
Insight Into Self

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During my meditation just now I suddenly had the realisation that I cannot be located anywhere. What I think of myself are actually pictures of my face in my mind.

This is a deep realisation but for some reason it did not change anything. The moment when I got this insight it felt really strong, but now I still feel the same as I did beforehand. I have had this realisation multiple times now, but every time it leaves no trace. 

What can I do to really grasp how deep this insight goes?

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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33 minutes ago, Max_V said:

During my meditation just now I suddenly had the realisation that I cannot be located anywhere. What I think of myself are actually pictures of my face in my mind.

This is a deep realisation but for some reason it did not change anything. The moment when I got this insight it felt really strong, but now I still feel the same as I did beforehand. I have had this realisation multiple times now, but every time it leaves no trace. 

What can I do to really grasp how deep this insight goes?

Do it until you can sense that everything is watching you (sort of, difficult to put into words).

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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You are the counsciousness. Im not sure where that is located. Maybe in the mind?

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49 minutes ago, Max_V said:

What can I do to really grasp how deep this insight goes?


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@Max_V Keep probing it deeper.

What are you?

How is it that anything is being awared at all if there is no you?

What is doing the awaring?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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50 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Max_V Keep probing it deeper.

What are you?

How is it that anything is being awared at all if there is no you?

What is doing the awaring?

I am existence

In order for existence to exist it should be self aware

everything which is part of the existence is self-aware. From the least particles to the vast galaxies.

Those are the answers I got right now.




Edited by egoless

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You're the awareness that everything is happening in.  And everything is one.  See what these statements are pointing to.  That's the experience you want to have.  And it's not a conceptual experience.  You need to grok being fully by being it.  It was profound when I first had this experience myself.  It's one of those life-changing moments.  When you fully grok that awareness is the only permanent thing, not just conceptually but really, you will think of yourself in an entirely new way.  And you'll also think about external reality in an entirely new way too, including other people.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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11 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

You're the awareness that everything is happening in.  And everything is one.  See what these statements are pointing to.  That's the experience you want to have.  And it's not a conceptual experience.  You need to grok being fully by being it.

I've become pure consciousness with no limitations during my ego death experience while tripping. I even experience same during very powerful meditations. But in my regular state I feel otherwise. Thereby, my answers are from my current perspective - Now. However I did not fully see how time works during my ego death experience. It seemed like observing figures from the different "angles" created their actions and movements - thus the change was happening not in the time but through the observation from different "angles". However still, how does awareness experience all at once? Is my life and your life happening simultaneously? Or "we" play every role one by one.

Edited by egoless

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Thanks all of you. I will use your insights to deepen my search.

Much love.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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