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Avoid Monkey Business - Make Money

1 post in this topic

Hello Everyone,

 I want to make a business in near future as part of my life purpose. I've worked for over 10 years while i where in school and now as I am still on college. What i realised is that many businesses are 'monkey businesses':

1. The Entrepreneur works after 5 years still over 50 hours a week and more.
2. In addition to that many businesses tend to not value their workers, because anyone is interchangeable. They also tend get payed bad. That is bad long term thinking.
3. The Business only purpose is to make money - by all costs. Even at costs of the customers or the employees.

I want to make it better, but I want to make money. And I have no experience in that. Has anyone experience in business? I read Tim Ferriss and noticed James Altucher as well as 'Think and grow rich'. Do you know other role models?

Thank you very much.


Edited by supremeyingyang

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