
Raising Enlightened Kids - How Possible Is That?

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Do you think it is possible to raise enlightened kid and teach him how to keep his awareness enlightened for his entire life?

Or do you think that child will anyway backlash and develop ego-led behaviour at some point?

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Young children learn much more through absorption than through teachning. They automatially adapt to the environment, they're in. They absorb the behaviour and emotional vibes of the people they spend time with. 

So the endeavour of raising high consciousness children really is much more about becoming a really great and inspiring role-model for them. And also its about you facing, that you're children can be any way they want and don't have to live up to any standard what so ever, you set for them.

Edited by TimStr

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They're already pure in their natural state, you can learn more of them than they can learn of you. If you allow them to be pure and just give them guidance, support and love into this world eventually they will remember everything they never learned. Never limit them, no matter what they believe, just be there for them to experiment and explore for themselves.

You'd probably have to live elsewhere from the rest of society as they absorb everything so you want them to be raised somewhere where harmony and balance and authenticity is presented and expressed. Somewhere in Nature with lots of wildlife and vibrant, unconditioned energies will teach them more about the universal than any school or system could.

Keep it simple and simplicity becomes ultimate sophistication.




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