
Having a dog issues

7 posts in this topic

Hi there,

I wanted to ask you about your perspective of having a dog.

I adopted a dog 3 months ago (the fist dog in my life). He is awesome, in the meantime I feel stressed that he can bite someone on the street, he will not come back when he runs freely, that he is dangerous for all people on the bike (yes, we are on the leash, yes, we train etc.). I would like to firstly work on my attitude because I want to enjoy the time together more, even the challenges but I am stressed. In comparison my boyfriend do not care and he is happy when it comes to a dog. 

Please note that my dog is sometimes aggresive when it comes to drunk people when we go for a walk, he does not like bikes and all fast moving objects

Maybe it is because he is my first dog.

Maybe it is because I would like to see results of our trainings right away.

Maybe it is because I create black scenarios.

I do not know. Please advise me.


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From my experience with animals, especially when raised since young is that they usually become exactly how they're owners are or treat them. I do not have experience with adopted pets but from what i have seen from my friends that have is they just need love and a proper home, they need attention, they need someone to be there for them all the time especially with dogs, i always thought its a good idea to have 2 dogs or another animal one another can play with when the humans aren't home. I lost my dog to a brain tumor, i was young silly teenager and i was never there, it killed me inside when he passed because i only realized when he was gone that only he loved me truly and how everyone should love each other, like dogs love their owners is how we all should be so share that love back, and from giving love you are doing the universe a favor by living its nature and growth and expansion comes naturally with.


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@pluto Thank you for sharing your experince. Have you ever had any behavioral challenges/hard situations with your dog? What was your attitude? 

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13 minutes ago, mia_lea said:

@pluto Thank you for sharing your experince. Have you ever had any behavioral challenges/hard situations with your dog? What was your attitude? 

Not really, i was usually very playful, kind and compassionate with the my dog so he was the same all its life, always playful and never aggressive unless it was cats it would chase or once there was a little fight with another male dog but besides that he was pretty much a reflection of myself and how i raised him. One downside was cause i was too playful it was very hard to train him so, most of the time i just let him be a dog instead of trying to make him obey and be more human. You could always teach him with treats tho, when its food-related and they know they'll get a reward they tend to learn and listen much better.

We yelled at him few times when he would do silly things like rip the clothes of the line or make a mess and he would curl up and sit down knowing he did wrong, eventually they learn not too when they sense your anger or unhappiness and notice the reoccurring loops as they become older and wiser they get the bigger picture.

Sorry if i don't have all the answers you seek but hope i helped


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@pluto good to hear your experience. It only shows that the dog is a reflection of the owner;)

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@mia_lea Pretty sure that most dogs can be trained to behave how you want them to, given enough time and training. There'll always be exceptions but it's likely that if you just keep training the dog properly then it'll start to change its behaviour. Make sure that you are training it properly though. Hire a dog trainer if necessary. 

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