
Actualized Videos Hall of Fame

7 posts in this topic

My favorite three so far are

How to Master Your Emotions

Self Control

Why Am I Depressed (this one brought me to Actualized. So grateful I stumbled upon this)

honorable mention: what a roman emperor can teach you about happiness

what are yours?

PS I highly recommend you watch Leo's entire body of work as all videos work together to paint a huge picture of life

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30 ways society fucks you in the ass. - change my life

Lifestyle minimalism

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How to deal with strong negativ emotions

one simple rule to ace life

the art of solving problems permently :)


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lifestyle minimalism

karma (although it's pretty old and I know Leo's grown a lot since then)

dealing with addictions

These are the ones I've watched a lot of times and still benefit from.


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Love this video. "Hey this is Leo, for, and in this video I'm gonna rant about how society fucks you in the ass." The intro alone is fabulous.

Who else is still a dirty shitting squawking chimp despite Leo's best efforts? :D

Founder of The Great Updraft: Articles, Courses + More

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The Ultimate Model of Human Knowledge.

That video came at such a perfect time for me when I was really questioning the nature of beliefs and what is true about reality.

Completely opened up my mind.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Oh my goodness oh my damn

guys - literally just watched this one. Science v. Religion. 


i am having this peculiar feeling of a connection to some larger sort of awareness. Are we (life in all the multiverses out there) part of something larger. Are we a massive "organism" ? Why is it that we must work to tap into this? Why isn't our default mode Enlightenment?

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