
Why Do I Find Problems Everywhere?! Wtf

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Holy shit I really don’t get this. It’s like day after day I can’t get a break with getting into some sort of ordeal or issue. Today I was walking my dog and she’s peeing and 3 guys walk by me and say “pick up her shit or eat it.” I swear I almost wanted to jump this guy but I talked some shit back (I’m really trying to tone it down) and that was the end of that. Earlier today I bust a hole in my wheel in my car. Yesterday I walk by my house and some dude out of the blue who I don’t know literally just says “you’re a fucking asshole.” I ask, “excuse me?” And he’s like “you and me. No police.” I didn’t fight this guy but I went to my dad and I got the blame because I’m made out as the troublesome kid that always gets into problems with people. This stuff is daily. Something is happening everyday. Yes I know a lot of it is directly my fault but it’s just the timing that’s like ‘holy shit! EVERYDAY?!’ I live in a great part in San Francisco too. People legitimately don’t believe me when I tell them what happens day to day because “no one has this happen to them. No one has this bad of luck. Maybe it’s you.” I get a lot of it is but holy shit, I walk down the street and I get called a piece of shit asshole and get threatened? All while I’m trying to work on myself? I truly don’t understand.

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I too have had periods where everything seems to be utterly negative. And when youre at that place you (atleast i) become extremely more aware of those little things you usually ignore, and this can escalate to the point where you almost cause the problems yourself (i just know that if i walk down that street past those guys they will think im an idiot walking my dog there, see! I knew that was gonna happen) instead of (hey! Think ill might go this other way today, probbably gona meet a lot of nice people)

Ive come to understand that most of the negative things that happens to me is selffullfield negative intensions. NOT saying this is true in your case but a positive intention can change your world. Take another route, tie a plastic bag to your dog leash so everyone sees your a "picker" smile at the people that have a negative vibe, walk on the other side of the road or turn if you see people you think might give you a hard time. It is not unmanly, its an investment in good mental health.. Feel sorry for them, they must have a terrible self esteem having to do such to feel well.

Positivity is a skill that needs practice, try to act positive to even the most negative things to the point of pure sarcasm, eventually it will seep in and become natural.. (Yeah so i broke my right arm, finnaly i get to learn how to do everything with my left, im going to nail that)?

Start your day saying to yourself that "today im going to win the fucking olympics in beeing positive and happy.. Always makes me laugh a bit of myself wich is a great way to start a day?



Btw, im truly happy for you your wheel didnt explode on the freeway? 

Edited by Berjohansen

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@kieranperez What about the rest of the day, do only "bad things" happen to you or are you just more fixated on them ?

Could you perhaps give little good things more importance and give them your attention and your gratitude ? 

Forget what other people say, conscient and intelligent persons would never call someone an asshole.. It's just stupid,

no need to think about it..


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I don't want to say it but in someway you also trigger something in those people. You're probably a kind person who doesn't want to bother anyone, but have you ever thought of how you appear to others? Maybe you give them wrong eye contact or something else?

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