
Letting Go, Acceptance, And Surrendering

21 posts in this topic

Looking for techniques or methods for letting go and surrendering to the situation at hand. Any practice to increase acceptance would be much appreciated. Thank you. :) 

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@Emerald Wilkins :)

Again, mind is looking for those "techniques". How do you let go of a burning coal? :D

Think of it this way: you have been looking for your car's keys for a while. Now you know they are in your hand (intellectually). All that remains is to look. Sit with that feeling that you actually have it right there. 





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@Emerald Wilkins It is not about technique, it is about the absence of technique. It comes from a deep place within you. Let go of control, feel in your gut that it wants to tighten, like a knot. That is ego trying to be in control, now relax that knot. Not in a techniquey way.

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For me personally surrender just happens by itself, it's really hard to explain. I belive Jed Mckenna wrote something in Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment or Spiritual Warfare (can't remember which one but only that it wasn't his first book) that everything just happens by itself in a circle.

For example:

1. You become awere of something that is not "you" or something that you have been sweeping under the rug for too long etc.

Personally I got awere of the fact that I really hate electricity after an enlightenment experience and I'm studying that right now, it got too painful to ignore, IMPOSSIBLE. So after a while I just had to jump off some cources and get a more basic education.

2. A "letting go" of controll happens by itself and you surrender to truth when you are ready for it (or not ;) ).

3. Greif... Been doing alot more of the "Do nothing/shikantaza" technique when I am in greif and it works really good.

4. Personally I have been feeling a sense of freedom after the greif but this dosn't happen every time.

5. Repeat


Maybe you should allow yourself to feel like shit? I'm not where you are right now at the moment but I have been in a kind of greif for a few weeks and it ended last week. Had a strange feeling that "life just happens by itsef and I have no control whatsoever" when I took the bus to school yesterday, just wonderful but eventually something will come up in a few days/weeks of self-inquiry. 


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The main impediment of many seekers in the path is that they want to surrender. Don’t say that you want to surrender; know that you already are surrendered.

Wanting to surrender becomes an impediment on the path. This is like a child saying to the mother, ” I want to love you.” No child ever tells the mother,” I want to love you”, love is evident there.

Surrender is not an act, it is a state of your being. Whether you acknowledge it or not, it is there. The wise wake up and see, the unwise take a longer time.

Know that you have no choice, you are in a state of surrender deep within you.


You are a happening in this ocean of consciousness. 
Your heart beats by itself; you're not making it beat. 
Your breath moves by itself, sleep comes, you feel 
hunger, you feel thirsty, you feel good, you feel bad. 
All these phenomenon are happening in your life. When 
this realization comes, a deep relaxation, a trust, a 
feeling of "at home" and fullness arises in you. That 
is surrender. 


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I'm reading too much on the forum, I need to get off.

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@Emerald Wilkins In this video there are some (different) techniques described which aren't limited to thoughts they work also with emotions and feelings. For me personally the Sedona technique works best but maybe you'll get to another conclusion: 


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1 hour ago, Frankie said:

@Emerald Wilkins In this video there are some (different) techniques described which aren't limited to thoughts they work also with emotions and feelings. For me personally the Sedona technique works best but maybe you'll get to another conclusion: 


This is exactly what I needed. Thank you. :) 

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EVERYTHING is exactly as it should be at this very moment.

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9 hours ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

Looking for techniques or methods for letting go and surrendering to the situation at hand. Any practice to increase acceptance would be much appreciated. Thank you. :) 

Strong determination sits helped me a great deal to develop this ability of surrendering to the situation. When the pain reaches its climax and you can't stand it anymore, you have basically two options - either surrender to it or end the sit. When you surrender and  open towards, suffering disappears and you can observe the pain detached. It doesn't harm you anymore.

It's something that one can practice to keep developing this ability to surrender, rather than a quick technique to be used on the spot.

Sedona method worked great for me too, and that's more of an on-the-spot technique. I can also highly recommend the book.

Read it all, tried it all, can't remember any of it.

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1 minute ago, Jan Odvarko said:

Strong determination sits helped me a great deal to develop this ability of surrendering to the situation. When the pain reaches its climax and you can't stand it anymore, you have basically two options - either surrender to it or end the sit. When you surrender and  open towards, suffering disappears and you can observe the pain detached. It doesn't harm you anymore.

It's something that one can practice to keep developing this ability to surrender, rather than a quick technique to be used on the spot.

Sedona method worked great for me too, and that's more of an on-the-spot technique. I can also highly recommend the book.

I was thinking about using this for cultivating acceptance. Thanks. :) 

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11 hours ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

Looking for techniques or methods for letting go and surrendering to the situation at hand. Any practice to increase acceptance would be much appreciated. Thank you. :) 


2 hours ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

This is exactly what I needed. Thank you. :)


The video is very cool indeed.

There is one thing to consider about "acceptance" and "letting go" and one of the gentlemans put it well.


But he forgot to mention the first question of the Sedona Method, which is: "Could you allow this thought/concept/emotion/whatever to be here as it is? (if only theoretically?)"
In the moment you let it closer in to inspect it, before you give the answer, you lessened resistance to this thing already. This is a letting-go of resistance. This is actually the magic why this question and all of the Sedona Methods work. See, in order to look at or sense something, you need to let it in. The moment you "can't have" the thing, that's where the resistance is born and what causes the thing to "float around", uninspected, scratching on your attention. That's why it feels so "unwanted". 
With this Method you open attention up to the "thing" instead of using your attention to resist the "thing". Then, you can inspect the thing (sometimes you will need to baby-step the "big thing" by processing smaller parts of it first). 
The first question  "Could you allow this thought/concept/emotion/whatever to be here as it is? (if only theoretically?)" is actually a very important one.

What we are actually doing with the process is letting-go of the resistance. The lack of resistance is acceptance. This doesn't mean you don't want to do anything about it, but it means, you can have it either way.

I hope this is of some use.



Edited by Isle of View

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Even though I have surrendered, I find the ego a necessity to interact, with the benefit of not being emotionally attached to my interactions. I sometimes feel a tug toward a more ascetic lifestyle and being more withdrawn. As a friend said, ' letting go sounds an awful lot like suicide, if you're no-thing why would you bother to eat or do anything,'. I found that the breaking point myself, yes you could just let go completely and stop being, but there's too much adventure, learning and life to appreciate. So slip back into the ego and observe the adventure as it unfolds. 

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11 hours ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

Looking for techniques or methods for letting go and surrendering to the situation at hand. Any practice to increase acceptance would be much appreciated. Thank you. :) 

Oh, I have / had a big problem with that myself. I'm not at the point where I completely accept everything and just be the flow itself but I made some good improvements. I started out with being totally frantic and neurotic (as I see it right now) and at this point in my life I'm pretty chill most of the time and a little neurotic and frantic when "important" stuff happens.

So, here is basically what I do to get better at this:

Every time I feel as if I cannot accept either the present moment / myself or whatever is happening to me I concentrate very deeply into that feeling. I locate it in my body (for example fear often sits in my stomach) and I just observe it. If I can I lay down on my bed and feel really into it, doing some self-hypnosis to getting to the root of it, I do that.

I don't try to get rid of it, but I just feel it and so kind of accept that the "non-acceptance" is just there. This typically helps me to get out of my head and relax myself a little and overtime this is my key for holding my shit together. xD

I agree to everyone saying that you don't need any technique and just let it be. That's all right. And I agree that we are all awakened but don't see it and so on. But in reality @Emerald Wilkins I know for myself that there are situations in which you need a technique to get on with your life. So, that's what I do.

In the long-term I cannot agree more to @Jan Odvarko. Strong determination sittings are responsible for my fastest and deepest gains in that field.

They want reality, so I give 'em a fatal dosage.

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A lot of amazing insights here, but for someone who is starting or wanting a little help, I think simple breathing exercises work the best. What I use is a breathing technique from Pranayama Yogananda, where you inhale for 6 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and breath out for 6 seconds. You can also do 4-2-4. I think this helps me if I am suddenly feeling very stressed or hard to relax and surrender. This helps me.

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11 minutes ago, Arik said:

Oh, I have / had a big problem with that myself. I'm not at the point where I completely accept everything and just be the flow itself but I made some good improvements. I started out with being totally frantic and neurotic (as I see it right now) and at this point in my life I'm pretty chill most of the time and a little neurotic and frantic when "important" stuff happens.

So, here is basically what I do to get better at this:

Every time I feel as if I cannot accept either the present moment / myself or whatever is happening to me I concentrate very deeply into that feeling. I locate it in my body (for example fear often sits in my stomach) and I just observe it. If I can I lay down on my bed and feel really into it, doing some self-hypnosis to getting to the root of it, I do that.

I don't try to get rid of it, but I just feel it and so kind of accept that the "non-acceptance" is just there. This typically helps me to get out of my head and relax myself a little and overtime this is my key for holding my shit together. xD

I agree to everyone saying that you don't need any technique and just let it be. That's all right. And I agree that we are all awakened but don't see it and so on. But in reality @Emerald Wilkins I know for myself that there are situations in which you need a technique to get on with your life. So, that's what I do.

In the long-term I cannot agree more to @Jan Odvarko. Strong determination sittings are responsible for my fastest and deepest gains in that field.

Thank you for the advice. :) 

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This video will give a much more expanded version and teaching than the just accept what is teaching.

Life is when awareness hides in the idea of personal experience. ~ Matt Kahn

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17 minutes ago, Arik said:

I agree to everyone saying that you don't need any technique and just let it be. That's all right. And I agree that we are all awakened but don't see it and so on.

As long as we are involved in any type of game, we will run into disagreements, non-acceptance and consequently into resistance. Even if only for an instant.

We are in the realm of space-time here. The Higher Self is beyond it. It is through our involvment in the games of the space-time that we are prone to suffer. Telling someone, "hey, awake, you don't need to suffer, just let go, you are already enlightened" is the same as telling him "hey, stop existing in the space-time". :-D

To someone who is deeply involved in the s*it he created such proposals are nothing more than a joke. 
See, it's through our choice to involve into the game that we acculmulate "stuff" and identify with it. It's an ongoing process.
To remove it all at once by hearing the magic words "hey, you're enlightened, you just don't realize it" is a pipe dream. :-D



Edited by Isle of View

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6 hours ago, A way to Actualize said:



This video will give a much more expanded version and teaching than the just accept what is teaching.

This video was tailored to fit. Thank you. :) 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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On 2/24/2016 at 2:57 AM, WelcometoReality said:

@Emerald Wilkins It is not about technique, it is about the absence of technique. It comes from a deep place within you. Let go of control, feel in your gut that it wants to tighten, like a knot. That is ego trying to be in control, now relax that knot. Not in a techniquey way.

Trying to let go is resistance.

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