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Principium Nexus

Nofap For 2 Months - Any Tips?

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I'm currently in a long distant relationship which is going excellent after we first met last summer and now this New Year we will meet again because we cannot wait to see each other again. My girlfriend challenged me to do a NoFap till we meet which is in approximately two months and I accepted it if she doesn't do anything too. Funny enough for her it's not really a big deal, she says it could be because of the difference in hormone cycle, but nonetheless do you guys have any tips?

I managed to do a three week streak and felt many great benefits, more life energy, sparkly, emotional stable but it was also hard not to be tempted.

I guess I have to avoid stuff that teases me too much and have to find some distraction or peace of mind when it becomes more intense?


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Cold showers helps if have have a really strong urge. Also no dirty talk. I use a web filter to prevent sexual content.

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What helped me was printing out a calender and crossing out the days. Also affirming every morning why you are not masturbating and your motivation for it works really good.

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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@Principium Nexus I've experimented with NoFap quite a bit over the past year or two and i've gone long periods without doing it. But i'm skeptical as to whether it really produces the dramatic results that so many guys claim it does. Maybe it does for some, but for me there was no significant improvement. 

However, I still do believe that people should cut down on the amount of PMOing they do. My theory is that it's the porn addiction which causes the main issues, not the masturbation or even the orgasm.  Watching porn every day almost certainly does some sort of damage. Who knows how serious it could be. But I also don't think its an addiction to the porn itself, but rather the dopamine rush you get when watching it. It's like you're forcing the brain to un-naturally produce dopamine, which can't be good. I don't believe that masturbation and orgasm are inherently bad for you, but you probably shouldn't be doing it every day. 

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@see_on_see Well it's more like a challenge. Last time I felt great benefits, overal much more alive and positive to talk and doing more stuff. I find that I also become more confident and look less tired in general.

I've watched numerous videos about kundalini and how it is supposed to travel up the spine so its more than just watching porn. Even the egyptians talk about reusing this power for ethernal life, thats what the symbol of the egyptian ahnk represents.

Despite that, it couldnt hurt to accumulate some sexual energy ?

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Why would you nofap in such circumstances, bro?

If you're not gonna spend a good chunk of time with her this New Year, you're probably gonna waste the time that you're going to get cause you won't be able to last any long.

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concentrate your attention on somethig else, be always busy with work, school etc

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