
Wearing Certain Cloths Makes Us More Conscious

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if you're a man you will probably notice that wearing a suit might give you extra consciousness and awareness bonuses 
if you do please tell me about your experience and how other clothes or wearables such as rings or wrist watches can be beneficial in this case
or let me know if you're opposing this idea

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@shahryar This is really interesting to me. I’m often working in suit environments but I stopped wearing suits, watches and rings a few years ago. I am realizing right now I identified them with the rat race. Gonna let that go now. 



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I missed you Barney, how many stds have you know ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Wearing a suit is conscious?

If you're gonna wear clothing for max consciousness, it should be something more like an all-white, natural cotton, loose garment. Which is what many yogis and religious people wear. They wear it for good reason, not just to show off.

If suits promoted consciouness, yogis would wear suits and assholes like laywers, politicians, and CEOs wouldn't ;)

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15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Wearing a suit is conscious?

If you're gonna wear clothing for max consciousness, it should be something more like an all-white, natural cotton, loose garment. Which is what many yogis and religious people wear. They wear it for good reason, not just to show off.

If suits promoted consciouness, yogis would wear suits and assholes like laywers, politicians, and CEOs wouldn't ;)

I understand your point, but as consciousness work is a way of seekers and first hand experience I referred to my own experience
as I truly feel more aware and in the moment while I wear a suit so I thought maybe it can help others to boost theirs too
but thank you for your comment it shows that this subject needs more investigation so to understand the effect of fashion on consciousness

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10 minutes ago, shahryar said:

I understand your point, but as consciousness work is a way of seekers and first hand experience I referred to my own experience
as I truly feel more aware and in the moment while I wear a suit so I thought maybe it can help others to boost theirs too
but thank you for your comment it shows that this subject needs more investigation so to understand the effect of fashion on consciousness

I understand that feeling. Dressing sharp can make you feel more proactive, compared to say dressing lazy in sweatpants.

There is also a confidence boost in dressing sharp.

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You feel cool wearing it, that make you focus on the outside world. Althought this is simply a temporary effect.

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Noticing how people treat you a little different in a suit is eye opening. There’s some construct vulnerability to be observed there. 



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Lol if anything.. wear more different and brighter colors and natural untreated clothing. All colors have their natural vibratory frequencies and there are many studies with special technology showing how different colors will create slightly different effects but most people are so numbed out and loss touch of true sensitivity.

We are flooded with greys, blacks, whites and plain colors same as we are flooded with squares instead of spheres and spirals to mimic the planets harmonic atmosphere. Same thing happens when there is more variety of colors in presence, compared only one or two especially black/white/grey.

Indians and many Native people knew about this, the modern man suit is basically the opposite of being more alive and conscious IMO. I have this shirt similar to the one in the link below i bought from a festival and i can definitely notice a subtle brightness in my senses is the best way i can explain it compared to regular and plain color clothing. I have noticed this many times in very colorful rooms, round spherical buildings or in a beautiful garden or other forms of nature.

Edited by pluto


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Most suits are made out of synthetic materials. These not only suffocate your skin and block the natural flow of your energy (Chi, life force, whatever you want to call it) and most of all they seep toxic chemicals that you are breathing. Toxin riddled body is unlikely to be very conscious since it has to spend so much energy getting rid of all the crap. 

Loose clothes made of cotton or linen are definitely a way to go. With that loose undergarments for men ( or none at all)  and no bras for females to allow free expansion of the breast tissue and sufficient blood circulation. . Of course this may not be accepted at work but at home,this is definitely way to go. 

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I've heard once natural fabrics like cotton (instead of polyester) allows the chakras energies and stuff to flow.

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Blocking chi?? Maybe if you suffocate yourself with latex, anyways this is still also a dream/mind body with dream garments.

The only thing that'll block ur chi is ignorance of Self, negative beliefs and suppressing natural emotional energy

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Hemp clothing is amazing too but still quite expensive sadly. Feels awesome on my body.


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Seeing how individuals treat you somewhat extraordinary in a suit is enlightening. There's some develop weakness to be seen there.

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It's all about your relationship with yourself. And it goes way deeper into the way you treat the devine nature in you. Wearing nice clothes says unconsciously: I respect your devinity, you are welcome here.

It can be seen in temples in the way they are decorated and cleaned. Just take a look inside a catholic church.

Your body is a temple.

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