
A Thanks To Leo And My Experience!

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Hello, I'd like to start off by introducing myself. My name is Paul and I've been following Leo's teachings for maybe 2 months now (give or take) and I've honestly been amazed at my improvements. I was actually introduced to Leo by my older sister a few years ago with his "Spiritual Enlightenment - The Most SHOCKING Truth You'll Ever Hear" video. Back then, I had trouble understanding what was being said I also had some resistance through the whole video. I didn't pursue these teachings any further which I somewhat regret but I also realize now that I may have had a worse experience with the Truth if I had continued with it at that young of an age. It was 2 months ago that I really wanted to do something about my constant abnormal behaviors. I looked up a bunch of self-confidence videos and then, saw a suggestion of the legendary video "How To Stop Caring What People Think Of You" by Leo. I remembered the face from the thumbnail (and the always interesting poses). I clicked on the video hoping to fix my problem. My problem was that for the last few years before I watched the video, I've always lived through my days as if there was an audience or a camera that I had to impress and that they were always watching. I would even act abnormally when I'm alone in my own room as if there's still someone that I had to impress. During the video, I was having moments of amazement from what I was hearing; the information and examples that Leo gave made so much sense. He had me hooked. That day, I had the most confidence I've had in years and I also started to binge watch a lot of Leo's videos on YouTube; I was impressed by how practical a lot of his videos were. A couple weeks go by and I finally got around to the two-part topic of Absolute Infinity. I had strong resistance throughout the video because it was all so new to me but the thing is that it also made so much sense. Soon after watching those two videos, I spent a few days thinking about it and I saw my perception of the world change around me. Of course, I soon sorta forgot about it; I still had it in the back of my mind everyday though. FINALLY... a few weeks after the Absolute Infinity videos, we get to yesterday. I got around to watching the three-part topic of Enlightenment. It was the third one ("Enlightenment - Part 3 - Creating An Experience Of No-Self") that gave me the most mind blowing experience I've ever had. I've had very small doubts about all the stuff that Leo was talking about and of Leo himself, but obviously, I still had a feeling that there was something to what he was saying or else I wouldn't have spent so much time on all his videos. But the experience that I received from that video practically blew all my doubts away. I soon found myself wanting to get to that state of mind again. We come to now. I plan on repeating the guided meditation from the video many times over and to do my own meditation and achieve a no-self experience by myself. I also would like to add that the rest of my day, after having the experience, I had a blast of confidence, a feeling of safety- like there's just nothing like a good nothing. I really can't explain it xD (which is funny because of the many times Leo talked about how words won't be able to do these experiences justice. I also plan on working on my ego which honestly, is the part that I'm excited about because I just know that something amazing will happen when I get my ego small enough.

Thanks again, Leo! And best of luck to everyone going through the same journey!

Edited by Swagala

I got nothing.

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