
Exam Nervousness

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I am about to give CAT 2017 here In India on Nov 26th for career in management. Although I have prepared enough but still nervous a lot ! Please provide some guidance friends!!!!

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it's probably not everyone's path. but maybe sharing my story can inspire you.

it generally got better with experience, specially since I started practicing meditation, yoga, mindful breathing.. but what really helped me the most, was a mushroom trip back in spring. it helped me realizing that the reason behind my nervousness was my identifications: I identified with being smart, a good student and with being successful in my future career. 

during the trip I forgot everything I was: I didn't know who I was anymore: no successful student, no future doctor. nobody! I just didn't know. I forgot my future and my past. 

that's why I used to be so nervous! it wasn't just grades, it was about my identifications! it was literally a matter of life and death. (I realized that later on, after contemplating my experience with the shrooms.) 

I am so much more relaxed now. :)

whatever arises, love that

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Following along with your nervousness and fear is uneeded, it  allows negative thoughts to snowball, such as: “what if i fail? Then my future is over. Oh god! Everything I worked for! No one will love me because i’m a failure!” Reframe your position of nervousness. Instead, realize: “my brain and body is anxious for this exam because it’s a test of my character, and they want me to do well!”

Your nervousness can be your greatest strength, because it will give you a steong motivation to study hard and try to do well. From here, working towards finding more positive motivators for studying will be critical to your well-being and success

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@Akshay Don't review the material one hour before the exam. That's the time when you should relax.

Take 10 slow breaths. In through the mouth, deep into the belly for seconds and then exhale with a sigh.

Scan your body for the nervousness. It won't dissolve because you are trying to run from it. Sit still and start to feel where it is. In your chest? In your head? In your feet? In your abdomen. Start to feel the emotion and it will dissolve by itself if you just observe it. Nothing you need to do about it.

”Unaccompanied by positive action, rest may only depress you.” -- George Leonard

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