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Milos Uzelac

Vision:Integrating Consciousness and spiritual traditions in the science of studying and helping society

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I have spent too much time watching mystics,sages and enlightened people on YouTube or reading their books and carving out an identity (thought story of being a mystic) that it has become a filter system of information that our much more factual or needed about the way I chose to live my life. For example when I listen to lectures at my faculty about sociological perspectives,historical figures  or events I have thoughts that filter all this information as irrelevant and as distractions (for example remembering of years) to the problems that I currently see in myself and society as a whole to have and that its has had since the begining of mankind.

I feel there is a lot of avoidance of burning issues in academia in general but this an assumption that I have due to lack of experience. I used these thoughts and feelings to justify laziness and my current non-involvement in studying sociology and I have due to this completely filtered the fact the possibilty of system studying within sociology and various other possibilities that one can attain of using information properly for example there are lectures about sufism within sociology of religion they are short but learning about facts founding of religions is a useful too the degree of having an idea at least. Information you hear in academia during lectures and study can probably help you navigate better in this rationalistic-paradigm shared world in order to eventually transcend it but still live functionally in it and helping it with a new outlook through consciousness and mysticism. 

I want find the way in which I can use studying sociology and the information that I gather from it  in an unbiased and careful way as self-actualization path and to be open-minded and to plant an idea into academia of studying,helping and understanding society by viewing it as varying degrees of consciousness and as thought and emotion manifestations ( of institutions,law,religion,politics,states etc.) and writing about spirituality through my own journey on the spiritual path as way of overcoming this collective suffering of seperate selfs. I am having romantic ideas and theories of building an ashram or an open monastery that will serve as center for renewed spiritual healing of citizens in Belgrade and as Osho said having meditation masters accompany politicians, this is fantasy land but still I would like this to be a theory for the wellbeing of society that people in Universities would have and develop it in their own way.

I see possibilities if drop my belief systems of only being relevant discussing about sages and mysticism through daily meditation (in academia also when I catch an opportunity and do it rationally without forgetting that I am playing a role of a student currently by my own choice) and be involved still  and committed in studying and dropping my paradigms about what information is useful and judging and discarding academics because of listening too much from a sages perspective and forgetting about the facts of my current experience and life. 

My vision is writing through my own experience in spirituality the ways in which society can be healed and transformed through spiritual centers that would be of service and use to everyone and about changing the cultural values and norms and lifestyle of people in direction similiar to Osho's communes,ashrams around India and Zen monasteries. This is my undeveloped vision but I want to evolve it and to make it more real by learning more about the world and writing it as a Sociological Theory of wellbeing of society and transendence of its systematic and cultural dysfunctions caused by a  value of multiple identity forming and of paradigms that discard theories of mysticism and consciousness- I will edit the title in the future, less long and random more to the point and concise :) 


"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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