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Gandhi Training

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I've heard that gandhi had two woman sleeping beside him to resist sexual temptations over the night as a sort of mental traing

So this kind of training is not a new age none sense

Ive started a topic about mindfulness training using porn with instructions, and the concept was same as gandhis training, resisting sex or masturbation while exposed to it

I dont know why it is deleted? And why?

Was it against guidelines? 

if moderators just oppose my idea they could simply comment and argue instead of deleting

In fact I had doubts about the training too but wanted others opinions 

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Gandhi was a very self-repressing man...try Ramana or Nisargadatta instead.

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Watching porn is an over stimulating activity that produces too much dopamine. There is a big difference between watching a naked woman on a screen or in real life. When you are on the internet you have infinite possibilities to choose - this releases dopamine, you switching between tabs, releases dopamine. Now on the internet you can also jump from one women to another on a daily basis, this releases more dopamine because in real life you are not able to jump from partner to partner on a daily basis. Everything you watch on the screen is a play not real, real life is not like that and so this releases additional dopamine. Novelty releases dopamine, you have too much novelty on the internet.

So,  porn is bad, porn is extremely bad.

What you are talking is exposure therapy to cure addictions, it has benefits only for those who are addicted. And exposure therapy is not even effective to cure porn BTW, you need to step away from it and only then use exposure therapy to imagine and not watch the scenarios.

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