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True Teachings Of Jesus

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Who was Jesus in reality and what were his true teachings? He certainly left the greatest wisdom and showed the right direction for humanity. People living in his times most likely did not understand his true meanings and created yet another religion. Direct parallels with Enlightenment can not be unnoticed! We were told that we should seek the divinity within us and not in the external, materialistic world - "The kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21, KJV). Holy trinity might be representing the unity of our egoic self, higher self and god himself as absolute infinity. Jesus was teaching everyone to love one another as they loved themselves. Mark 12:31: "Love your neighbor as yourself.’There is no commandment greater than these.” He also encouraged us to love our enemies and be forgiving. Jesus was the greatest teacher in my opinion. I would be so grateful if someone did full analysis of his true teachings and hidden details of his life. I think that there is potentially misinformation in the history as well. Majority of his life details did not reach to our times. Why was he fasting in the desert for 40 days? What was the genuine reason behind this? Did he really travel in India during his young adulthood years? Was he truly a yogic master and teaching people yogic and meditation techniques? Much of speculation can be done here but in this topic I want us to bring solid proofs and arguments. Let's find out together the hidden details of Christ's life and his true teachings. Jesus is the greatest teacher for me, he is my inspiration! 

I also found this video. It is very interesting but I am not sure whether all the information mentioned in the video is authentic. Can someone confirm?


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Im interested in this subject. I always liked jesus. I just dont agre with the good\bad teachings. That is just simply not true.

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14 minutes ago, Ether said:

Im interested in this subject. I always liked jesus. I just dont agre with the good\bad teachings. That is just simply not true.

Maybe this part was misinterpreted. Or maybe Jesus intended these teachings for unconscious people who needed strict rules. At least this is my opinion... I think teaching about seven deadly sins is actually beneficial for some unconscious people. Some people just are inclined to bring chaos and suffering unless something stops them. Try to explain to those people that life is pointless and there is no hell or heaven and they will completely misunderstand that. They may become even more egoistic and do much more suffering in order to fulfill their ego desires.

Edited by egoless

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My assumption is that Jesus was a real person. He was indeed crucified. Jesus did not really die. He went back to the east. He died at old age buried in Kashmir. Some say he was a yogic master and he poses psychic abilities. I believe this is true since the Bible seems to show us that he is spiritually awakened. Becoming enlightened really does tune a person's energy therefore making acess psychic abilities much easier. 

All of healing miracles are true

Walk on water is true.

Resurrecting a person from death is true

Catching fishes miracle is true

The one miracle I wasnt quite sure to be true is multiplying bread and fish


Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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@Zephyr What makes you say that. Is this only your guess or is it based on some proof? 

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5 hours ago, egoless said:

@Zephyr What makes you say that. Is this only your guess or is it based on some proof? 

He is just making shit up. No one has superpowers.

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@egoless What part are you talking about? All these are based on my personal assumption. 
@Ether It's crazy stuffs I know. 

Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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Won't watch the video because the tone of the voice doesn't resonate with me but for me what was very valuable regarding the "true teachings of Jesus":
- Adyashanti - Resurrecting Jesus audio
- Leonard Jacobson - Liberating Jesus DVD

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15 hours ago, egoless said:

I want us to bring solid proofs and arguments.

it cannot be done. humanity's been looking for solid proof and evidence of his existence for quite a while. all we have are scriptures (gospels) and rumors.

but i'll tell you the solemn Truth. before abraham came into existence, i am the way and the truth and the life.
be still and know.

unborn Truth

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@ajasatya he existed it is unquoestanable and he was cruicified. There are many proofs for that. Majority of his life story which reached our time is real. The main issue I see is possible miss understanding of most of his teachings and the fact that there is not much known about his adolescence.

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I'll check out that video.  I know there are many many books on this subject.  Many missing books of the bible, as well as many books that ARE part of the Bible that just were non canonized by the Catholic church when they decided what our bible would be.  Now that I'm on this path of awareness and consciousness and finding my higher self, I see many parallels like you and others mentioned above.  It really has my searching deeper, too.  Thing is.. I am a Christian!  So, as I struggle do dissolve past beliefs, break down my ego, and work toward the bigger picture, I have wondered what that is going to look like as I work through my Christian beliefs moving forward. 

Why are you searching for hidden teachings of Jesus?

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@Drum Teacher Almost the same reasons. I am also christian but I have my own views. I consider major part of the religion made up by men. I believe in Jesus, He is the greatest inspiration for me and in his teachings I see lots of parallels with Enlightenment. Right now I think that the Truth is somewhere in the middle between Christianity teachings and Enlightenment teachings. Jesus is example for me and I strive to follow him as my greatest teacher. Because of that I want to know the hidden details of his life and his true teachings.

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@egoless OK, I got through the video. It was resonating with me for the first half, then took another turn that I'm not too versed in, then he brought it back home in the last ten minutes or so.  You know, I think there is perhaps a lot of Truth in there for sure. But I'm wondering if you could take any such position, depending on the lens that you look through.  I am trying to gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of the other religions to help me hash this out. Also - I'm hopeful that I experience God in a whole new ways in the days to come as well.

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