Sarah Marie

The Mommy Struggle

22 posts in this topic

@Sarah_Flagg I really respect that you decided what is best for you. If you were unhappy with the situation it likely would have rubbed off on your child (I learnt that the hard way). Don't loose sleep, I have good news for you; I actually spoke to early childhood professionals about separation and they affirmed "the earlier the better", so it's a real blessing that you had this insight while he's only 2. Sorry if I seemed negative about living rural. It is also incredibly beautiful. I just wanted you to understand some of the challenges that come with the dream. As far as your crap in moderation rule, I agree. My mother was "no sugar", by the time I was 9 I had 3 paper routes so that I could get as much sugar as I wanted, the same thing happened w/ TV.

@Leo Gura Thanks so much! It's blowing my mind imagining my toddler eventually learning to meditate!

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@Sarah_Flagg  I don't have kids myself, but I imagine being in a similar situation to you. One of the main reasons I am into to self development for me is so I can teach my kids to be good people and give them a good upbringing. I did not have parents who were in self development only coz they weren't exposed to it. However, being a good/parent is being great to your spouse too.I bielieve being great is doing self development. Time and recourses may be limited when you are a parent, but I bielieve everyone has time it is just a matter what you prioritise. Only takes 5min of affirmations to improve each day.  Personally if I focus on no more than 3 things in my life for example: studying, self development and relationship then it is fine, but any more serious commitments and I feel the quality of me being present in those aspects would drop.  Just as squash gets dilatuted when you add more water to it. Sign of a good mum that you thought about your quality as a parent. You need more than to "love your child".:))

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