
2 Hour Challenge: Simple Technique That Changed My Life! Amazing Practical Results.

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Hi, there's a technique i've been doing called the two hour challenge, and holy shit! It starts to realign you with being happy all the time like you were when you were a child.


What it involves is sitting down in a quiet environment like you would if you were meditating and playing this audio, every minute a timer will beep, when this happens you pick the best feeling thought possible and focus on it for ten seconds. Than the next minute the timer goes again and you pick the thought. 

For example timer beeps I think.

"ok what's the best feeling thought right now, let's see, my gymn excercise I've already gained so much and I can see my body changing i'm excited for how ripped I have become and appreciate so much how I've already made progress. I can see myself having the body of my dreams and am just loving it."

Ok that felt amazing.

Ten seconds of feeling good are up, the next minute the timer goes again I think, whats the best possible feeling thought I can have.

"I live near a beautiful beach, why don't I go down there today, I can bring a glass with some ice have a nice drink and just read a book im reading and loving, on the sand this afternoon in the sun, that sounds amazing!"

Wow that felt even better. Ok ten seconds are up. The next beep begins the next feeling thought.

"Wow I already feel amazing, imagine how ridiculously good I am going to feel by the end of the two hours it is just getting better and better. I'm going to keep doing this excercise when I do go to the beach this afternoon, and surrounded by the sun and waves it's going to be ridiculously blissful, I am so grateful"

Ten seconds is up, wait for next beep and so on. It's ok if you think the same thought every minute for the two hours as long as that thought is the most amazing feeling thought possible for you to feel.

Here's the audio with the beeps every minute to cue your thought.

Here's what my happiness felt like doing this excercise.

0-30 mins. "Ok this is not working that well, maybe it's not working at all"

30 mins -1 hour. "Wow I feel amazing, I can't believe how thinking has made me this happy.

1 hour- 2 hour. "Jesus christ this is the best I've ever felt! I'm so optimisitic I feel like I can do anything" I actually starting crying from joy around this stage.


This exercise enables you to create happiness on the spot. By the end of the two hours I felt happier than I have felt all year. Seriously recognise how fucking ridiculously powerful this is. You can be the happiest you've been maybe ever at the end of the two hours. 


- For the rest of the day I felt in a 10 state as happy as I had been maybe all year.

- Felt the tremendous grattitude overwhelming happiness I did when I was a child

- After doing it just once I can now choose to be happy whenever I want since I have been trained on picking the best feeling thoughts, it's like someone gave me the power to flick a switch and be happy whenever I choose.

- Reduced anxiety lots, since I am now so confident in my ability to be able to create my happiness, I don't fear going broke for example, because I know I can still be happy no matter what.

- Things I've wanted for a long time start appearing almost magically, because your subconscious mind is trained to think only abundance after this two hour process, so naturally it starts manifesting in your life. Even if the exercise just made you happy and didn't effect your reality it would be worth it, but it does effect your reality! Things you want start appearing, it's like the cherry on top. You feel amazing regardless of circumstances, and because you feel this way, circumstances change to allow what you want.


Seriously for the love of god try this, it's surreal. Even if you do the two hours once and never again you can be forever changed from doing this, you'll realise it's in your ability to create the happiness you want, so your mind will naturally gravitate to whatever feels good and you'll just feel better and better. Magic will start happening if you do this, it has done more for me than any self inquiry meditation success techniques over the last two years. Don't believe anyone who says you must 'Work hard' to be happy, happiness is our basic nature, we had it when we were children which means we can get it back at the cost of nothing! It cuts to the core and lets you control your happiness. After all who gives a fuck how 'enlightened' we are if we are not happy. 


Sorry if this sounded cheesy, I just needed you to be excited to try this because it is amazing, it's the best thing I've done all year! Seriously try this for the two hours and I promise you'll love it!

Edited by heisenburger

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So glad you shared this, I'm a huge believer in conscious emotional control exercises like these. Take the time out of your day to get your mind right.


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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@heisenburger your post got me really excited! I'm going to try this tomorrow morning, I'm really curious:) hope it'll make me feel like what you felt!

Edited by Sevi

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God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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It sounds amazing, going to try it tomorrow.
Altough I think I will have a hard time thinking of that many best feeling thoughts, also this could backfire if you are choosing the wrong thoughts I think. If you constantly think a thought to feed your ego in a specific area just to be put down by life because you fail in that area anyway, although sure you create reality with your thoughts to a degree, but there are many factors that influence what actually works and what doesen't let alone unconscious stuff.

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I did the 2 hour challenge today.. First I watched Bentinho Massaro's vid about it.

That was very powerful.  Rather than happiness I experienced immense intensity of power and groundedness. Whole my head vibrated so strong, I felt like I'm almost about the rise up in the air by that force.

Interesting experience.

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@Sevi yeah I recommend doing the trinfinity academy by bentinho, its completely free now the entire course, and it has some really good stuff.

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After doing this, I have to say that it wasn't as powerful for me as you have described. My mood increased by like 30% or so.

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For me it also didn't work aswell, it seemed to me like it was a step back to the world of objects. I think it really depends on lets say level of consciousness you are at right now, with a 2 hour meditation the  benefits would be bigger for me. But the thing I have to mention is that I was doing many self affirmations like that in the past although usually just for short periods and I think my thinking already is on the very positive side anyways.

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7 hours ago, LaucherJunge said:

I think it really depends on lets say level of consciousness you are at right now,

@LaucherJunge I was thinking like this yesterday after doing that, I said to myself that maybe my consciousness level is not that much there yet to experience such a bliss as @heisenburger had.. 

But interestingly today I'm in a very different state whole day long. I enjoyed the reflection of the sunshine on the walls, sensing the wind from the gentle motion of the branches.. I haven't done a trip yet, but when the last time this type of sensation occurred in my perception was when I was testing a very low dose lsd.

I'm in such a happy blissful mode for no good reason than yesterday's practice.

But yesterday, it was heavy sensation on me till I sleep.

14 hours ago, heisenburger said:

@Sevi yeah I recommend doing the trinfinity academy by bentinho, its completely free now the entire course, and it has some really good stuff.

@heisenburger I'll check it again, I heard others on this forum recommending it too, but this time, this explanatory vid for the challenge was the first one that I was more interested in. Thank you though very much. I'll keep doing this exercise on a daily basis. (I mean not 2h everydayxD -yet:P- ... but!... at the end of the day if you wanna become an addict, let it be to happiness, isn't it:))

Edited by Sevi

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Actually I wanna give more specifics as you did,

On 11/17/2017 at 10:40 PM, heisenburger said:

0-30 mins. "Ok this is not working that well, maybe it's not working at all"

30 mins -1 hour. "Wow I feel amazing, I can't believe how thinking has made me this happy.

1 hour- 2 hour. "Jesus christ this is the best I've ever felt! I'm so optimisitic I feel like I can do anything" I actually starting crying from joy around this stage.

0-31 mins. I was very very happy. Feeling exhilarated and joyous.

Then I checked the timer at

41 then 51. Still very joyous but started to feel out of fuel to stayed focused.

Right after 51mins, my head started to vibrate heavily. I'm not used to concentrate on anything that long; it started to doubt me a bit, so my ability to enjoy upcoming good thoughts started to be disrupted a little.

But I stubbornly continued to focus.

I definitely felt very similar to this:

On 11/17/2017 at 10:40 PM, heisenburger said:

1 hour- 2 hour. "Jesus christ this is the best I've ever felt! I'm so optimisitic I feel like I can do anything" I actually starting crying from joy around this stage.

Mine was:

With a very deep grasp of the sensation "I knew that I was powerful, but I never seen it's depth like this, I really can do anything" 

And it cured something in me: having this pigeon-heartedness.. and gave me a drive 

And I 100% agree on this:

On 11/17/2017 at 10:40 PM, heisenburger said:

- Reduced anxiety lots, 


But I think I need more practice to feel that one:

On 11/17/2017 at 10:40 PM, heisenburger said:

- After doing it just once I can now choose to be happy whenever I want since I have been trained on picking the best feeling thoughts, it's like someone gave me the power to flick a switch and be happy whenever I choose.

For example, I'm training myself on this on a daily basis, for about a year now but it was not that smooth ride for me. I'll do this challenge couple of more times. Let's see what's gonna happen. :)

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