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How do you completely remove ex's existence from your life and move on completely ?

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So i had this girl in my life and she was the first girl i was in love with we broke up a year back i have for the most part gotten over her but she still comes in my mind daily but there's no much emotional intensity behind it and whenever i imagine my future i still see her as my life partner how do i stop this completely ?

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36 minutes ago, saish said:

how do i stop this completely ?

it can't be done unless you get amnesia.

unborn Truth

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if you want to delete your ex from your memories you keep going with your life. you focus on other things. not only other women but other things that you might be passionate about or whatever. you will never forget her, obviously. btw. theres nothing bad about remembering your ex. so before asking yourself how to forget your ex completely you might ask yourself how can you make sure that remembering your ex wont be a problem anymore? because the thought doesnt really hurt you in any way. it is the way how you interprete the thought. 

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Your memory of her has 2 components:
1. The data (i.e. the idea/image/avatar of her)
2. An emotional charge

The bad news is that #1 will never go away. The data of her in your mind will always be there and will be refreshed every time you see her, interact with her, look her up through social media etc. That is unless your memory becomes impaired in some way, for example with amnesia, dementia, brain damage etc.

The good news is that #2 will subside over time, as long as you don't keep refreshing #1. This means that although the idea of her won't go away, how you FEEL about her will fade, along with the emotional triggers she sets off in you. And the less you refresh #1 the quicker that will happen. 

In other words- if you REALLY want to get over her, ignore her completely. Block her out of everything- social media, social circles, life. Remove every possible image of her in your environment. This will prevent the data of her being refreshed and will allow the feelings to dissipate. This may or may not be practical depending on her integration in your life, but it is the quickest way to get over her.

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Find Peace & Love within yourself first and eventually you will attract someone or something new in life that will take over old patterns :) If you are at peace, you will see the past completely differently. It will no longer haunt you as the present changes everything.

Edited by pluto


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