
Requesting 12-step Assistance, Addicted To Judgment

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Hey there, I'm currently trying a 12-Step program to look at an addiction to Judgment. My hope is that I can find someone who's gone through a similar journey with being judgmental (judgment of self, people, art, experiences, ideas, work etc), and is farther along in their healing process.

More specifically, I would like to correspond with someone over Step 5: "Admitted to God, to ourselves and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs." So I'm looking for someone to read some thoughts to.

I've been on a self-help / healing journey since August 2016. Worked closely with a therapist, taken some courses, use Actualized.org (& the Life Purpose course), self-inquire, meditate, and have been reading self-help material pretty consistently. Briefly, my life follows: growing up in a conservative Christian family, dealing with homosexual attraction, struggling with isolation/self-hate, being discouraged by my parents from following creative passions... Then after coming out and living on my own having a lot of trouble forming authentic relationships, and an authentic work life.

Since beginning my inner-work I've gained a little more perspective. I've evolved my worldview to understand the actions of others a bit better. Still, I know there's deeper territory for me to work through, as I continue struggling with unhealthy work habits, make poor choices for collaboration partners, and feeling strong urges to 'fix' people's problems while becoming overly invested in their lives.


If this is anything you feel able to start a correspondence around, let me know. If you have a similar journey with 'judgment' as a part of your life that would be a bonus. I'm only looking for one or two conversations per month for a few months, as the addiction I'm dealing with is subtle and won't require a TON of external accountability. I'm confident I can continue on my current path and make progress regardless.
I'm very committed to my growth, so if at any moment you feel your time is being wasted, I'll understand if you need a break.

Please post here or private message with a bit of background about yourself and why you'd like to help! Thanks for reading.

Edited by DavidBorja

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learn the difference between your true self and who you think you are..that voice in the head is a false sense of self and listening to it will make anybody crazy....been in aa 23 years and went through the same thing. your true self doesn't judge,compare,evaluate,etc,etc,etc.. learn how to live in present moment wareness.. logan.

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