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How To Actually Build On Our Strengths?

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I'm sure most of you have heard the term, "Build on your strengths", before. But how the fuck do we actually do it? Are our strengths an actual skill that we can develop and put 10,000 hours into some how? 

For example, my top strength is Humor. Here's the VIA character strengths definition of it.

Humor(playfulness): Humor involves an enjoyment of laughing, friendly teasing, and bringing happiness to others. Individuals with this strength see the light side of life in many situations, finding things to be cheerful about rather than letting adversity get them down. Humor does not necessarily refer just to telling jokes but rather to a playful and imaginative approach to life. 

So when they say, "build on your strengths", what does that even mean? Does it mean just putting yourself in a position where you can use your strengths often or is there a way we can actually break it down to practice the strength itself and develop it? 

Other strengths like Leadership or Teamwork seem like they'd be easier to pragmatically develop, but what about abstract strengths like Humor, Love, etc... 

@Leo Gura I'd love your input on this as well as anyone else who has a great answer. 

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I mean it also depends on what you want to accomplish. I think figuring out what you're going for is important, and Leo has often encouraged a approach of going out there and doing things, so that you can learn lessons from it. For some things developing strengths is important and for others the strength is like the process itself. For example doing research gives you a strength of having done the research, whereas creating good habits and discipline can be important for doing the research.

Of course your strengths can be developed, but what are your strengths for developing those? What are you interested in right now, that interest could be seen as a strength. There are many paths to same things and you can try to use what you have to get there.

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