
Diet For Consciousness Work

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On 12/21/2017 at 0:21 PM, h inandout said:

I really don't think it matters to much what you eat, just as long as you chew it fully, drink a cup of water half and hour before eating, and then again 2.5 hours after eating (you don't want to dilute digestive fire while eating).  And then feel your body as it responds to things.

@h inandout Do you seriously think diet is NOT a significant factor in health?

Edited by ppfeiff

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9 hours ago, WelcometoReality said:

@h inandout I guess we have to agree to disagree on the topic of cholesterol. :)

I myself are addicted to coffee. It's probably my biggest crutch right now. 1-2 cups are probably ok but I'm gulping down 4-6 cups every day. Do you have any addictions yourself?

Yeah, I used to be a barista.  I would get so exhausted from rapidly dealing with the demands of the growing line of customers that I would announce, "Maybe it's time for another cup of coffee!"  Not really even thinking about it, until one day, one of my coworkers got annoyed and told me to drink a cup of water.  That's when I first really picked up on the fact that I was in a vicious cycle.  

When I quit coffee two months ago, it was very hard.  I would experience extreme energy lows in the middle of the day, and I actually started having PTSD symptoms at work. (Extreme moments of fight flight or freeze mode).  That's when I knew that my lifestyle was generating the cause for the adiction.  It was very confusing and not easy to disentangle myself.  

I accidentally forgot to order decaf the other day, and my cellular memory brought me back into intense anxiety, as if my body innately knew that coffee was causing it harm.  

Drink warm water to start your day, and then maybe coffee.  It will slow put a gentle wedge in the destructive cylce.

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@ppfeiff I like to mention water because often it's a really good guess at where people are starting from, and where they need to go next.  I honestly believe duality is the root cause of all health issues (as per Andreas Moritz), but good god, it is a pain in the ass to figure out what the fuck that means!  You could also say lack of emotional integration is the root cause (as per Teal Swan).  I prefer to talk about water because chronic dehydration is such an easy battle.  Then we can talk about some more esoteric philosophies.  I was raw vegan for two months a year ago.  It did not integrate well at all with my lifestyle and was very painful and very costly.  That doesn't mean that I didn't learn anything from it.  I now eat organic raw + cooked roots/grains.  I try leave my oils raw.  I just think it's really important to take lifestyle changes one day at a time.  Otherwise they are not sustainable.  Here is a passage from Yogi Ramacharaka on Hatha Yoga.  

"We intend to leave the matter of the choice of food an open question with our students. While, personally, we prefer certain kinds of food, believing that the best results are obtained from the use thereof, we recognize the fact that it is impossible to change the habits of a lifetime (yes, of many generations) in a day, and man must be guided by his own experience and his growing knowledge, rather than by dogmatic utterances of others. The Yogis prefer a non‑animal diet, both from hygienic reasons and the Oriental aversion to eating the flesh of animals. The more advanced of the Yogi students prefer a diet of fruit, nuts, olive oil, etc., together with a form of unleavened bread made from the entire wheat. But when they travel among those who follow different dietary rules from themselves they do not hesitate to adapt themselves to the changed conditions, to a greater or less extent, and do not render themselves a burden to their hosts, knowing that if they follow the Yogi plan of masticating their food slowly their stomachs will take good care of what they eat. In fact, some of the most indigestible things in the modern menu may be safely eaten if the above mentioned system [chewing well] is adopted."

Thanks for your testimonial on the worms!  I think I might need to try something similar.  But like I said, I run so goddam dry that maybe I could get on board with a master cleanse in the foreseeable future.  

I'm also not a fan of over cleansing.  Some people really do need nourishment, and right away!  Take Crohn's patients for example.

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I've been slowing making one change at a time to my diet/supplements to determine how each change affects me. If you find yourself in a situation where you are unhappy but not in any terminal way you then making small adjustments can help you pin point what each adjustment is doing for you. Trying a dozen new things at once will be hard to determine the beneficial changes and you are probably manic if you take on too much. I see it everywhere, nootropic users taking stacks of half a dozen supplements and they think a synergy of  all those supplements are making them feel a certain way not knowing exactly what is helping. Jumping too quickly into anything is likely to over excite and then under deliver in the short term. For me i tried the following over the last 8 years or so:

Valium via dealer: Pure magic, my brain shut up for the 1st time in my life. I felt like i was a baby, i could remember being a baby, i was back in my child mind that hand no internal monologue and i slept and so well for about 3 days. I felt the valium wearing off across a couple of days and it was very educational to study my mind as it gradually sped up across a couple of days. I became obsessed but studied the internet's tales of valium abuse and managed to not get hooked. I found my short lived valium experience so valuable because it forced me to experience a silent mind, but  you really don't want to get hooked - it could be for life - and I still see that dealer who sold me this valium and he is virtually beyond salvation at this point.

Fish oil: this was after a few years of researching but not taking anything like valium, knowing i could shut up my internal voice with a very dangerous drug was too scary a prospect. 3 caps of fish oil relieved a pressure in my head i didn't realize was there. I slept amazing for a few days and had the most ridiculous appetite. I take fish oil every day since and if i ignore it for approx 5 days my head feels weird and I am almost angry like I'm hung over without the sick stomach. 

L-Theanine: I came across green tea being good for calmness. Now I knew lame "old lady" remedies like fish oil were indeed very powerful so I moved onto tea. Green tea tastes good without any additive and I teach musical instruments in schools and it is totally acceptable to walk around all day with massive mugs of tea or coffee. So i drank maybe 5 - 8 decaf green teas every day for years. Too much will give me rings under my eyes so keep that in mind if you have an angry resting face lol, doesn't look good around the office.

No refined carbs, no bread: whole grain rice is an easy and cheap way to improve your health. Gradually cut back on how much rice you are having and add vegetables that are crunchy, cut them small and you will not even notice that the rice has been substituted with healthy lower carb foods. I noticed changing my first mean from white bread and cheese to brown rice and vegetables resulted in a clearer mind within a couple of days. 

No dairy: I breath deeper, my nasal passages are wider and I now have no acne. Also think about what foods are commonly dairy filled. Usually they are the junk foods, so this rule cuts out a lot. 

Probiotic/prebiotic: Gut health has many options. I love miso soup and I like kimchi so that's what i use. These are PRObiotic. Then there is PREbiotic which fertilizes the gut for the good bacteria to grow. Prebiotic is onions, garlic among other things but those 2 alone are enough for me. Then there is RESISTANT STARCH which is cooked rice ,potatoes, peas and corn which if cooked and then refrigerated for approx 12 hours healthy bacteria feeds on the carbs in the rice creating healthy gut bacteria and halving the amount of calories. This sounds weird i know but it is totally true and only a recent discovery. If you leave the rice too long though that healthy bacteria dies off and unhealthy bacteria appears. 

The Power of Sour: More on probiotics, sour food is said to remove cravings for sugar an salt. It's an oriental thing but I find all the ying yang balancing beliefs to hold a lot of water. I think it worked for me, I only crave bourbon and coke and beef jerky now, but that is a craving for sweet drunken oblivion and not the sugar or salt, I see that now.

Intermittent fasting: It works, i was already pretty much doing it but i was eating and sipping alcohol until 2 am for years so it was once i actually stopped all the bad behavior and actually did a 18:6 fast that i realized how much inflammation it cures. It's incredible and you will be able to eat what ever you want at special occasions and never worry. Mental clarity drops for me with every heavy meal. I never noticed until i paid attention. 

Leo's Soup Video: Since watching his soup video I was inspired and have enjoyed soup almost every day since. I go nuts, I cook it using every weird little trick I can find. A ratio of 16:1 cayenne pepper and tumeric to black pepper apparently boosts certain beneficial components 1000% for example. Sounds ridiculous so I want to find out. If I'm wrong so what? I can just add more black pepper or water down the soup after the fact.

The other side of doing little benign experiments is how my mind is now working. I am now thinking purely about food as fuel, I  completely remove any form of pleasure and my mind is focused on logic and is therefor in unison with the body. Most animals eat instinctively and their instincts direct them to the right choices. I consider all these dietary and supplement experiments similar to mindfulness, I am placing much importance on diet so when I'm at xmas lunch for example I notice how people eat a huge fattening unhealthy entree, maybe even complain about a texture or flavor but then go back for seconds. It's xmas so therefor they can do dumb unconscious things, not savoring any flavor before shoving more rich food in, getting to that drunken and full stage where they just keep drinking and eating, putting their bodies in a situation where they will be recovering from that one 6 hour xmas celebration for days. You notice the resistance of others too, they can't handle seeing their younger brother be sensible, they try angrily to get you to drink alcohol, they mock you for not eating dairy and start acting like your a tin foil hat wearer. Well eventually i pointed out my weight has never changed since becoming an adult and everybody else is significantly fatter or thinner every time i see them.....what I'm saying is the pursuit of all of this dietary stuff reveals a lot more than just health benefits. You see manipulation of farmers unions to promote unhealthy choices, you see governments allowing it, you see the unconscious being suckered in soooooo easily. 

But do it all one step at a time, learn it slowly but really understand how each change affects you. Don't make it a talking point with friends, now you are probably boasting, don't strut around in tie dye hippie threads, just do it within, entirely for yourself, and watch how the world reacts to the healthy changes you are making for yourself. Your resistant friends and family members may start hitting you up for health tips, you maybe be able to lead by example. The people around you are fiercely jealous of you - they are just too unconscious to realize that they are.



sorry for rant, my first ever post



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Also noticing a lot of drink more water posts, I've actually heard the opposite from Eric Berg. He thinks we are letting all the electrolytes out of our bodies from drinking too much water and urinating and other issues are causing you to be thirsty. He suggests to add salts and minerals to your water and fix other areas of your health which are creating a false thirst. It sounds weird but every time you pee there goes your electrolytes, if you drink more water you need more salt. Too much salt though and you retain water, not enough salt and your muscles contract, you get stressed and thirsty and pee more quickly. Basically you salt and electrolyte levels effect how you retain water and how much you crave. Craving water which deplete your electrolytes. 


I actually view it as more than just a theory, the facts are true, peeing does lose electrolytes so how can drinking water without replacing those salts and minerals be helpful?

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Leo's Recent video about healthy eating and shopping tips. What do you think about that guys? In my honest opinion it all boils down to your body type and genetics. I think you can not generalize healthy diet for everyone. @Leo Gura why do you recommend everyone to cut off wheat and dairy products? Do you think it is useful for everyone? What if we don't have any allergies to them. How do we know if we actually have allergies on these food types. In addition such a restrictive diet you are mentioning is almost impossible to sustain. And I don't mean by willpower or expenses. It's just social thing. Unless you live mostly alone and don't go out. When you have colleagues, friends and are active in the social circles or traveling frequently you will have to go out very often. You will have to eat in the restaurants unless you wanna starve yourself. What are your suggestions on that? 21 century life - you know how it is. Not everyone is self employed like you - or not yet! ;) 

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@egoless @beyourself @Leo Gura
Thank you for the great advice guys! My self I have partaking in nutritional journey for a few years now, and the more I look in to it the matter more I realize that there is no one diet that we can be on entire life. As we grow and evolve our needs of food change from muscle to longevity e. c. t... In actuality is it how much energy food gives us to live and create?! Our bodies is the finest thing that has been created in universe = ) hence we must put food in our selfs that had minimum contact with human hands. As @Leo said, veggies is foundation of our diet, - but then you have to choose if you are going to leave of carbs "glucose" or fats "lipids". Keep in mind tho that our body need 0 essential carbs, moreover, most of the grains in USA has been genetically modified. 

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I don't think plants should be the foundation of a human's diet.  There was some other tacky graph flying around somewhere on this thread stating how humans should be eating fruit due to how our teeth are and some other misleading points.  I have a new graph here which (if accurate) clearly shows we are geared towards eating meat.  Now which graph is right is the question.



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Are boiled potatoes and sardines daily healthy?

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@egoless @Max_V as a "sandwich" bread alternative, i sometimes make patties with lentils or rice (farm eggs work well to hold them together, but you could use someting vegan like flax eggs or maybe even applesauce?)...or you can make a wrap with a big piece of romaine lettuce... I still eat real rye bread sometimes (best to avoid wheat and get the fermented kind/ sourdough started) the type of bread you can sit on and it dosent change shape is what our ansestors ate without issue... or learn to give it up... the quality of grain is definately changing...

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@Epiphany_Inspired I made my diet extremely efficient. I eat same food everyday. I made it very healthy cheap and practical. Potatos are great food. Some people demonize them because they are starchy but this is farthest from the truth. People have been living on potato only diets for years.

Edited by egoless

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I decided to reply on this thread, because I have been on the yogic/sattvic diet for a few months now. I also eat only twice a day, with 6-8 hours between the meals. Besides what Leo said, the yogic diet also says that you should eat cooked food within 2 hours. So that's another thing I'm strict with.

In general I feel great, my pulse dropped by quite a bit, even after eating my meals I can be at around 50 bpm, so I feel light. My sleep needs appear to have dropped, but I can't tell for sure if it is the diet (I believe it is). 

One thing I should say about this diet is that it might not fit you. It is best to listen to how the body reacts after you have eaten and when you are hungry. The yogic diet is more than skipping X and eating Y, it defines food into three categories, and sometimes the body might need duller food. At least that's what I experience; so I would say trust your intuition. Also don't jump into this diet too fast, go into it slowly if you have never been a vegetarian before.

Some tips about the yogic diet: nuts are amazing. You can soak peanuts or almonds overnight to make them more digestible. You can make shakes with peanuts, or mix some with dates and coconut and cocoa to make something cake-like (really tasty). Fruits are great. I also soak grains like rice and quinoa a few hours before I intend to cook them, makes them easier to digest.  

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About water. I really think it depends on your needs. Saying you need X amount of water or more water doesn't make sense to me. Fruits are about 70-80 % water. With my diet I eat my water, and if I need more I drink just a little more than required to quench the thirst.

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Just to put my $0.02 into the mix...... 

Perfect diet (for health AND for consciousness):




I can fully sympathize with those that are against meat consumption, however if you totally exclude all animal foods you are certainly forgoing a TON of incredibly nutrient rich foods such as organ meats, eggs, etc.  And while many people eat WAY too much meat (bodybuilding community), eating some is perfectly healthy and natural and is something humanity and it's ancestors have been doing for millions of years (imo, YMMV).  Especially if you are exercising, getting some meat in helps a ton with energy and vitality.  That being said, protein is the hardest macronutrient for your body to digest and utilize (only does so with about 70% efficiency, whereas carbs are around 85%, fat is around 99%), so it's probably best to eat it in the middle of the day far away from bedtime.  Just be sure to make it as karma free as possible and feel some gratitude to that animal for its life force.....




I'll also add something that has been working amazingly well for me lately: go to bed on a relatively empty stomach.  I've been trying to stop all consumption (food and water) around sunset, and resuming about an hour after I wake up (for a 12-14+ or so hour dry fast).  My dreams have been (even) more vivid, and I feel incredibly well rested and AWAKE in the morning (and throughout the day).  I'm fully in on the intermittent dry fasting bandwagon. 

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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Enlightened Wisdom

Edited by pluto


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I always wondered a very important question, namely which diet is best for me and meets my needs. I always try to take care of my body and maintain my health in different ways. Not so long ago I discovered the keto diet, I think I will try it as the result is delicious. In simple terms, the keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat, moderate-protein diet. It was hard at first to get used to food. I usually try to basically order myself a double no-rice bowl with chicken at /, it completely contains all the necessary colors which are enough for me for an active and long day.

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