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Super-charge Your Nutrition

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These can be used whenever you like. Some however, like time restricted eating can be followed all the time. At the end of the day, experiment.

These tools will require further research as whole posts could be made on each one. I’ll go into more depth later, but a quick google search should give you the basic ideas if you’re stuck.

Time restricted eating

There is a lot of very interesting research being done in this area. By getting all your food into a sub 12 hour window you work with your circadian rhythm. This looks like it could be a huge factor in long term health. Its easy to do and the results to our health could be massive. 



This sets into motion a process called autophagy, the bodies way of clearing out dead/damaged cells. There is also research to suggest it slows down the ageing process. Also, fasting can start nutritional ketosis which protects the brain and muscle tissue. These are just some of the benefits. This is a great protocol to do once a month or whenever the fancy strikes you. Some people do better than others, though I think everyone should fast once in a while.

A simple fast would be to eat dinner then eat nothing until the next day where from 4pm-10pm you would eat as much as you like. The goal here isn’t calorie restriction.

Green smoothies

Simple, and should be done daily. Get a ‘greens powder’ and throw in a load of spinach, kale and whatever else you want to get a massive dose of nutrition. Its easy and foolproof, making it perfect for someone like myself.

Fermented foods

Kombucha and kefir are my favorites, and you can make them yourself easily and cheaply. They feed good bacteria in the gut (also known as the second brain), which is critical to overall health.


Do not underestimate tracking your nutritional intake once every few months for a week. You can use free apps such as ‘myfitnesspal’. Its quick and painless and gives you a complete breakdown of where you’re falling short of your requirements. Keep in mind the RDA is the minimum amount required to prevent disease, not for optimum health!

Learn to cook

Again, do not underestimate this. My rules for cooking are it has to be simple, nutritious and delicious. By learning some recipes and making a few clever substitutions where you need to, you can eat extremely tasty foods that are cheap and simple.

Genetic testing+bloodwork

23andme will give you your genetic information for a small price, which can go a long way into personalising your nutrition.

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