
What to do if i have urge to teach ppl but no one cares?

15 posts in this topic

So I've realised that over and over again I do have some strange urge to help, teach, explain people about reality, spirituality, god, life, society, religion, matrix, true happiness etc..

The problem is that no one including my parents, friends, siblings, no one wants to listen to me carefully and try to understand this things as they are not interested in this at all, they either debate and defend their stance or get very frustrated if i tell that their life is not healthy and right. although i'm giving it to them in a very soft way like 'there can be alternatives to the way u think..'

i know its almost useless to educate masses BUT i can't get rid of urge to teach people- what this feeling means? is it a sign that i'm not fulfilled person myself? is it my ego just want to dominate others? why do ppl have this need to teach? should i just be change that i want to see? but how to get rid of this feeling? because i can perfectly not teach anyone, i more or less understand non-duality concept, BUT i still have this unsatisfied feeling inside.

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BE the change. Change yourself, then when people see your changes, they'll come by themselves.

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11 minutes ago, Ascend said:

BE the change. Change yourself, then when people see your changes, they'll come by themselves.


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Learn how to make them interested in what you are going to say. It's possible to manipulate people (and I don't mean that in a bad way), but you need to ask yourself: is that really what I want, or is it just a neurotic behaviour?

Edited by Girzo

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Imagine if you where a jehovas, people wouldnt want to talk about Jesus with you. Same thing kinda applies here.

While it's nice that you want to help this is not the way.

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First of all, I'd like to commend you for sharing your feelings with us. Secondly, I find it most impressive that you are so honest with yourself, asking those questions.

Now, in humble service, I would like to offer you the following thoughts:

It is good that you have a natural desire to help others - this is something you will definitely want to nurture. However, and I think you sense this yourself, you are suffering from what could be described as a "righteous inflammation" of your personality. (Inflamed personality = ego).

One aspect of a healthy and balanced personality is being insightful. Unfortunately, if we do not feel safe in the truths and insights we discover, then this aspect of personality becomes inflamed and expresses itself outwardly as righteousness. A personality with a righteous inflammation will go around asserting its truths, and is only satisfied when it declares that it is right, and others are wrong.

I can't give you a 1-2-3 formula for soothing the inflammation - you will have to find the answers yourself. I can offer you some (extremely loaded) healing questions to contemplate though:

Can I become aware of how unsafe I must be feeling that I go around declaring myself right at the expense of others?

With this awareness, is there a way I can feel so safe with my truths and experiences that I don't need to share them with anyone?

Do I find it helpful or pleasant when people blast their truths at me?

What behaviour do other people exhibit that I actually appreciate?

Do others frequently exhibit these behaviours? If no, is there somebody in the universe who is best placed to do so?

And therefore, are there ways I can fulfil my desire to help that actually helps the entire universe?

Good luck ;)


Edited by Ian
Softened some language to make it even more loving :)

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All we that follow this forum have something in common, we are opend minded, thats the n1 thing that make us think that another life is possible.

Your parents and friends arent open minded, or doesnt question the lies that mainstream society tells.

But dont feel bad, every time more people is awakening in the planet and thank to internet the message is spreading. Sooner or later everybody will find the truth.

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@Monkey-man That's probably an authentic indicator of your LP.

The problem is that you're going about it wrong. The desire is genuine and good, but preaching to friends and family is an ineffective strategy.

You don't want to teach to people who don't care about your teaching. You want to teach to people who are primed and care deeply. So then the issue becomes: How do I find those people? And that's where you sit down and strategize like a motherfucker to find them.

None of my friends or family care about enlightenment or personal development. I don't preach to them. I preach to you guys.

There are millions of people who will listen. But you have to get off your lazy ass and find them. Don't expect them to just land in your lap. A teacher is a leader. You lead by sharing a better vision of the world with people until they buy into it. For that, you need a better vision. See my How To Be A Leader video. And as a leader, you will have to work very hard before you get people listening to you. You have to offer something a great value. Which is where a clear sense of life purpose comes in. You will not get far in this project unless you're clear that it's your life purpose. Because the work will be too great. The only way to survive the work is to have a sense of mission about it.

For me, teaching is my LIFE's mission. It's not a question of, will anyone listen? It's a matter of: I will do this even if it kills me. With this kind of attitude, you will find a way to get your message heard. If you're just toying around, it won't happen. You're not going to become a popular teacher by accident.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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12 hours ago, Monkey-man said:

So I've realised that over and over again I do have some strange urge to help, teach, explain people about reality, spirituality, god, life, society, religion, matrix, true happiness etc..

The problem is that no one including my parents, friends, siblings, no one wants to listen to me carefully and try to understand this things as they are not interested in this at all, they either debate and defend their stance or get very frustrated if i tell that their life is not healthy and right. although i'm giving it to them in a very soft way like 'there can be alternatives to the way u think..'

i know its almost useless to educate masses BUT i can't get rid of urge to teach people- what this feeling means? is it a sign that i'm not fulfilled person myself? is it my ego just want to dominate others? why do ppl have this need to teach? should i just be change that i want to see? but how to get rid of this feeling? because i can perfectly not teach anyone, i more or less understand non-duality concept, BUT i still have this unsatisfied feeling inside.

An urge can be neurotic and ego based.
In the other hand, the emotions you get from doing the thing can't lie.

So you need some trial and error there, maybe you're thing is:

  • Teaching spirituality (be very careful there, especially if you just found out about it, could be "the messiah complex"),
  • Healing people emotionally  (could be linked to spirituality but it doesn't have to).
  • Teaching how the mind works (simply because you're passionate about it)
  • Doing research on the mind and or consciousness
  • etc ...

Could be something entirely different, maybe you're just deceiving yourself, maybe it's just your ego wanting to feel important, who knows.
Don't rush it, but don't be lazy too, explore and if you have the intuition that you have to go back to college study some field (or study on your own), for more than 6 months, then do it.

You don't have to be 100% sure, not only you can't, but you will always find a good excuse to stay in your comfort zone if you think you can.
It's not because you're not sure that you can't know you're in the right direction though.

If you feel alive, "in the zone", even joy, and it is consistent (like not just for 2 months) while you're doing the thing, then it is a clear sign you have to dig in this direction.
If you feel fulfillement and peace after a day where you felt "you did your part", then it isn't a clear sign, it's a fucking lighthouse.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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My gut says you’re not teaching out of some sort of ego trip. You’re actually looking to help.

The problem is your execution is off. You can’t force people into this work, there has to be some crack of receptivity first before that can happen.

Also, you better make sure you do your homework. Master your subject and your ability to teach it if that’s what you truly care about.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Master yourself before you try to teach anyone else. By that time you will know who what and how to teach. Until then do not try to teach anyone.

If you do it will just take time away from your own practice and be a frustrating distraction.


Edited by Source_Mystic

I no longer advocate, participate, condone, or support or Leo Gura in anyway. The reasons are left in the few post I left behind. 

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I also have this need in me to teach. it's like a real desire to help people in their situation

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The trick is to tell the stories in a way that resonates with them.   When you communicate, always tailor your discourse to your audience.  Draw the — what the fuck do I care? — connection between what you’re trying to convey and that person’s values and personality.  That’s your job, not theirs.  You’re the one with the stories to tell.  Put it in a language your audience can easily understand.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Thank you so much guys, its much more clear now

Indeed I do have a great joy in explaining 'different aspects of life' to people, i especially like to throw something what i find important for everyone to know and what people never ever imagined can be true (like we all one god) - so it obviously makes them to rebel and to label me as a madman, then i get frustrated with them not appreciating what kind of info they ignored

is it for the sake of helping or i just like explaining staff? i dunno, maybe both, but i certainly do not want to look superior to others because of my knowledge, i don't feel that superioirty is what motivates me. and its true that i first need to learn about it properly myself so i can be qualified and articulate enough to teach others. It is also true that I am often pursuing wrong audience of those who don't really want to know it. But i pursue them because i see so much suffering around, tbh there's no truly happy people in my life, everyone just suffer all the time in their own ways, including myself though

i agree with righteous inflammation, i don't live to my own standards and preachings, so this is very true. perhaps i am frustrated myself that i can't live to my own ideals and utilize all these great wisdoms for my benefit - so i get angry on friends/family as i probably feel like if others will know all this staff and live to these ideals then i also will start living better, probs im secretly blaming their lifestyle in my own failures

so ya it can become my LP once i improve myself


Edited by Monkey-man

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Everyone has given great advice, i feel your struggles, you grow up into this world not knowing youre sleeping then one day you wake up and you were never taught nor had any guides and teachers with how to handle this awakening. It sux but the best thing to do is focus on self and be the example, live your own truth. They will eventually follow, there is nothing more contagious than Light/Truth.


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