Milos Uzelac

Would appreciate advice for dealing and overcoming intensity in Lotus Position during a meditation.

3 posts in this topic

I did techniques for flexibility that a member (Im sorry I don't know how to tag your name I am writing this early in the morning and on my phone) posted on of my posts as advice for SDS.

The exercises have worked and my legs are flexible enough for my body to be able to sit in padmasana (name for lotus position in yoga and still not entirely with my left leg). I tried a couple of times during the last months and now during this night.The intensity of pain in my legs and then in other parts of my body combined with an urge to move and scream,bend down or move one of my legs are huge obstacle and I was unable to do mindfullness with labeling because of it. I want to be able accommodate this as a standard meditation posture the reason being the feelings that are suppressed come up faster and feel more authentic. I want to investigate them and to be in a position to actually let them go and to act with more love. Im sometimes unable to meditate in this way but a few times I felt equanimity but very briefly and my memory has faded of that experience.


The main thing that I do that breaks the meditation after approximately 10 minutes (not every time sometimes the whole 30 minutes session is finished though not always with meditation) I start moving my torso from side to side or I start bending my back and waving my hands. The urge for this during the intensity goes beyond my mindfulness with labeling willpower.

Is it maybe smartest to do this posture only with an intent of mindfulness with labeling for a couple of minutes and to train myself gradually with this method to able to have a meditation or should I do mindfulness in a chair and after that try the lotus for meditation.

Im interested in learning to know how people on this forum who meditate in lotus go beyond the intensity with mindfulness or maybe in some other more obvious way? Also is the mindfulness method applicable to asanas in yoga? I'm curious to know how people with experience with it cope with intensity and pain since I was dismayed by it( but went through it a couple of times) when I tried some asanas on my own.

I would like to stick with it but I also realize that the point is to actually sit everyday and meditate which I haven't done everyday and in a scheduled time or when things in me are to be investigated and realized.

Thanks for reading , would really appreciate experience and advice if it is needed at all in this case.

Edited by Milos Uzelac

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I sit in Burmese and I do recommend it for you to try. You will still have pain, but less intense. You need to build up to the lotus position with quarter lotus, half lotus etc. 

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15 hours ago, Torkys said:

I sit in Burmese and I do recommend it for you to try. You will still have pain, but less intense. You need to build up to the lotus position with quarter lotus, half lotus etc. 

I will look up the Burmese posture and try it. Step by step but to be * a meditation is key. Thanks for sharing! ?

"Keep your eye on the ball. " - Michael Brooks 

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