
Diet For Consciousness Work

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@Leo Gura

On 11/20/2017 at 1:40 AM, Leo Gura said:

@ppfeiff I've done all-raw vegan diet. I got nothing against it. It feels great. The trick is sustaining it in this crazy society we live in. It takes eating huge quantities of food in order not to starve. I found myself having to eat all day long, every few hours, and still being hungry and losing weight (and I'm already lean). And the lack of variety to it gets really old really fast since all you're basically allowed to eat is salads and fruits. And sustaining that while traveling, or doing a meditation retreat, is a real pain in the ass. Good luck finding places that will feed you enough fruits and vegetables not to starve to death. They don't do it because it's costly. Diet isn't only about health, it's also about practicality.

Good points.

You're right.

I do have to say, however, I truly don't think you're grasping the significant link between health and spirituality.

Enlightenment is not possible if the foundation is weak: the body. This is physical in nature, and no amount of mental gymnastics can circumnavigate this fact. 

Even the Buddha recognized this fact when he abandoned his asceticism, seeing a weak body cannot support the highest pursuits of the spirit, and he finally had a meal for nourishment of his body.

I'm going to make the bold claim that enlightenment is rare because virtually everybody in this society has a weak foundation (i.e. weak body). Diseases and ailments of any kind are simply the body's negative feedback loop informing us that something is wrong. We're making a mistake, and manifesting the consequences. Look around and tell me who doesn't have diseases and ailments of any kind?

Virtually everybody in this society is eating a high-protein, high-processed, acidic and "dead" diet. If you don't believe me, put your hand in a fire and let me know what happens to the outter cells in your hand.

If what I'm saying is true, any serious student of spirituality and enlightenment would not simply discount this information because of practical inconvenience. With a strong enough why, you can bury any how.

How bad do you want enlightenment?

And by the way, there is a HUGE f*cking difference between 80 or even 90% raw and 100% raw.

Study Dr. Morse, and his experiences while fruit fasting on only navel oranges for 6 months, and his incessant samadhi experiences. It was EASY for him to jump into samadhi experiences, so much so he claims he had to stop the fast and ground himself with vegetables because his practical existence started to fall by the wayside...

Why am I so convinced Dr. Morse's story is true?

I've been following Dr. Morse's protocol of fruit fasting, and I cannot believe how much of his information I am confirming via sheer direct experience: the detoxification process and its symptoms, astringent properties of fruits in the body, elimination of diseases, what the "flu" and "cold" actually is, emotional purging, heightened intuition, synchronistic events, increased sensitivity to both resourceful and un-resourceful emotions, and deep spiritual growth.

This did NOT happen on SAD, paleo, bullet-proof, etc.

I am convinced, that health is a SIGNIFICANT factor in realizing enlightenment or developing spiritually. It's not the only, but if you ignore it, you will not realize it.

As I said before, the Buddha had to come to terms with this fact.

Of course you'll have a few flukes or outliers who realize the truth eating sub-optimally.

I thought I was relatively healthy as a 22 year old not eating any processed foods or grains with a dominance of steamed vegetables and grass-fed meat for a few years.

I was dead wrong.

I cannot tell you how much I'm detoxing: expelling mucus from my body in stools, acids through the skin, etc.

And I'm only 22...

I cannot imagine how much damage a 30, 40, 50+ year old human being has accrued, even if they consider themselves very "health-conscious." 99.9999% of humanity is making a grave mistake... Wonder why 99.9999% of humanity isn't enlightened?

I emphasized EASY above because I am convinced enlightenment is the logical progression of having an optimal foundation. 

Anyway, I'll leave this here. It explains all. I know the truth of the knowledge I've stumbled across:



Edited by ppfeiff

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@ppfeiff I see you have studied much about raw vegan diets. But have you studied that deeply other diets as well? You should always put equal effort to study two counteracting positions. What do you think about oatmeal, buckwheat, mushrooms and rice?

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On 12/4/2017 at 5:16 PM, egoless said:

@ppfeiff Do you eat the likes of raw nuts and seeds on the raw food diet you follow? Or just raw fruits and veggies?

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Consuming healthy drinks are also key for consciousness work. Did you know that two cups of green tea can put you in a relaxed meditative-like state. Check out this video at 2 mins 30 secs he mentions this:


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Get your diet down to a science.  Make sure you are meeting all your dietary needs.  Get some supplements that help you.  Know how much of the different macros you are getting when you eat and how much more you need at all times.  This will keep you fueling your body with maximum awareness.  Since I have been doing this, I don't get tired anymore.  Now I let my body tell me what it needs, and it does.  Listen to your hunger -- it communicates very clear information to you.  I also have certain things that I eat like beans, and I use a lot of indian spices that are healthy and flavorful.  I also try not to eat meat or breads.  I stay away from white rice too -- and all pre-packaged foods.  I only eat real food.  Whatever I can eat that is real, I'll eat it.  But, again, I am trying to stay away from meat and carbs and things that have a lot of empty calories like fried foods.  Watch out for peanut butter too because it has palm oil in it, which you need to Google to find out what that is.  Try to stay away from sugar, it's as addictive as Cocaine and it throws your whole system out of whack.  If you're getting too much sugar, that could be why you're tired.  A little sugar from time to time keeps the brain happy though.  I can sense when my brain wants a couple sugar packets -- like when I've been thinking for a long time.  But know when to stop with the sugar too -- you gotta give the proper dose at the proper time when the Body asks for it.  If you saw how I eat you'd be shocked.  I eat like a scientist charged with the task of keeping a machine properly fueled.  I am so sensitive that I can perceive the smiles and frowns that the Body gives me after a fueling session.  If you are feeling like shit, it's because the Body is sick from shitty food and shitty information being fed to it too much.  You gotta purify yourself sometimes.  Eat a bunch of carrots and drink a few cups of green tea back to back -- that's a nice cleanse.  Raw "adult-sized" carrots (eat them whole not the peeled ones or the baby ones) are great to have around to snack on, and the Body loves them too because of the fiber and vitamin content they have.  They do have a bit of sugar in them, so if you eat carrots a lot you gotta watch your other sugar intake.

Peanut butter and margarine contain palm oil.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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17 hours ago, CGeo said:
On 12/4/2017 at 0:16 PM, egoless said:

@ppfeiff Do you eat the likes of raw nuts and seeds on the raw food diet you follow? Or just raw fruits and veggies?

I eat nuts and seeds only occasionally when I'm not in detoxification mode. Otherwise, I keep them to a minimum--they're generally mucus forming and tough on the kidneys since breaking down their proteins produces a lot of metabolic waste. They do taste wonderful nonetheless!

Edited by ppfeiff

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2 hours ago, Shroomdoctor said:

@ppfeiff Hey, a quick question about the fasting for transition. Can a short water fast also work for that? 

@Shroomdoctor  Depends where you're at my friend. Have you done any form of extended detoxification (e.g. raw vegan diet without nuts and seeds, juice fasting, fruit fasting, etc.)? I do not recommend jumping straight into a water fast otherwise... Toxins hurt coming out just as they come hurt coming in, and water fasting will convert your body into a ruthless detoxification machine. If we're too toxic, this process can actually be too much for the body to handle all at once. I experienced this even after 136 days of a Juice Fast to test how clean I was... I felt extremely ill after 48 hours of water fasting and had to break it early--I clearly had more work to do :)

Edited by ppfeiff

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On 11/6/2017 at 8:13 PM, Be Yourself said:

@egoless Vegan is definitely healthier but only if you do it slow. Don't give up meat right away. Start slowly removing animal products from your diet and introducing more fruit and vegetables every day. If you do it very fast you might feel week and tired. It's because your body is still used to getting vitamins and minerals from meat so it needs some time to adjust to plant foods.

Many people feel very good for a few weeks after going vegan, but then, they feel weak. It's because the body hasn't learned how to absorb nutrients from plants yet and used all its storage.

The only thing I would advice is to ditch dairy right away. There is just nothing good about it except maybe super organic raw milk which is hard to find nowadays. There are many vegan milks on the market. It all depends on what you like, I personally like almond.

I’m going through exactly what you are describing here. 

I’ve cut out everything except whole grain bread which I still eat little portions of every day. 

What would you say are good meals throughout the day that keep my clarity and energy levels high, but at the same time fill my body and don’t make me feel so weak? 

In the depths of winter,
I finally learned that within me 
there lay an invincible summer.

- Albert Camus

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On 12/15/2017 at 2:13 PM, Max_V said:

I’m going through exactly what you are describing here. 

I’ve cut out everything except whole grain bread which I still eat little portions of every day. 

What would you say are good meals throughout the day that keep my clarity and energy levels high, but at the same time fill my body and don’t make me feel so weak? 

Don't cut out on everything. If you enjoy eating whole grain bread, then eat it. Maybe your body actually needs something from it. Just make sure you buy good quality bread and make sure to eat more fruit and vegetables  with you meals. 

Remember to eat enough! Plant foods are low in calories than meats. This is why you need to eat a little bit more than you used to.

From years of experimenting I realized that it's all about balance. Eat a balance of carbs, fats, and proteins. If it's whole foods, don't be afraid to eat them as much as you want.

With time, you will find what works for you, what you like, and what foods give you energy. It all depends on your lifestyle and your physical goals. Here are my examples:

I always start my day with a smoothie. My very simple and easy smoothie recipe: almond milk (Silk brand is the best), 1-2 bananas, blueberries or strawberries, a lot of greens (spinach, kale, or spring mix), hemp seeds, flax seeds (sometimes substitute for chia seeds). Sometimes I add chlorella or some green powder but now I bought chlorella capsules and take them with food.

Then, I usually like eating avocado on a rice cake with a bunch of greens or sprouts on top. Sometimes I make it into guacamole too.  

Soups. My favorites: curry lentil, creamy butternut squash, simple vegetable soup, borsh.  I make a big pot for a few days.  

I make curries with mostly ancient grains like buckwheat, millet, quinoa.

I really notice the difference in my energy and clear mind when I consume sea weeds or other greens in powder or liquid forms. Chlorella, E3-Live blue green algae, barley grass juice powder, moringa leaf. I recommend looking into that. 

Here is the good video to check out: 



Don't try to become a Buddha. Just be yourself. That is the Buddha.

Bliss out to LeakyBliss ? ➡


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@ppfeiff I know it's along time ago but thank you for speaking REAL TRUTH on this subject! Keep planting seeds


If you use heroin you are a bum. If you eat animals and sugar you are defended, even celebrated. Both highly addictive and life destructing: Halleluja for the most epic marketing campaign ever made! You can eat kilos of animals every week and societal norms and marketing campaigns protects you from being called an addict. 

What cows milk does to you (especially important for women who would like to keep their breasts cancerfree):x:


FUN FACT 1: The meat and dairy industry spends 10-15 million dollars (if not more) on lobbying every single year. Hmm what are they lobbying? What are they afraid of? (hint: look what happened to the tobacco industry once science figured out it was highly dangerous for human health) They real smart, they got it. 

FUN FACT 2: The recommended sugar intake doesn't appear on any products today, because of lobbyism. Go to a store an look. It's not there because the daily recommended intake is close to 0 %, and 99% of the products can't live up to that. 

Be aware that marketing and branding runs the whole game in our society. Our minds have been subconsciously programmed into eating these products, because.. well yeah, it's good for business!! :D I've studied strategic mass communication, (military strategy, marketing/public realtions and lobbyism) because I wanted to work as a lobbyist or a political advisor my whole youth. I didn't realize it was just the devil in me that wanted to have power over people in that way. Power feels good to the devil!! Thank God I woke up, literally 

Don't be a slave, liberate! Ask yourself: Do I listen/see TV and commercials regularly? Then yes you are a slave of mass training of your subconscious mind. And the subconcious mind runs your life. Why do you think companies spend billions on tv commercials.. because they understand the power of subconscious training.. absolutely genius if you ask me!! The best way to control the masses without taking any accountability.


If anyone is interested in strategic mass propaganda look up Edward Bernays: PROPAGANDA (1928). This man was incredible, he made it socially acceptable for women to smoke cigarettes when it wasn't... the tobacco industry owes him a lot! You will be amazed how EASY it is to actually form the masses.. so so s os osoososo easy. too easy. That's why it is so important not to consume toxic water, toothpaste with fluoride, processed foods, sugar. Because what you are doing, is that you are taking a FAT black marker and MARKING OVER your third eye over completely. You don't see. You are being blinded. And you are too tired to do anything about it. And too busy running to the doctor, who has absolutely no nutritional education at all. Who also gets invited frequently to dinner parties from his friends in the pharmaceutical industry. 

Last fun fact: The pharmaceutical industry makes approximate 80 % of it's income through animal agriculture. Mygahd they rich..

You can't force nature to do anything. You can only force humans. So that's what is being done. 

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@WelcometoReality Eggs are not the enemy!  Sorry, if this was already replied to - this is a long forum!  Okay, so according to Your Body's Many Cries for Water, and The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse, there is extensive logic and evidence that we are totally on the wrong track as far as cholesterol and low-sodium diets go.  You need cholesterol for a variety of processes (not in excess though, obviously).  It is necessary for vitamin D production, for example.  In the case of heart disease, cholesterol is absolutely necessary for the protection and healing of damage to arterial walls. How did the arterial wall become damaged in the first place.  Toxicity.  AND DEHYDRATION.  Almost all diseases can be traced back to some form of chronic dehydration.  Where is the dehydration coming from, and how come we don't notice it?  Well, one of the first signals is dry lips.  Ignoring these initial signals will lead your body to produce pain-reducing hormones (like histamine) to cover up a chronic problem.  Your cells will begin to seal their walls with cholesterol to keep water in (thus the high histamine and cholesterol levels in chronic diseases).  Then if you don't have enough water to flush out excess wastes, you start to get damage to the tissues, which releases more pain hormones.  Then you run out of pain hormones, you need to support yourself psychologically, so you get addicted to coffee pr alcohol (which are diuretic and DEHYDRATES you), and when the coffee doesn't work, you go on stress or depression meds, which just cover up the whole mess of things, and prevent you from hearing your body say that it's just been thirsty this whole time.  I'm not even gonna talk about the insulin system, because there's a whole other chain of events that happen there.

How to hydrate: at least 2L of water.  Salt in food (and maybe even a little in your water).  And lots of moderate excersize. (An hour of walking in the morning  and and hour in the evening).  

If you are a person who pees clear but still feels dehydrated, part of your problem is you need a source of salt.  Whether it's celery juice or Atlantic Grey salt.  You might also need more excersize and Essential Fatty Acids.

You may also have aches and pains that could easily be solved by water intake, and stretching that area both backwards and forwards to allow water to vacuum into the cells.

What does this have to do with eggs?  Well, eggs are not the enemy.  I eat one or two occasionally with the yolks runny.  This maximizes the essential fatty acids and lecithin, both of which help the cells maintain suppleness, and helps support the nervous system.  And, I feel great afterwards.  I personally also aspire somewhat to raw veganism, but it's like soooooo not realistic, and very painful because I live in world that doesn't support that lifestyle at all. 

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A few other things I wanna mention about water:

Water is love.  Love can be overwhelming when you finally get what you've needed for so long.  Same with water.  It takes a while for the cells to readjust to being bathed in goodness.

This is a really big deal for me because I also deal with chronic environmental dehydration (grew up in a big house with forced air heating in Colorado).  And I also deal with ancestral dehydration (aka epigenetics and culture).  My Grandpa grew up during the dust bowl.  Can you imagine growing up thinking that life is supposed to be painful and hard?  All because of the lack of water.  Then, also, my mom is addicted to coffee and my biological dad was an alcoholic.  

I really don't think it matters to much what you eat, just as long as you chew it fully, drink a cup of water half and hour before eating, and then again 2.5 hours after eating (you don't want to dilute digestive fire while eating).  And then feel your body as it responds to things.

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On 12/1/2017 at 6:00 PM, ppfeiff said:



Do you think this lady is for real about the worm she pooed after dry fasting?   I have trouble believing this.

Personally, I don't think dry fasting would be so good for me because I already run super duper dry, but I could see it working for someone who lives in Florida or who has a particularly wet gut.

If this were Ayurveda, I would almost call her Vata-deranged because she has no stability to her manner of presentation, but then again, maybe that is what's really normal for her.

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On 2017-12-21 at 6:13 PM, h inandout said:

@WelcometoReality Eggs are not the enemy!  Sorry, if this was already replied to - this is a long forum!  Okay, so according to Your Body's Many Cries for Water, and The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse, there is extensive logic and evidence that we are totally on the wrong track as far as cholesterol and low-sodium diets go.  You need cholesterol for a variety of processes (not in excess though, obviously).  It is necessary for vitamin D production, for example.  In the case of heart disease, cholesterol is absolutely necessary for the protection and healing of damage to arterial walls. How did the arterial wall become damaged in the first place.  Toxicity.  AND DEHYDRATION.  Almost all diseases can be traced back to some form of chronic dehydration.  Where is the dehydration coming from, and how come we don't notice it?  Well, one of the first signals is dry lips.  Ignoring these initial signals will lead your body to produce pain-reducing hormones (like histamine) to cover up a chronic problem.  Your cells will begin to seal their walls with cholesterol to keep water in (thus the high histamine and cholesterol levels in chronic diseases).  Then if you don't have enough water to flush out excess wastes, you start to get damage to the tissues, which releases more pain hormones.  Then you run out of pain hormones, you need to support yourself psychologically, so you get addicted to coffee pr alcohol (which are diuretic and DEHYDRATES you), and when the coffee doesn't work, you go on stress or depression meds, which just cover up the whole mess of things, and prevent you from hearing your body say that it's just been thirsty this whole time.  I'm not even gonna talk about the insulin system, because there's a whole other chain of events that happen there.

How to hydrate: at least 2L of water.  Salt in food (and maybe even a little in your water).  And lots of moderate excersize. (An hour of walking in the morning  and and hour in the evening).  

If you are a person who pees clear but still feels dehydrated, part of your problem is you need a source of salt.  Whether it's celery juice or Atlantic Grey salt.  You might also need more excersize and Essential Fatty Acids.

You may also have aches and pains that could easily be solved by water intake, and stretching that area both backwards and forwards to allow water to vacuum into the cells.

What does this have to do with eggs?  Well, eggs are not the enemy.  I eat one or two occasionally with the yolks runny.  This maximizes the essential fatty acids and lecithin, both of which help the cells maintain suppleness, and helps support the nervous system.  And, I feel great afterwards.  I personally also aspire somewhat to raw veganism, but it's like soooooo not realistic, and very painful because I live in world that doesn't support that lifestyle at all. 

I haven't read the books but will check them out but I agree with your arguments on water consumption. Yes most of us don't drink enough water. Myself included. :)

And yes I agree with cholesterol being essential for us but what levels are essential to us? The science tells us that the number one reason for artherosclerosis is high levels of cholesterol and that the typical western diet gives the double (130-150mg/dl)of what an essential level would be (50-70mg/dl). The easiest way to lower cholesterol for most of us is to lower the intake of fatty foods like meat, eggs and dairy.

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@WelcometoReality I think the cholesterol question is more on the specrtum of correlation than causation.  I personally do no worry about numbers.  Finding the root cause of a dis-ease is pretty simple.  What are you addicted to?  How do you know what you're addicted to?  Whatever you can't seem to go without.  Then health is just a matter of maintaining dynamic homeostasis, aka a healthy balance.  Of hot/cold wet/dry activity/rest.  This is much harder said than done because it requires long-term and consistent awareness of your habits and patterns.  I am not opposed to engaging in detailed scientific questioning because it can be revealing but I do find that I can do much more by viewing health from a psychological perspective.

Thanks for helping me practice my shpiel.  ?

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@h inandout I guess we have to agree to disagree on the topic of cholesterol. :)

I myself are addicted to coffee. It's probably my biggest crutch right now. 1-2 cups are probably ok but I'm gulping down 4-6 cups every day. Do you have any addictions yourself?

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@h inandout

On 12/21/2017 at 0:13 PM, h inandout said:

@WelcometoReality Eggs are not the enemy!  Sorry, if this was already replied to - this is a long forum!  Okay, so according to Your Body's Many Cries for Water, and The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Cleanse, there is extensive logic and evidence that we are totally on the wrong track as far as cholesterol and low-sodium diets go.  You need cholesterol for a variety of processes (not in excess though, obviously).  It is necessary for vitamin D production, for example.  In the case of heart disease, cholesterol is absolutely necessary for the protection and healing of damage to arterial walls. How did the arterial wall become damaged in the first place.  Toxicity.  AND DEHYDRATION.  Almost all diseases can be traced back to some form of chronic dehydration.  Where is the dehydration coming from, and how come we don't notice it?  Well, one of the first signals is dry lips.  Ignoring these initial signals will lead your body to produce pain-reducing hormones (like histamine) to cover up a chronic problem.  Your cells will begin to seal their walls with cholesterol to keep water in (thus the high histamine and cholesterol levels in chronic diseases).  Then if you don't have enough water to flush out excess wastes, you start to get damage to the tissues, which releases more pain hormones.  Then you run out of pain hormones, you need to support yourself psychologically, so you get addicted to coffee pr alcohol (which are diuretic and DEHYDRATES you), and when the coffee doesn't work, you go on stress or depression meds, which just cover up the whole mess of things, and prevent you from hearing your body say that it's just been thirsty this whole time.  I'm not even gonna talk about the insulin system, because there's a whole other chain of events that happen there.

How to hydrate: at least 2L of water.  Salt in food (and maybe even a little in your water).  And lots of moderate excersize. (An hour of walking in the morning  and and hour in the evening).  

If you are a person who pees clear but still feels dehydrated, part of your problem is you need a source of salt.  Whether it's celery juice or Atlantic Grey salt.  You might also need more excersize and Essential Fatty Acids.

You may also have aches and pains that could easily be solved by water intake, and stretching that area both backwards and forwards to allow water to vacuum into the cells.

What does this have to do with eggs?  Well, eggs are not the enemy.  I eat one or two occasionally with the yolks runny.  This maximizes the essential fatty acids and lecithin, both of which help the cells maintain suppleness, and helps support the nervous system.  And, I feel great afterwards.  I personally also aspire somewhat to raw veganism, but it's like soooooo not realistic, and very painful because I live in world that doesn't support that lifestyle at all. 

Is dis-ease caused by dehydration? Or is dis-ease correlated with dehydration?

Your argument is similar to the modern-day nutrition deficiency paradigm. If patient x has dis-ease y because of vitamin deficiency z, then patient x needs to supplement more vitamin z. However the root underlying cause is NOT necessarily vitamin z deficiency. Patient x may be deficient in vitamin z due to an absorption and utilization issue, NOT because their diet is inherently deficient in vitamin z. Therefore the root cause is malabsorption and or poor utilization, NOT deficiency. 

Many of our health issues today stem from excess, not lack: Diets consisting of excess protein, excess fat, excess isolated sugar, excess processed foods, excess animal products, etc.

Why do you need to make the conscious labor of drinking 2L+ of water per day just to stay hydrated and "healthy"? Where did these numbers come from?

Yes I agree hydration on a cellular level is critical for health, but dehydration is not the root cause of dis-ease.

Dehydration is consequence, however, of cells trapped by their acid waste interstitially, which is the cause of dis-ease. The acid waste prevents the cell from proper absorption and utilization of water. 2L+ of water per day, while may be helpful in such a situation, will NOT address the root issue. It's simply a band-aid for most people.

Where does the acid waste come from? Why are our cells trapped by their own waste?

For most people, it's because of poor diet, even relative to the standards of most "health-nuts."

1 Critical Factor: Excess protein diet = Excess Acid or Metabolic Debris from breaking down protein to amino acids = Strain on Kidneys and inevitable clogging of kidneys longterm = Stagnant lymph fluid (the bathroom of your cells!) because of kidney inefficiencies (your kidney's filter out your lymph!) = Stagnant acid waste interstitially (your cells go to the bathroom! If the bathroom is clogged, that is your lymph pathways, their waste isn't going anywhere!) = hyper- and hypo-activity of cells = organ inefficiencies, dehydration, malabsorption, etc. = "dis-eases"

How much protein is too much protein?

Raw fruits and vegetables is all you need :)

Fix the underlying cause, and you'll be plenty hydrated from consuming just water-rich juicy fruits and tender leafy vegetables ;) No need for numbers such as "at least 2L of water" per day to be hydrated and healthy.


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@h inandout

On 12/25/2017 at 0:14 PM, h inandout said:

Do you think this lady is for real about the worm she pooed after dry fasting?   I have trouble believing this.

Personally, I don't think dry fasting would be so good for me because I already run super duper dry, but I could see it working for someone who lives in Florida or who has a particularly wet gut.

If this were Ayurveda, I would almost call her Vata-deranged because she has no stability to her manner of presentation, but then again, maybe that is what's really normal for her.

Have you tried dry fasting? It does wonders for clearing clogged kidneys and helping them to filter out lymph again. It was one of the strongest tools which turned my years of perfectly transparent urine (! if your urine is clear, where is your lymphatic waste NOT going?? I'd be concerned if my urine was transparent every morning...) to cloudy urine full of lymphatic waste (this is definitely a good thing).

While I haven't necessarily seen worms escape my body from dry fasting per say, I DID see worms escape by body after 28 days of master cleanse. Crazy stuff.

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