
Picking Up Girls At The Gym

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I was wondering if anybody has some good material about how to approach women at the gym.  I suck at it.  I go to a lot of classes where there are a majority women, and sometimes I get an interested look from some of the more attractive girls, but there's so little opportunity, because when the classes are over, all the women rush off to the women's locker room and the men to the men's locker room.  There's very little time to make a move.  I don't want to come off as the creepy guy who does these classes just to pick up women, either... because I don't... I'm actually there to workout.  But the women are exactly the kind of girls I'm looking to meet... way better than Tinder or bars. So any advice?

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I don't have a lot of advice, but...: You have to become very confident in yourself, and you should loose this fear:

3 hours ago, 8LanguageStud said:

I don't want to come off as the creepy guy who does these classes just to pick up women

If you are being afraid of what women might think of you, for example if you're afraid that they will think you are a creepy guy, then they will sense that you are not confident and that's one thing they will not find attractive.

I recently found Simple Pickup on YouTube, a bunch of guys who have lots of videos on how to confidently approach girls anywhere.

I'm far from that level of confidence myself at the moment.

Edited by Jesper

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@8LanguageStud whenever a guy hits on me at the gym I am either barely breathing or sweating like a pig. O.o I never did understand why they like to chat at the gym, maybe try to catch them on the way out?


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53 minutes ago, Sarah_Flagg said:

@8LanguageStud whenever a guy hits on me at the gym I am either barely breathing or sweating like a pig. O.o I never did understand why they like to chat at the gym, maybe try to catch them on the way out?


I don't really need to chat with them at the gym... but maybe just get to know them, maybe a name, and if you see each other later on, you're like, yeah, that's that girl or guy from the gym who was flirting with me... he's cool.  I don't know about you, but I think sweating like a pig at the gym is pretty hot...

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@Jesper I'm really glad you are making progress :)

@8LanguageStud Usually I would say something on the lines of "Don't shit where you eat ".  In this case, simply say have a positive non-creepy vibe and be calibrated. Just say hi and be curious. Something on the lines of : Are you like a celebrity/yoga coach/w/e . Just don't spam approach. Just a random cute comment with a nice vibe and calibrate from there.

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@8LanguageStud Last week, a guy came up while I was doing squats and said, "Your ass is the nicest I've ever seen." While I don't have advice on what to say, don't say that. LOL. It was weird for me, then he continued to watch me finish. WEIRD.  

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Personally, I've never had much luck at the gym. I will strike up some small talk with a girl on the treadmill next to me (unless she's sweating like a pig or out of breath haha). I just don't think its a very good place to pick up girls because there are a lot of creepers at the gym and the girls know it so their guard is up.

The one time I did get a date with a girl from the gym was when I ran into her outside of the gym, so go figure.

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@Sarah_Flagg Thanks, I'm not that stupid... If I compliment you, it'd be for something related to your attractive psychology.  Like, I like how encouraging your comments here are!

I had some compliments recently from a pretty attractive woman, and I actually liked it alot.  But I can imagine, it gets old after awhile if you've been hit on a lot.  Sort of like annoying salesmen who bother you on the street.  I'm just not used to it because I used to be fairly overweight.  

BTW. I've seen some pretty nice asses recently.  So, it's not easy to have the nicest these days...

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When I'm at the gym..for some reason I'm already in like " Permanently Embarrassed Mode". The idea of being approached at the gym just make me want to jump out of my skin. I wouldn't know how to present beads of sweat dripping down my face as sexy. O.o :$ :D

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3 hours ago, Anna Skywords said:

When I'm at the gym..for some reason I'm already in like " Permanently Embarrassed Mode". The idea of being approached at the gym just make me want to jump out of my skin. I wouldn't know how to present beads of sweat dripping down my face as sexy. O.o :$ :D

Easy - if you think it's sexy for a guy to be sweaty, it's the same for us.

@Sarah_Flagg he watched you finish, huh? ;)


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3 hours ago, Anna Skywords said:

When I'm at the gym..for some reason I'm already in like " Permanently Embarrassed Mode". The idea of being approached at the gym just make me want to jump out of my skin. I wouldn't know how to present beads of sweat dripping down my face as sexy. O.o :$ :D

Do you never sweat during sex?

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Ok trying to figure out how to respond to the three of you. he wached me finish ...ummmm not sure. Hopefully there's no one creepy waching me start or finish anything. Do I sweat during sex..of course but usually I have sex with someone I'm used to, close to, sweating in front of strange potentially hot men is not the same thing. And the only type of men that are sexy when they sweat is like the ones you see on the Gatorade commercials. ...all buff and shit. I'm not buff by any streach of the imagination. B|B|B|B|

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I tried once, way back when I first started doing pick-up. She was nice, said she was with her husband there.

There was never a husband. Today I would easily call her on her bullshit, but that day back then I was pretty clueless lol.

Other than that I never hit on a girl at the gym again, but one hit at me once.

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I seriously just learned about picking up the opposite sex. I learned through Leo's video a rant against the pick up community. Before that video I did no research because I didn't know it excisited. What I've learned is not only would I suck at picking up men. I'm not easy to warm up to to be picked up. Wether in a gym or any where. So you got to tell me. What happened , how did you respond to the girl picking you up at the gym ?0

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Get there early and start a nonchalant conversation with one woman. Gauge for her response. She'll probably already suspect you're interested because women get approached all the time. But keep it nonchalant and gym-conversation related for the first few conversations, because you don't want to seem like someone who goes to the gym to meet girls. Then, after an adequate acquaintanceship is struck, weave in some flirting. If her response is good, ask her if she'd like to go for coffee some time. Just keep advancing and gauging her response. If she seems receptive take a step forward. If she doesn't, take a step back. It's the mating dance. She invites, you approach. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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@8LanguageStud Re: your original post; I think you'll have the best success with simply increasing the amount of casual interactions that you have... WITH EVERYONE.  You don't need to have "material" or anything lined up.  Just give people high fives, compliments, initiate small talk, be happy, be in a good mood, be excited to see people when they get there, if you don't know someone's name then ask them!  You should make it your goal to learn everyone's name in the class.  You will condition people to talk to you and then when you want to have a conversation with one girl in particular, you just talk to her and it will be natural because you're used to talking to people.  It's kind of the fundamental principal of pickup.  RSD Luke talks a lot about social proof so I would tentatively recommend watching some of his videos or RSD Tyler's more recent videos but I'm a bit rusty on the material they are putting out as of late.

Ultimately, girls don't want to be "picked up" at the gym (as @Sarah_Flagg eluded to in her first post about feeling gross and @Anna Skywords mentioned about feeling embarrassed).  Analyzing that wonderful and genuine feedback, you know that the first thing you need to do is make them feel comfortable.  Always always always provide value before you ask for something.  Just be there, providing good energy.  They will feel it and want more.  People will feel what you feel.  If you feel awkward, they are going to feel ULTRA AWKWARD.  Hell, even if you don't feel awkward they might still feel awkward at first.  Once those walls have broken down, then you can take things a step further "Hey, I'm going to a bar with some friends, you're all invited".  Again, women want emotional stimulation.  Stop focusing on the outcome and instead on just enjoying the process and your results will take care of themselves.

"It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness"

Presence.  Acceptance.  Purpose.

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