententify something you’re considering inherently increase how much you care about it. And etc.

Dunno why I didn’t ask about this before lol, been on my mind since before I joined the site xD 


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Ah yes, putting something into words can be very powerful. People say actions speak louder than words, but without words, the towers of literature, of science, of personal development, of politics and of nearly everything in life couldn’t be communicated. 

It’s like being mute and not being able to say a word, but to put it into words, it finally seems to exist in the world — not just to others, but to you yourself. Understanding is a kind of change in itself.

“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” 
― Socrates

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