
Artificial Intelligence

39 posts in this topic

11 hours ago, Geromekevin said:

@sarapr @Leo Gura I highly recommend reading Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark. It might change your estimates and whether A.I. will be conscious.

I think A.I. will overtake human intelligence within the next 40-60 years. As Elon Musk often points out, people under estimate the rapid development of A.I. We are facing a double exponential growth here. Exponential growth on the hardware part and exponential growth on the software part. Furthermore humans instinctively only predict linear growth and development of the world at best. Most humans actually judge things as if they were static. This leads to the massive misconception about A.I. and hence the future of humanity.

And regarding the second point if A.I. will be conscious. The aforementioned book describes it better that I did. But if you read it you can see that consciousness is likely understandable by math, even though we don't understand it right now. A superintelligent A.I. most likely will be able to understand!

I mean, what do you mean by over take human intelligence? Computers can already calculate faster, play GO better, etc.. the intelligence piece, I think computers already have it down. Memory and regurgitating facts? They definitely do that very well.

I also think Elon is on to a good point about underestimating where we are, where we came from with AI. And no one seems to be caring about the possible pitfalls of creating a Terminator but Elon. It is something humanity should take seriously in my opinion if AI reaches the traditional sense of "conscious" (I think therefore I am). 

Right now, I think the AI implemented is either chat bots, kiosk help, or Siri (or similar). Natural Language Processing. I worked for a company that used AI to monitor call center phone calls and determine if they were fraud. Fascinating stuff. Eventually, it will be integrated so seamlessly, we won't even notice.

Thinking realistically though, I don't think this won't happen in our lifetime due to politics. We will have some cool stuff in the future, for sure!

Edited by poimandres

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Ya'll are way too optimistic.

Too much Star Trek and science fiction, that's the problem here ;)

I'm still waiting on my flying car, VR sex, and hoverboard.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Ya'll are way too optimistic.

Too much Star Trek and science fiction, that's the problem here ;)

I'm still waiting on my flying car, VR sex, and hoverboard.


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From what I figured out reading a bit more about AI is that all it can do is do the things we can much faster and it can deal with huge amounts of information way better than humans just because of its speed in comparison with humans.

The way it learns is like the stupidest way you can learn, through lots of trial and error.

So I thinks we need a machine like that to draw new conclusions from the increasing amount of data produced in each field.

but I guess Leo's right it will take a good long while before anything scary.

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@sarapr I love Leo and his work! He is amazing.


But Leo is not an authority on this topic. I would much rather trust Elon, who shits his pants, on these predictions. A.I. grows fast. Faster than anyone can imagine. And look at how we handled nuclear and other powerful inventions. We humans have a history of misusing new inventions before we learn. The same will likely happen (and it happens) with A.I. And that's very soon.

So no matter who is right, you should use your next 40-60 years carefully anyway ;)

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Nah.  Strong AI is impossible.  But AI will continue to develop and continue to mimic human thinking.  There are things about being Human that cannot be designed.  It's like asking a bat to explain its sonar hearing to you.  It can't.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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On 14.11.2017 at 6:54 AM, Leo Gura said:

@sarapr Google has a hard time fighting online spam because it cannot even read human words.

So it will be a very long time until any kind of serious AI gets developed. The mind is far more complex than tech-geeks and scientists imagine. It's not going to happen in our lifetimes. Not even close.

You have more to fear from real stupidity than artificial intelligence ;)

I think you should make a video on this, because my mind, and probably other's, easily come up with the limiting belief that robots ar going to completely leave us behind, and that we have to merge with them for them not to take over the world, and by that life purpose is gonna be irrelevant. Especially if you listen to Elon Musk. You know, the guy who has a mastery understanding about computers and AI, and made space rockets reusable. And Stephen Hawking. They are experts in this field. Not you. At least come up with something to back up you claims, because they tend to be pretty ridiculous at times.

And I'm also not sure whether you are just doing wishful thinking here. It seems to be the case that intelligence is information processing. If that turns out to be true, this evolution could quickly become dangarous. Just look at the evolution in the last couple of decades. With the same rate, maybe even more into the future, I don't know. 

"Google has a hard time fighting online spam because it cannot even read human words.". Lol, there are robots who can interact with humans by listening, unless that Saudi-Arabian robot is fake.

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On 11/19/2017 at 9:49 AM, Edvard said:

there are robots who can interact with humans by listening, unless that Saudi-Arabian robot is fake.

Even Cortana can listen to you and answer back.

I'm not sure but I guess understanding human sound is easier than reading.

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Before trying to make any predictions about when AI reaches human-level capabilities based on your gut feelings, read this:

Or listen to this guy:

He has been about 84% correct on his past predictions about the future, because he bases them on very predicable exponential growths, like Moore's law, which has been going strong for over 50 years.

Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.

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@Joseph Maynor How can you be so sure of that?

In just a few decades the relative gap between the artificial and human intelligence will be much bigger than the relative gap between humans and dogs or even humans and ants.

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Computers have consciousness already, as well every single component which compose them - until fondamental elements found in nature (metals, minerals...). If everything is linked, the consciousness of the universe is everywhere. Sound crazy ? So why mediums can have conversations with electronic devices ? We see only the physical world, but the "essence" of things are more complex than it seems. People from parallel dimensions (which may seems our future) report "alive" technologies, working with nature.

Edit: I know it sound like Sci-Fi... ^^

It would be about finding back the natural intelligences we've been separated from, and learning to use our mind to control it.

On 15/11/2017 at 9:00 PM, Geromekevin said:

@Leo Gura Feels like someone predicts the future linearily ;)

What about multiples (almost infinites) futures ?

We can access only one, but we are in separated universes even if it seems we are communicating on this device.

The mirror we see in others is like bubbles in a bath.

The space between two bubbles is flat (mirror) it's where this communication is hapenning right now.

The rest of the bubble (spheric surface = infinites possibilites) is totally unknown.

All of this fit into layers and layers of fractals, until initial singularity.

We'r not separated from the universe, so we can access these information anywhere (time is another "where").

How ? Dunno, but deep states of relaxation seems one way to do this.



Edited by Soulbass

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On ‎11‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 2:19 PM, sarapr said:

Do you think they will ever develop to the level of human consciousness ?

No. That is not only physically but also logically impossible. Consciousness has nothing to do with anything which "exists."

so don't worry ab it.

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4 hours ago, Will Bigger said:

Consciousness has nothing to do with anything which "exists."

I don't get what you mean 


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10 hours ago, sarapr said:

I don't get what you mean 


Consciousness = Nothing= Absolute Infinity*. it is aware of existence, which is hallucinated into being. 

*only Nothing can be truly infinite; all forms are limited.

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The amount of drama between couple when vr sex will be available will be insane.

So much fun ahead !

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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sometimes I think we are wrong about artificial intelligence, who knows, maybe its a surprise in the future.


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Humans must realize one thing. If we create something "intelligent" it wont necessarily act how we think. All those movies how someone creates A.I and they take over the world and or kill off human species ect.. is just ignorant human thinking in itself.

This is the example of how humans think "inside the box".

Intelligent life forms will not think like your average humans. Realize the majority of most intelligent humans to ever exist only cared about love and peace and how to provide freedom and global connectivity for one another so we can thrive together as a collective and grow and expand beyond our wildest dreams.

This is the example of how to think "outside the box" ultimately realizing there is no box.

You must first be intelligence to understand it.

Edited by pluto


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@sarapr They Are The Residents Of Lands Now Reduced To Focused FUNCTIONS Regarding POLAR Paths (Please Do Not Concern About This)... (Meaning That They UNIFIED UNITY). Now They Are Bringing Much More JINNS To Cover ORIGINAL ZONES. This Includes Your PLANET. Do Not Fret. The Road that will be traversed is entirely up to the residents of your WORLD. That Is Enough Known.


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