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George Fil

Anger Triggered By Christmas Shopping, Gallas Etc

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Last days i noticed that i get so triggered for this kind of things. I hear people from my enviroment  spend days to shop and prepare for the celebrations and the xmas party. They asking me what i think should i choose to wear on that day and if i will go shopping in the weekend and what present should i buy etc.

Suddenly i could not stand any more their chimp behaviors and started to arguing how all that is to just consume  and buy staff you don't even need. I felt the rage inside me to grow,  i wanted to show them how blind they are in their hollow egos.e...

I don't want to hurt their feelings, they are nice people, they are just into so in the consuming non conscious living and i get so pissed when they try to get me into that. Feeling same anyone ?


Edited by George Fil

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1 hour ago, George Fil said:

Suddenly i could not stand any more their chimp behaviors
I felt the rage inside me to grow
how blind they are in their hollow egos
...they are just into so in the consuming non conscious living and i get so pissed...

do you think you're better than them? at least they are not the ones filled with hatred.

be careful not to be hypocritical. spiritual growth is very tricky. you probably still maintain a crapload of toxic behaviors. that's where your anger comes from.

heal yourself first.

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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The only reason you and I are not one of them are certain circumstances and random events brought us here.  If they had the same events happen perhaps they would sit here whining about you. My point is, you're incredibly lucky if you're here, and starting to see through all this hollow stuff. So instead of being disgusted by them and their behavior, show some understanding and realise its just random that you're not one of them. It's not a choice you made, and neither did they. Be grateful for that and your hate will probably subside.

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@AxelK@ajasatya Better not, different maybe.

I am aware that my anger in that specific subject is a toxic behavior, i am aware that all this self development work i did the last couple of years, is giving me peace and a purpose, but i struggle with the think that i can see more clear some illusions. This thinking makes me feel that i am better than the masses. I know this trap. I try to avoid it but in every argument i fall back in the same trap.

It is just that they try to criticize my point of view because it does not agree with theirs and i can not feel empathy for them, although i should.

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17 minutes ago, George Fil said:

It is just that they try to criticize my point of view because it does not agree with theirs and i can not feel empathy for them, although i should.

this is where meditation comes into play because you're still too attached to points of view. you want to defend your beliefs as if they were your children, but they're just thoughts.

if you want to dig deeper, you'll have to let go of what others may think. the Path has some dark parts, and this one can feel a bit scary because there can be loneliness.

Edited by ajasatya

unborn Truth

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Would you accept and love yourself if you were to be doing that? It might indeed be a better approach to fixing the issue to accept it instead of resisting it. It might take some contemplating about this topic to see how things are but don't be too worried about getting it instantly.

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On 17/11/2017 at 1:58 PM, George Fil said:

I don't want to hurt their feelings, they are nice people, they are just into so in the consuming non conscious living and i get so pissed when they try to get me into that. Feeling same anyone ?



I feel often the same way as you do. Try Leo's tips from the video called "How To Exploit People To Grow Yourself". It has made me feel calmer and helped me to turn inwards.

Edited by Eva

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Be selective in what you tell others. Listen carefully and then respond. Perhaps, you could just say to dress a little more formal on the holidays and then be off. Repeat, if someone asks you again. Some people are not lucky enough to see profound info and find ways of incorporating it within themselves.

From what I observed as of now, the most effective way to express deeper stuff is through a life purpose. However, you also have to be very selective and tactful in how to present it. Not everyone is ready to hear it. As you go further along in your life purpose, the chances increase to meet more like-minded ppl. But, of course, you also change as you go along, so the type of ppl change.

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