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Manifestating: Ego Vs. Higher Self

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Interesting read. Never though of the higher self in energetic terms of energy channels or chakras.


When it comes to manifestations you are either manifesting from your Ego or from your Higher Self.

But how can you tell from which level of consciousness you are manifesting from? And how do you go from manifesting from the Ego to manifesting from your Higher Self?

Let's dissect these aspects of your multidimensional awareness so you can know the difference.




The Ego is composed of your first three levels of consciousness: the physical body, the emotional body and your analytical mind. These levels of consciousness are also connected to your first 3 chakras.


The chakras and their frequencies can actually tell you a lot about your-Self. You see, each chakra tends to resonate with specific issues and energetic blockages.


1st chakra: holds issues related to fear and survival


2nd chakra: holds issues related to pain, suffering, victimization and abundance


3rd chakra: holds issues related control, power, self confidence, self esteem and doubt


When you haven't connected to or embodied your Higher Self then your scope of awareness is going to be limited to the first 3 levels of consciousness and their corresponding chakras.


Therefor your Ego will tend to manifest out of fear and survival, worrying about the outcome because it thinks it knows exactly how things should be and naturally it wants to control how things come into manifestation.


When you manifest from the Ego you will most likely fall into the Expectations Disappointment Blame Karmic Loop. Your Ego creates limited expectations of what should happen and how it should happen, yet obviously things rarely go exactly the way the Ego plans them to go and so 99% of the time the Ego feels disappointed and then blames outside people or circumstances for the its own failure.  


A person who always manifest from the Ego will feel like they are not in control, they'll say things like "no matter what I do or how many times I try, nothing goes my way". They will feel powerless and victimized.


Your Ego will try to force manifestations and this will often lead to drama, pain and suffering. 




Contrary to the Ego which only has 3 levels of consciousness, your Higher Self is composed of 12 additional levels of consciousness. For the sake of keeping this article as concise as possible let's study the first 4 levels that correspond to your Higher Self.


4th chakra and astral mind: heart intelligence, unconditional love, trust


5th chakra and archetypal mind: speaking your own truth, tuning into the universal truth


6th chakra and angelical mind: third eye, intuition, clairvoyance


7th chakra and ketheric mind: connection to Source and the Divine


The heart chakra represents the first level of your Higher Self. When you manifest from your Higher Self it is way easier to trust and surrender to the manifestation process. Unlike the Ego, your Higher Self can manifest in ways you can't even imagine or expect.


This level of trust transmutes all doubts and you express your-Self with confidence, knowing that your words are light and sound mathematical programs that influence your inner and outer realities.


Your Higher Self then guides you through intuition to the people, places, times, things and events that will reveal and support your manifestation. And when you feel connected to Source everything happens in Divine Right Timing and Divine Right Order so you don't get attached to the results or to the expectations of the Ego.




The Ego is actually necessary for the manifestation process and it works best when it is aligned with the Higher Self. When the Ego surrenders it's very easy to discern when to let things unfold and when to take action.


So, how do you transcend the Ego and align it with your Higher Self? What keeps you stuck in the limited awareness of the Ego?


Energetic blockages like auric attachments, soul fragments, karmic imprints and unresolved emotions that are stored throughout your auric field prevent the frequency bands from your Ego and your Higher Self to vibrate harmoniously with each other. 


These energetic blockages disrupt the communication that is being sent from your Higher Self to your Ego. In addition, these blockages contain very low frequencies that attract you to people, places, times, things and events that RESONATE with that low frequency...keeping you stuck in a karmic loop where the same things, results and reactions happen over and over again.


Naturally, when you clear these energetic blockages you unwind the low frequencies attached to them and you start to accrete the higher frequencies from your Higher Self. Finally giving you access to your heart's intelligence, intuition and Divine nature. 

This email was a promotional email for a course on that topic so no link but I Will link to the blog of the creator.


Also check this related articles I found after on his blog:


How To Connect To Your Higher Self

What Is Your Higher Self?


Cleaning the Aura from Auric Attachments



Edited by AleksM

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