
Life purpose for my own sake - effectiveness

4 posts in this topic

So I considered earlier this week and now decided:


my life purpose is to become the best worker I can be. 



This is meant to be applied to any of my pursuits, tasks, and endeavors. It does not restrict what that is, only that I keep my focus at my tasks, accept and establish my priority of them, pursue them, etc - I am building my strengths at accomplishing my goals, whatever those strengths are, and I am with purpose looking towards improving my effectibeness and finding new strategies to improve my effectiveness as I work towards my pursuits.




- I do not care what you think about the validity of this life purpose. I’m not here to ask if it’s ok, don’t bother with that lol

- I am here first to practice declaring this, because one of my skills I lack is my reliance on conversation to improve my clarity of expression lmao. 

- I am here second to ask for advice on improving the strength and clarity of my statement, “my lp is my effectiveness: to work towards and become the best worker I can be”

- and last I am curious on if anyone else has had or heard of similar lp, and if there was some pitfall they encountered. 


I am pretty excited about this lp, and consider it a placeholder. I don’t really know what I want to do with my life, but I’ve got a list of goals that I really feel a need to accomplish within the upcoming year. So I’m gonna start by learning and improving my effectiveness in pursuing those goals. I’m gonna go from there, reacting as my short- and mid-term goals arise and become completed. At some point becoming employed and applying myself to that work too, won’t matter if I hate it lol (as obviously part of my lp is to become able to not let my negative opinions hinder me ;)). And etc. whatever it means to become a more effective worker. 


Obviously I'm working only with an abstract/intuitive understanding of what being “an effective worker” means , but that’s ok, I’ll better identify more precise facets of that lp as it comes up. But the lp itself, should be stated in a way that abstractly covers those facets within it  

In about 6-10 years unless it happens sooner, I’ll move on to a different lp, but this one is very important to me. I want basically to segway my lazy ass into a not lazy-ass, and I find this lp to be inspiring to me in acccomplishing that dream of mine. 


So so any advice on - 1) how to better state my lp 2) any worrisome pitfalls - are appreciated. 

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Nice idea to start, but Life Purpose work is much deeper than this.  The only thing deeper is Enlightenment work.  But Life Purpose work is much deeper than people think it is.  I was surprised to discover this myself.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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