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Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj

Thank You!

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First I had a feeling that this forum would distract me from self-inquiry and it will probably do so but to be honest I have never been as motovated to sit down and ask myself "Who am I?" as I have been this week. It really feels more real when you can read about other "mortal" people write and share their experience with meditation and inquiry and what their obstacles are and have been on this path. This just gives me a good vibe... Thank you for joining this forum and sharing your stories, it is so just so much more motivating than just reading spiritual litterature and watching videos about this stuff.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3


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I'm so glad for the launch of these forums as well, at least within my knowledge, I don't remember there was an actual a forum that's dedicated to self-development and spirituality. joining the forum accelerated my progress in these essential aspects, and as I speak about what I know I 'm realizing I'm not just helping others but I'm actually helping myself, and also I'm gaining the skill gathering my knowledge and have them pieced together to put them in style, I never had the condition and opportunity to speak like this before.

Edited by Rufus

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Oh yeah, at first, I had the same feeling as you @Sri McDonald Trump Maharaj , but after reading a couple of topics, and getting involver in some of them, I really understand that this forum was pure gold for me. It's helping me so much ^^ .

Interacting with others is like a mirror, I can see more clearly who I am, who I behabe, what are my beliefs, and everything. I'm questionning myself more than I ever did before.

Thanks you so much Leo, Thanks you so much the moderatord, and thanks you so much to all the peoples present on the forum :D 

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