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Yep, almost 4 months now, and it's slowly driving me insane.
At first i was very motivated to find me something decent, but now i feel like i won't find anything at all. The biggest dealbreaker in finding a job is my transport, because i don't have a car. I have my bike and public transport, but that doesn't take me very far, or at least not to a place where they have tons of jobs. Because of my transport, i decided to try and apply for a job, telling them that i would be able to get better transport after they hire me, but a lot of the times they say they can't do that. There are tons of jobs i could do if i lived 10miles away from here, but it's just no option right now, because i'm low on cash. 
I'm getting very desperate, and i'm worried more and more every day that goes by, because the gap is getting bigger and bigger, and it doesn't seem to get better. At the moment i'm looking for temporary agency's, and even that is getting very hard. I don't know what to do.    



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Buy a scooter they are cheap and you can easly do 10 miles on a scooter. Apply for jobs and don't mention your transportation problem, no one cares and it only puts you in disatvanteg compared to others. After first paycheck you can sell your scooter and buy cheap used car.

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@Alexo45 this is what i'm working at: i am perfecting the quality of my work and i want to work remotely from home.

unborn Truth

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