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Unexplained Meditation Experience

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So this happened a while back, when I was meditating but don't know how to explain it. If someone knows what this is, please reply.


So I was meditating in a sitting position with eyes closed for a while. And after a while, I lost all of my consciousness of the body and mind. I didn't feel the body, I didn't even heard any sound hitting my body. I didn't have any thoughts (normal state for me thought). The feeling was like I was levitating and I was also feeling like a ball of energy and light. Also with my eyes closed I have begun to see a light orb that was morphing and changing its direction of rotation and I felt like that light energy bubble was me. I was this light energy bubble in hyperspace. I was aware that it's happening in me, and I was conscious that I am in it.

Edited by AleksM

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