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Thoughts: a pointer to groundless substance

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I've been thinking recently about the problem with accepting the groundlessness of perception. The whole basis of materialism is that our perceptions come from somewhere, are caused by something else, something 'out there' in the 'real world'. And it can be very hard to consider otherwise because everything seems so permanent and real and blah blah. 

It strikes me that we have at our disposal a wonderful tool to help observe the folding/unfolding of nothing into something back to nothing: thought & imagination. It happens RIGHT THERE RIGHT IN FRONT OF US IN REAL TIME, IN NOTHING.

And yet how many people treat their thoughts as their enemies? As something to 'purify' or 'silence'? Maybe just by watching the process of thoughts folding and unfolding, we can learn to recognise that process in everything else. 

As an addendum, the 'folding/unfolding' description is conceived in a similar sense to the piece of paper video Leo recently put on his blog. Rather than cutting out the various appearances (which implies that we can separate them and move them elsewhere), I think more in terms of origami: the paper can be folded onto potentially any shape, and yet it never changes. 

What is thought / appearance folded/unfolded from? 

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@Telepresent This is an extremely difficult subject to talk about, but I will try to simplify it as much as possible.

This is DNA.


Notice the red X when the two strands of DNA cross. At the center of the X there is an orange dot.

This dot is timeless. From this dot the strand of the DNA comes out, time comes out, perception comes out, everything you perceive comes out of that dot. This dot is the zero point, still point, wormhole, compression, light, fusion.

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3 hours ago, Telepresent said:

It strikes me that we have at our disposal a wonderful tool to help observe the folding/unfolding of nothing into something back to nothing: thought & imagination. It happens RIGHT THERE RIGHT IN FRONT OF US IN REAL TIME, IN NOTHING.

Yes indeed. Moreover, the entire present moment is arising from nothing and dying into nothing every moment.

Which is why mindfulness meditation is so effective. It allows you to be directly conscious of this as it's happening in real time. That's super powerful. It's as close to REAL as you can get. You can observe thoughts, or birds chirping, or body sensations arising.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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