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Float Tank For Meditation

3 posts in this topic

Hi Guys,

I have been meditating for years, but i found i got a better result while doing it with a float tank. So i decide to build my own, and now i am trying to bring it to the rest of the world. If you have time, could you please recommend by Indiegogo campaign to any of your friends that might be interested?

Kind Regards


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Yeah IMO it is better because in the stillness when you can no longer feel your body or any sensations, consciousness can do its thing with very little disturbances. All is left is your thoughts :D Float Tanks are awesome!


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I built one in my garage a couple years ago and used it for a while and it was pretty cool, but I found that maintaining the tank became the main concern in my life.  But ya it is super effective, you could throw someone in there and tell them nothing about meditation, and they will automatically meditate.  The issue is that the people who really need to go in a float tank are usually the ones who will be terrified of going in there.

But ya, probably everyone on here should at least try it.  Because it is very easy in there to know  yourself just existing as nothing, cause that is essentially what your experience will be after a while in a float tank, I'm surpised people haven't talked more about tanks on here to be honest.

Also, for all you psychedelic fans out there, supposedly these things work amazingly well in tandem with psychedelics.  

Edited by Mulky
left some stuff out

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