Samuel Garcia

Why Doesn't Someone Help?

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After a recent psychedelic trip with great insights, I thought: Why didn't anyone tell me this before? I am sure there are people out there who know a lot which would be helpful for some people, so why don't they say anything?

Is it because the world is perfect as it is. But it could be ''better'' if they did offer the help  without manipulating or forcing people to be helped.

A friend of mine just said his mom has been struggling with depression for her life. And perhaps there's billions of other people suffering. Why doesn't someone offer help? Some say enlightenment is the way out of suffering but at least make that clear to people if you love them. I feel like I have to go out of my way to try to find the answers but still not getting them. 

Or perhaps is DEEP suffering necessary for Enlightenment? Can someone be liberated without suffering too much?

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@Samuel Garcia

Would you have really listened?

There’s certain things people just have to experience. Suffering might be part of that.

As much as I believe in helping people, the the truth is that if someone else could do all the work for you, there’d be no point. And when you try to force change on people it almost always backfires because it’s not genuine. Its become about YOUR need to save everyone, not whether the other person wants to change.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@Samuel Garcia

For people not saying anything --> Fear, confrontation, dogma, not caring enough, someones inability to listen, they themselves don't know or have never even been exposed, they themselves are depressed etc.

Not everyone is selfless, most people are stuck in their own egoic deficiencies, you're basically asking what drives someone to move and what stops them from moving, and that's a deep list.




Edited by Truth

Memento Mori

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I’ve found people are much more interested in Game of Thrones than discussing the nature of suffering.

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@Samuel Garcia Because it is too good to believe.

The suffering is born of ignorance, so of course, the solution to it is veiled by that very same ignorance. Ignorance is the sole problem, but an ignorant person will bend over backwards not to see that.

Try telling a depressed person that all their depression is just a story that they could just drop at any moment. Try it, and see what happens.

Sufferring isn't necessary at all. What's necessary is to give up your suffering, which nobody wants to do!

One day, you will understand.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I sometimes like to sneak subtle remarks that sow a seed. People are overthinkers, why not use it for good. Tell a story and people obey it. Say a poem and people start scratching their heads. But even the subtle remarks can do little short term.

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It’s a game of hide & seek, you are the hider and you are the seeker, so you can never find yourself - you’re the One looking -, you win the game by surrendering. Some look more than others. Go through the suffering. Straight through it like a Lion. 



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Usually people who are actually open to these ideas feel like their life is or has been actually just shit and they don't have much to lose. Me included.

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Good question. Been thinking of that myself. I think it's a combination of several things.

Some people are trying really hard to offer help, but it's not always working, because it's not the right kind of help of it's not presented in a manner that people can easily understand.

You cannot tell a depressed person to just drop their depression. That it's just a story. They have struggled with it for years and to them it's the most real thing there is. That kind of advice doesn't really do much.

Yet that kind of insensitive advice is what many people offer. I guess it just goes to show that the helpers haven't experienced deep depression for themselves. And how can you help someone with depression if you yourself haven't been depressed? You have no idea what it's like!

I myself went through deep suffering and it would be hard for me to imagine becoming enlightened without suffering. It just teaches you so much. But I guess people have done it in other ways.

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Social pressures and roles tend to stop people from being open with one another, from being frank in conversation to telling a family member they love them. This is certainly worse in the US and several other cultures. I think we can be enlightened as a species if we can break down this barrier more often and engage in real dialogue.

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On 11/21/2017 at 11:53 PM, Leo Gura said:

Try telling a depressed person that all their depression is just a story that they could just drop at any moment. Try it, and see what happens.

Sufferring isn't necessary at all. What's necessary is to give up your suffering, which nobody wants to do!

One day, you will understand.

Oh... My... God... 

sweater//"its all about survival so please be-careful" - travis scott

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