
Is It Possible To Overdo Meditation?

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Recently I have been meditating 3-5 times a day. Not every time one hour but still... I think I am mastering meditation quite fast. Usually after first 5 minutes I go in trance like state of being present and I have still mind with almost 0 thoughts. Also I used to have some black figures popping with my eyes closed in the past but nowadays the third eye area seems to be just light and still without any images. I sometimes meditate several times a day as a way to escape some kind of stress and everyday problem or anxiety. It seems like I am getting addicted to meditation. I also became somewhat unproductive because instead of studying I prefer to meditate. 

I am very hardcore in my meditations. I always burn incense cones - called 7 chakras ( I don't know how safe it is) and I also listen to binaural beats ( called third eye opening) which greatly affect my brain function. I sometimes feel dizziness and fatigue after meditating.

Edited by egoless

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It also seems like I am loosing the reality. After I go out to a noisy place such as nightclub or even supermarket. Everything seems to move chaotic and unreal I am hypersensitive and my vision gets blurry. It feels like being high while being sober. I just move and do whatever I do without much thinking involved. I am very surprised to see such a big shifts because I actually used to be a terrible over thinker.

@Nahm I am running every evening and even meditate while running.

Edited by egoless

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If it was possible, i would be dead.

Oh wait ...

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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16 minutes ago, Shin said:

If it was possible, i would be dead.

Oh wait ...

I don't mean dying I mean any other negative effects. 

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Jokes apart, it could be possible (seems to be a neurotic approach to it.)

Listening too much audio/music isn't really healthy either.

Cut some hours for some walking meditation with no audio.

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Do you guys know if incense cone burning is healthy? I've read on several articles that it may be toxic and essential oils are much healthier. How true is that? Can essential oils be used for meditation as effectively as burning incense?

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@egoless if you are inhaling the smoke from the incense it can't be good for you. I have worn essential oils for over a year now and love my smell. It may sound strange but even my natural body odor is very appealing to me now that I have gotten away from deodorant. Patchouli calms me if I sit and smell my bottle. It's like nicotine for my nose.

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1 minute ago, Friend said:

@egoless if you are inhaling the smoke from the incense it can't be good for you. I have worn essential oils for over a year now and love my smell. It may sound strange but even my natural body odor is very appealing to me now that I have gotten away from deodorant. Patchouli calms me if I sit and smell my bottle. It's like nicotine for my nose.

I don't mean wearing essential oils instead of deodorants. I mean burning and evaporating them with candles.

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You wanna get to the point where you are always meditating, always mindful, always keenly aware.  Do some self-inquiry work and psychedelics (safely) if you can.  Enlightenment is being able to see through the Mind and make the distinction between Mind and being in real-time in the moment.  When you can do this, you don't really have to do any work anymore.  All you gotta do is just be keenly aware.  It's analogous to the way that an adult sees the world versus the way that a child sees the world.  The adult sees through all the illusions that trap the child.  When you get a shift, you'll know it.  Enlightenment is a series of shifts.  It's like you get a buildup to a climax, and then when you least expect it, reality gives you a paradoxical shift where all your values flip and you have to pick up the pieces and learn a new perspective.  I've had at least 3 of these shifts over the last year, more likely 4, but I want to be cautious.  But then, to call these shifts is misleading too -- because I can see how enlightenment is a progression too.  You become more and more enlightened as the Ego begins to weaken and you begin to see all the traps when they arise in the moment.  As your awareness grows and deepens, that's what begats your growth.  So, meditation is not gonna cut it, and you might want to start working on other things.  Still meditate, but don't think that that is gonna get you where you want to be on its own.


1.  Daily Meditation Habit (Microscope on the Mind)

2.  Non-Dual Theory (Scaffolding to orient the Mind to favor awareness over the Ego)

3.  Psychedelics (Exploring inner-being)

4.  Self-Inquiry (Realizing no-Self fully)

5.  External World-Inquiry (Realizing no-World fully)

6.  Cosmopolitanism/ World Travel (Exploring outer-being, world cultures through travel, learning other tongues)

7.  Education (Exploring world ideas and history leading to reliable knowledge and wisdom)

8.  Cultivation of the Authentic-Self (Maslow's Pyramid, Life Purpose, Self-Actualization, Self-Transcendence)

9.  Spirituality (Reconnecting to being the Watcher and purifying away illusions)

10.  Cultivation of the Body (Nurture and fortify the Body, it's your constant companion)

11.  Exploration of Art (Exploring non-linguistic ideas and patterns of ideas, exploring linguistic arts like poetry and fiction)

12.  Life Practice (Perfecting your strengths in a way that makes you feel good/proud, eradicating weaknesses if authentically desired)

13.  Being Good (Being a source of love and inspiration to others rather than not doing this, assisting others)

14.  Authentic Relationships (Where you realize and perfect the idea that we are all One)

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Sounds like you're having difficulty processing what's happening with your development. I'd recommend Leo's book list and books about spirituality if you want more understanding, although I'm sure there might be other ways.

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@Joseph Maynor Yes, I know what you mean. I am doing it. I am being mindful but only when I am alone. Not during social interactions. Even in the nightclub or supermarket or whatever where I don't need to talk much with others I am constantly mindful. It almost happens naturally for me these days.

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5 hours ago, egoless said:

I am very hardcore in my meditations. I always burn incense cones - called 7 chakras ( I don't know how safe it is) and I also listen to binaural beats ( called third eye opening) which greatly affect my brain function. I sometimes feel dizziness and fatigue after meditating.

I don't know much about chakras but I heard you're supposed to balance chakras. I think you are focusing too much energy to your 6th chakra, making a big gap with the rest. This is the reason why you might feel dizzy. 

Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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