
how bad is alcohol in moderation?

8 posts in this topic

Im on the health train recently and been wondering if I should not touch alcohol again in my life.

I drink not too much at parties like once every few months.

I didnt see any reason not to drink, but im probably ignorant.

give me reasons not to touch alcohol ever again.

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once every few months is ok. Dont worry.

It doensnt much differ from being completely sober, specially if you take only few drinks that seldom.


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Well if you want to feed your ego its most effective boosting drug go for it :D

Edited by pluto


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  On 12/3/2017 at 5:57 AM, pluto said:

Well if you want to feed your ego its most effective boosting drug go for it :D

Ever done coke?

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@Ilya i completely quit alcohol after studying my liver.

by drinking alcohol, i was undoing a lot of things that i was struggling to accomplish by practicing yoga, in terms of physical health.

  • i wanted my cells to breathe better but alcohol damages the liver, which is responsible for producing breathing enzymes.
  • i wanted my body to be more hydrated throughout the days but alcohol causes dehydration.
  • i wanted to be able to focus and concentrate more, but alcohol makes the mind loose and distracted.
  • i wanted to be able to explore my feelings naturally, but alcohol is a shortcut that teaches nothing about how to touch our feelings by ourselves

and then i noticed that i was drinking alcohol because i was acting from a place of discontentment. fuck that. i'm working towards contentment. i don't want to waste time.

unborn Truth

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I don't really like beer but I've always wanted to taste whiskey for some reason. So when I turn 18 I will drink my first whiskey.

Other than that I don't really drink at all. 

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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If someone would ask me "Should I drink alcohol every day or nothing at all?", and there would be no alternative but every day or never, I would answer "nothing at all". I would generally say that drinking every day or every other day is a fool-proof way to get a miserable life. But let us go into more detail.

A Man in his late Twenties...

a. ...he does Sport 4 times a week and meditates every morning. His diet is rich on Protein and green Vegetables.

b. ...he does no sport at all and has never meditated. His diet is rich on processed food and sugar.

1. Assume that in both cases he would two drink 2 glass of wine on 2-3 days a week. Which version would be, generally speaking, better off on the base of the given informationen?
2. Assume he would drink nothing at all. Which version would be, generally speaking, better off on the base of the given informationen?

Do you get what i try to say?

Alcohol isn't number 1 important, unless you are someone who drinks a lot every evening. Or you are someone who wants high level performance like body builders. Wouldn't it be better to drink nothing at all? Wouldn't be version a2 the best possible alternative? WE DON'T KNOW. I think it is more like a trade. You drink some wine at a party to enjoy to get drunk and have fun, but you pay this a little physical health. Is it that worth? You decide.

But also, in general, people drink to much. And I don't talk about the people who drink really much, but the normal good functioning citizen, who drinks every evening his drink. I say this as someone who quits drinking for some months every year (my version of ramadan) and likes to drink redwine. My guess is that it'll wears naturally out like my cigarette habit.

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