
Exam preparation

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This journal idea is intimidating, but here we go.

I've spent most of my time as a student in secondary school, slacking off and exploring other interests instead. While I don't regret that, as I've learned a lot for myself. I've come to the conclusion that I'll need a serious change in my life for these few months.

I have 4 months to go until, my leaving certificate. (examination that determines what universities I can get into) I know I'm intelligent enough to learn a lot of the missed material on my own. I actually prefer self-studying like a lot of people here. It is a question of time, and managing it to my advantage.

I figure a lot of this level of material CAN be learned easily, If you are dedicated. It does not necessarily require 2 years to learn, if you do not have to be dragged along. Part of the reason I always neglected studies, was because I thought it was simplistic and over-valued.

I'm not aiming to be a perfectionist. I know I will not get 600/600 points, and I don't even need that. Universities, here at least, are all held to the same standard, and I don't care to go to one of the prestigious ones, If I decide to go.

I'll do what I can with the time I can, and maximize the opportunities that I'll have four months along. Beyond that, I can do no more.

I prioritize the subjects I should learn in this order -

  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • English
  • French
  • Business

For the past, two days I've done nothing but mathematics, and Its not exactly euphoric. Though, I am trying to learn to enjoy the process, as opposed to being entirely results-oriented. I've gotten through roughly 20 pages a day. This is my benchmark again, for today.


Edited by ChristopherW

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not trying to put you down or anything, actually i am glad you noticed that and try to fix it, but attending classes and interacting with instructors would save you a lot of troubles.


when i was in intermediate school there were a lot of people who didn't believe in learning and thought repelling against the system, instructors and the students were the smart choice, and i never understood them to be honest, they might thought it was the smart choice or thought this is waste of time, but you know, if you believe in that i encourage you to take it in this way: consider it your job even if it is easy and do your best, because if you fail doing this easy job how can you be successful in university or in real life?

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1 hour ago, Cookiesliyr said:

not trying to put you down or anything, actually i am glad you noticed that and try to fix it, but attending classes and interacting with instructors would save you a lot of troubles.


when i was in intermediate school there were a lot of people who didn't believe in learning and thought repelling against the system, instructors and the students were the smart choice, and i never understood them to be honest, they might thought it was the smart choice or thought this is waste of time, but you know, if you believe in that i encourage you to take it in this way: consider it your job even if it is easy and do your best, because if you fail doing this easy job how can you be successful in university or in real life?

I've been receiving that advice all year, man. Of course, it 'would save you a lot of troubles.' but the situation is already here, and all I can do is maximize possibilities.

'Thought it was the smart choice or thought this is waste of time' 

Honestly, At a certain point, you have to recognize its not a perfect system for everyone. 

I've learned so much by myself at this stage, and when I'm at school, at best I get, delayed learning and lack of autonomy. The 2 years really is only necessary when you rely on being carried by teachers. I know I will pass regardless, as I've never gotten bad grades. I simply want as much I can get.

I intend to attend/interact more absolutely, but If it is at the expense of progression. I will trust my own judgement.

University is entirely different, especially since you are more autonomous and have chosen a subject you're fully passionate about.


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I've spent 6 years at my college with 2 more to go because I had your attitude. I also said I would attend lectures lol. Became a engineer and study hard. This enlightenment stuff is not going to be as useful to you without some serious core skills. If I could give advice to my past 18 year old self about to head to college I would say drop the enlightenment stuff and study personal finance and memory development. Those will affect you in much more positive ways.

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I have exams coming up to and I want to dedicate myself as well. There is only 4 months to go. I know we can do it bro. We just have to believe and work consistently. Remember Leo said while we are still in school it is our job. So lets rock these exams.

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On ‎07‎/‎02‎/‎2016 at 1:41 PM, ChristopherW said:

I've been receiving that advice all year, man. Of course, it 'would save you a lot of troubles.' but the situation is already here, and all I can do is maximize possibilities.

'Thought it was the smart choice or thought this is waste of time' 

Honestly, At a certain point, you have to recognize its not a perfect system for everyone. 

I've learned so much by myself at this stage, and when I'm at school, at best I get, delayed learning and lack of autonomy. The 2 years really is only necessary when you rely on being carried by teachers. I know I will pass regardless, as I've never gotten bad grades. I simply want as much I can get.

I intend to attend/interact more absolutely, but If it is at the expense of progression. I will trust my own judgement.

University is entirely different, especially since you are more autonomous and have chosen a subject you're fully passionate about.


I agree! When I went to sixth form we had to go the entire day and I couldn't take days off when I felt like it because my dad would make me go. It was the worst thing ever, I would have to study in the schools' study room and the teens there acted like 5 year olds so I could never concentrate. A lot of my lessons were a waste of time, and it put more stress on me because i'd have to relearn everything at home anyway so time was wasting. In the end I didn't get the best grades I was hoping for, Biology was particularly abysmal and this was legit the subject I dedicated so much effort to!

I would feel really sad and hated my routine, didn't feel like waking up in the morning. Stuff the system and do what you know is best, although there are certain lessons which it can be beneficial to be in so don't miss those! :) It's not good enough to be grinding through the day just for a grade, if your happiness is suffering now, then you gotta be a rebel for sure, in a wise manner!
I'm in university now with more autonomy and I feel 100 times better in everything xD 

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15 minutes ago, Moon said:

I wish you luck!
I'm in a similar position as you, with 14 a level exams to sit this summer... I know I'm intelligent enough to achieve top grades but some days waste away due to procrastination. Due you implement any daily rituals such as meditating, Yoga.etc?

You as well. I know the feeling, It's so easy for your mind to wander towards escapism. Meditation definitely helps, and exercise. Meditation calms me down before and after studying. Exercise, keeps your energy level high/more focused.



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