
Diet For Consciousness Work

177 posts in this topic

Barry Groves: Homo Carnivorous What We Are Designed To Eat

Amber O'Hearn at Ketofest 2017 - The Carnivorous Human

Dr Shawn Baker: Carnivore Diet (Zero Carb Diet Plan) Results And Benefits


Edited by AMS

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@AMS I cannot tell if you're choosing to completely ignore the facts discussed in this thread, or if you're a shill intentionally trying to spread misinformation,

Your perspective fails the first test of logic: the structure. I won't get into the second test of the details because you need to pass both tests first to have a valid argument.

Why does it fail the first test, the structure? Because meat has a poor bowel-transit time due to its zero-fiber content, and stagnates in the digestive tract, putrefying and creating a highly acidic environment in your body.

Simple chemistry my friend: Acids destroy, alkalies build.

Fruits and vegetables are the most alkaline foods for the human species, and promote health.

Dairy, grains, meat, and even nuts to a smaller degree, are acidic, and trigger mucus in the body.

If you eat a diet exclusively of meat, you are eating a 100% acidic diet, and every-time you eat, you will trigger mucus in the body.

Overtime, the mucus will accumulate in the body, and will plaque if the lymphatic system is overwhelmed, which it will if you follow the advice from the above. 

Meat is not intended to be in the human body.

It's absolutely concerning that the above misinformation appears so convincing on the surface to a layman, yet fails to discuss the elimination process of meat, perhaps the most crucial process of digestion.

The human species loves to hear all the reasons why it can continue indulging in its bad habits.



Edited by ppfeiff

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On 15 November 2017 at 10:42 PM, ppfeiff said:

@AMS I cannot tell if you're choosing to completely ignore the facts discussed in this thread, or if you're a shill intentionally trying to spread misinformation,

I don't want to go back and forth rebutting the science that you are listing, I feel then we will be going around in circles and for a lot of what you are saying I don't even have a response.  I simply want to share some resources which I believe can explain it better than I can and then the viewer can go ahead and make up their own mind.  To me all this just makes the most sense though (just how Frugivore Diet does to you :) ).  Also having the direct experience of healing my body.  

Especially that first video (Homo Carnivorous) is crucial to watch imo.  It  goes on to say how ALL mammals eat a HIGH FAT/LOW CARB diet, even herbivores such as the gorilla or ruminants like cows and sheep are essentially eating a very high fat/low carb diet even though they are eating nothing besides plant material (mostly carbohydrates).  This is due to how they digest and therefore utilise the energy they are receiving from the plants.  All proteins/carbs and fibre are actually fermented by bacteria throughout the GI tract of these herbivores and are converted into fatty acids which is what they technically burn for energy.  These mammals are not actually even utilising glucose as their primary form of fuel but rather fat.  So essentially even herbivore animals are running under the same mechanism as a carnivore who is also getting it's energy from burning fat through eating fatty meat.

It also goes on to mention that our unusually large brain development is a direct result of all the fatty meat that was eaten during ice ages when plants weren't available to us and actually since the end of the last ice age (and the birth of agriculture) our brains have started to shrink.  There are also studies in there mentioning how vegan's brains are also shrinking over time of not eating animal fat.  There are many historical references throughout there such as cave paintings of hunting animals (you don't see cave paintings of berries lol), biblical phrases praising fatty meat, a cosmopolitan look at the role of animal fat and even numerous cultures today still eating a strict carnivorous diet.  

It compares us to other sorts of primates as well and lists us closest to the few carnivorous types in terms of physiology (most people don't even realise certain primates eat meat).  It also mentions how our physiological build doesn't accompany eating a lot of plants due to having a fairly small gut for the size of our mammal (this is also put into analytical detail using a method called Kleiber's Law so you can see how the size of our organs actually compare to what would be expected).  For example all of our GI tract is actually smaller than it should be for a creature our size and then our brain is ridiculously big (skip to 24:40 if interested).  We are not equipped with the appropriate digestive system to be able to break down large quantities of plant matter.  Even take our appendix for example, it is basically non existent (some might not know but actually your appendix does have a purpose and that is to serve as a hub for bacteria to help break down plants).  It is crucial that we eat a diet that is very energy dense (fatty meat).  Personally can't see at all how we could have such a crazy sized brain (and this growth is listed on a timeline in the video) by eating plants only (let alone fruit only) and then especially with such a limited digestive system in comparison to other herbivores.  

Lastly it goes on to say that our traditional diet should consist mostly (if not only) of fatty meat.  Plants are literally not even necessary at all and actually for the most part problematic (people have different tolerance levels however).  I think personally at least eating whole foods is the best way to get started (Paleo) and then considering a Ketogenic Diet (restricting carbohydrates and burning fat as fuel).  Certain people consider the Ketogenic Diet to be a starvation diet or something of the sorts and they think the body burns fat only secondary to glucose.  Actually I have even read somewhere that the body prefers to burn alcohol above everything.  So in reality it goes alcohol>glucose>fat (ketones).  When you start to consider this then perhaps it is possible that the human body is burning the most toxic substance first.  Humans have no requirements for carbohydrates at all, nothing essential about them.  The small amount of glucose needed for brain operations and to send to other organs can actually be created in the liver through a process known as Gluconeogenesis. Maybe some won't have to go as "extreme" as carnivore but my health condition has brought me here (low stomach acid/H.Pylori/SIBO) where I am intolerant to literally most if not all plant material and now I am finally starting to heal myself after years of damage.  Regardless of health background I think this way of eating is optimal for all human beings regardless of what else can be tolerated (lots of people transition eventually from Ketogenic/very low carb to Zero Carb and see even greater results).

I hope this can at least convince some to have a look at this video:


Edited by AMS

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Oh another point worth noting from the video:  

Out of the apparent 192 types of primates, gorillas both eat the most plant food and have the smallest brains.

Not sure if this is to scale or what but funny/interesting nonetheless.

Edited by AMS

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Humans crave chemicals, that's the problem. Our bodies are overstimulated and over-chemically induced thus why we crave so many things.. Good food tastes shit, shit food taste good is a result of chemical alterations from super concentrates we been conditioned to consume on a daily. Once you reboot your body from a long fast or some form of extreme detox, everything will be understood automatically. If youre on a self actualization or spiritual path and you haven't done a proper fast or full body reboot, you haven't done much at all tbh. Its life changing!

Edited by pluto


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On 11/15/2017 at 10:05 PM, AMS said:

...and then the viewer can go ahead and make up their own mind. 


It also goes on to mention that our unusually large brain development is a direct result of all the fatty meat that was eaten during ice ages when plants weren't available to us and actually since the end of the last ice age (and the birth of agriculture) our brains have started to shrink.  There are also studies in there mentioning how vegan's brains are also shrinking over time of not eating animal fat.  There are many historical references throughout there such as cave paintings of hunting animals (you don't see cave paintings of berries lol), biblical phrases praising fatty meat, a cosmopolitan look at the role of animal fat and even numerous cultures today still eating a strict carnivorous diet.  

It compares us to other sorts of primates as well and lists us closest to the few carnivorous types in terms of physiology (most people don't even realise certain primates eat meat).  It also mentions how our physiological build doesn't accompany eating a lot of plants due to having a fairly small gut for the size of our mammal (this is also put into analytical detail using a method called Kleiber's Law so you can see how the size of our organs actually compare to what would be expected).   [...] We are not equipped with the appropriate digestive system to be able to break down large quantities of plant matter.  

Lastly it goes on to say that our traditional diet should consist mostly (if not only) of fatty meat.  Plants are literally not even necessary at all and actually for the most part problematic (people have different tolerance levels however).  I think personally at least eating whole foods is the best way to get started (Paleo) and then considering a Ketogenic Diet (restricting carbohydrates and burning fat as fuel).  Certain people consider the Ketogenic Diet to be a starvation diet or something of the sorts and they think the body burns fat only secondary to glucose.  Actually I have even read somewhere that the body prefers to burn alcohol above everything.  So in reality it goes alcohol>glucose>fat (ketones).  When you start to consider this then perhaps it is possible that the human body is burning the most toxic substance first.  Humans have no requirements for carbohydrates at all, nothing essential about them.  The small amount of glucose needed for brain operations and to send to other organs can actually be created in the liver through a process known as Gluconeogenesis. Maybe some won't have to go as "extreme" as carnivore but my health condition has brought me here (low stomach acid/H.Pylori/SIBO) where I am intolerant to literally most if not all plant material and now I am finally starting to heal myself after years of damage.  Regardless of health background I think this way of eating is optimal for all human beings regardless of what else can be tolerated (lots of people transition eventually from Ketogenic/very low carb to Zero Carb and see even greater results).

I hope this can at least convince some to have a look at this video:



@AMS If you're unwilling to apply critical thinking skills to your so-called carnivore diet, I can only conclude you're not even interested in the truth, and you're a shill trying to eclipse the truth with misinformation.

Shame on you.

Have you tried a Raw Vegan diet?

I've done Paleo for years and yes, I felt better relative to SAD like a lot of people, but that was only because I eliminated grains and processed foods. However, a Raw Vegan eliminates 5 mistakes: 1) processed foods, 2) grains, 3) meat, 4) cooking, and if organic, 5) chemicals. A carnivore diet you're still committing 3 of the latter mistakes. Of course the less mistakes relative to your previous diet you make, the better you will feel and "heal" the body. Truly food does not heal the body, but the body heals itself. It's only hindered the more obstacles you  create for yourself with each mistake you incorporate into your diet.

That said, even though you feel better now, it doesn't mean you can't feel even better. You don't know what you don't know. Empty your cup and sit down before a fact like a child.

Do you believe everything a so-called expert claims?

Really? We first ate meat, and as a consequence our brains grew, so that we could finally learn to use and master fire, and apply that fire to meat so we could eat more meat? Do you see the logical flaw in that line of reasoning?

Our brains needed to have grown first on a Frugivore diet before we were smart enough to master fire and then apply it to meat to eat it in the first place! We got too clever for our own good and applied knowledge to alter a need, which is what evil IS.

If you're not a shill, entertain both perspectives, apply some critical thinking skills, and truly ask which makes more sense?

Because I'm warning you, the road you're currently headed down will only lead to more dis-ease and suffering. A diet of exclusively meat is NOT our ideal diet, and you will pay the due effects like everyone else who is subject to the law of cause and effect. Seriously consider what if the information I'm sharing is true?

Because at this point, it seems you are only interested in YOUR perspective. I've looked at your perspective, and pointed out the HUGE logical falicies. Namely the incorrect human timeline of events you believe, the 100% acidic nature of your diet in the human body that is designed to be alkaline, and the fact that meat has ZERO fiber which causes the meat to stagnate, putrefy, and release toxins in the human being (Parastalsis requires fiber!).

Again, if you're unwilling to look at both perspectives with an open, critical mind, I can only conclude you're not interested in the truth, but a shill conveniently trying to muddy the truth.

Again, if this is you, shame on you. This is precisely why we're stuck in the dark ages of humanity today, because there are people out there who are intentionally trying to eclipse the truth with convenient stories that people with little knowledge on the subject can readily believe. Unfortunately, we are herd animals... However I won't stand for it and I'm calling you out for it.

Edited by ppfeiff

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On ‎15‎.‎11‎.‎2017 at 2:42 PM, ppfeiff said:

@AMS I cannot tell if you're choosing to completely ignore the facts discussed in this thread, or if you're a shill intentionally trying to spread misinformation,

Your perspective fails the first test of logic: the structure. I won't get into the second test of the details because you need to pass both tests first to have a valid argument.

Why does it fail the first test, the structure? Because meat has a poor bowel-transit time due to its zero-fiber content, and stagnates in the digestive tract, putrefying and creating a highly acidic environment in your body.

Simple chemistry my friend: Acids destroy, alkalies build.

Fruits and vegetables are the most alkaline foods for the human species, and promote health.

Dairy, grains, meat, and even nuts to a smaller degree, are acidic, and trigger mucus in the body.

If you eat a diet exclusively of meat, you are eating a 100% acidic diet, and every-time you eat, you will trigger mucus in the body.

Overtime, the mucus will accumulate in the body, and will plaque if the lymphatic system is overwhelmed, which it will if you follow the advice from the above. 

Meat is not intended to be in the human body.

It's absolutely concerning that the above misinformation appears so convincing on the surface to a layman, yet fails to discuss the elimination process of meat, perhaps the most crucial process of digestion.

The human species loves to hear all the reasons why it can continue indulging in its bad habits.



You might understand something about alkaline and acids after watching this video.

You are running all on beliefs and philosphies currently.

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@Richard Alpert Lol! The interviewer, Markus Rothkranz, IS a Raw Vegan!

We're promoting the same message!!!

The above is about alkaline water, not alkaline foods...

I'm speaking from direct experience because I eat 100% raw fruits, vegetables, and some nuts and seeds and I've seen the results in myself.

IBS and acne are a distant memory now. I'm not the only one either.

Have you researched Dr. Robert Morse?

Lol, are you just speaking from beliefs and philosophies???

Have you tried a proper Raw Vegan diet??? LOL


Edited by ppfeiff

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3 hours ago, ppfeiff said:

@Richard Alpert Lol! The interviewer, Markus Rothkranz, IS a Raw Vegan!

We're promoting the same message!!!

The above is about alkaline water, not alkaline foods...

I'm speaking from direct experience because I eat 100% raw fruits, vegetables, and some nuts and seeds and I've seen the results in myself.

IBS and acne are a distant memory now. I'm not the only one either.

Have you researched Dr. Robert Morse?

Lol, are you just speaking from beliefs and philosophies???

Have you tried a proper Raw Vegan diet??? LOL


I have some of Morses herbs in my home. He definitely knows a lot but at the same time he is half a quack.

I have read 5-6 years about nutrition and a lot of it about plant based.

I prefer more plant based myself and of course i knew markus is a vegan.

It´s not all that black and white as many vegans think.

Im sure many people on paleo can also tell about it helping with IBS and acne.

I have IBS myself and that´s one big reason why i have done research for the last 6 years.

You didnt get the message in the video. forget about the water and watch the whole video.

Acid = bad Alkaline = good IS FALSE. Vegans always throw that everything alkaline and no acids.

the blood ph always tries to go back to homestatis no matter what you eat, 7.35-7.45 ph. You cant control blood ph much by eating only alkaline foods.

If what you are doing works for you, great, keep going. I wouldnt recommend 100% raw diet for average Joe without a supervisor.

Nd´s and naturopaths runs on testimonials so far, they have no science or studies to back up so far. They make false claims that everything is curable just by adjusting just diet. Diet is just one part.

Of course bettering your diet helps. I really would hope that some scientist would do researches on Robert Morse and these guys practices. It would be great for humanity if we found out it´s legit. I know he has cured many cancers etc. but what really is the success rate etc. It would be great if we could show that it´s really legit.

worth reading blog from ex naturopath if read with an open mind.

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Currently I am a student studying abroad. This is my current cheap and healthy diet which I invented myself:

Morning: pasture-raise eggs with spinach or oatmeal with honey & banana.

Then till 6 PM I eat mainly: Ananas (costs 1 euro lasts me 2 days), grapes and apple. OR guacamole with organic vegetable chips. 

Dinner at 6-7 PM - several options: vegetables with rice, mushrooms with buckwheat/rice or vegetables/rice with pasture raised chicken fillet. Unfortunately Salmon fillet is very expensive for my budget.

At night if I get really hungry I usually drink tea and it diminishes my hunger.

I found this diet to be perfectly budget friendly and healthy at the same time. 

@Joseph Maynor Sometimes I drink quality whiskey or red wine in the evening.


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Just now, Joseph Maynor said:

@egoless I like good beer.

Yeah that also but I usually drink beer only when I go out with friends. I don't like drinking beer alone I prefer whiskey or wine.

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On 11/17/2017 at 2:08 AM, pluto said:

Humans crave chemicals, that's the problem. Our bodies are overstimulated and over-chemically induced thus why we crave so many things.. Good food tastes shit, shit food taste good is a result of chemical alterations from super concentrates we been conditioned to consume on a daily. Once you reboot your body from a long fast or some form of extreme detox, everything will be understood automatically. If youre on a self actualization or spiritual path and you haven't done a proper fast or full body reboot, you haven't done much at all tbh. Its life changing!

do you have any sources as to how to do it? have you done it? how much times?

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If you drink wine, stick only with quality. Most wines (95% ?) are chemical cocktails these days.

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I also was a John Rose/Doctor Morse fanatic for awhile, doing the whole raw vegan fruitarian thing. Five and a half months later, I was emaciated. I could barely lift my body, form sentences, let alone interact with others. I also did fasting and herbs, including a 9-day Master Fast. Feet and feet of that mucoid plaque stuff came out. 

I had orthorexia. Was constantly plagued by the fear of eating the wrong foods in the wrong combinations, to the point where I couldn't go to any social events because they usually involved eating. After lots of surrender and paradigm shattering, I switched to cyclical keto. Three months later: regained more than 25 pounds, energy and focus through the roof.

Usually, the issue is not diet. It's dogma and human psychology. When you attach yourself to any particular diet plan and say that it's the one and only "SPECIES SPECIFIC" diet, you've turned it into a religion. You've mechanically closed your mind down to any other possibilities. You can end up, quite literally, moralizing yourself to death. Your mind limits you by saying, "You can't eat _____", and when your body craves that food, you repress that tendency to the shadow realm. Hence, yo-yo dieting. I binged like crazy after giving up on raw vegan.

Raw vegan works great for some people, just as keto works great for others. Dietary preferences change throughout the years. New discoveries are also made every day in the field of diet. @ppfeiff, ever hear of the term "glycation"? Or AGEs? How too much sugar can gray the hair and cause accelerated aging? How modern fruits have 30x the amount of sugar of their predecessors? Does that change your perspective at all on John Rose, who at 63 years old is totally gray and senile? I just say all these things as a warning. The moment you set your dietary beliefs in stone is the moment you trap yourself. If I were you, I'd adopt the more open mindset that @Richard Alpert has.

Edited by jjer94

“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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1 hour ago, jjer94 said:

I also was a John Rose/Doctor Morse fanatic for awhile, doing the whole raw vegan fruitarian thing. Five and a half months later, at 108 lbs, I could barely lift my body, form sentences, let alone interact with others. I also did fasting and herbs, including a 9-day Master Fast. Feet and feet of that mucoid plaque stuff came out. 

I had orthorexia. Was constantly plagued by the fear of eating the wrong foods in the wrong combinations, to the point where I couldn't go to any social events because they usually involved eating. After lots of surrender and paradigm shattering, I switched to cyclical keto. Three months later: regained more than 25 pounds, energy and focus through the roof.

Usually, the issue is not diet. It's dogma and human psychology. When you attach yourself to any particular diet plan and say that it's the one and only "SPECIES SPECIFIC" diet, you've turned it into a religion. You've mechanically closed your mind down to any other possibilities. You end up, quite literally, moralizing yourself to death. Your mind limits you by saying, "You can't eat _____", and when your body craves that food, you repress that tendency to the shadow realm. Hence, yo-yo dieting. I binged like crazy after giving up on raw vegan.

Raw vegan works great for some people, just as keto works great for others. Dietary preferences change throughout the years, depending on countless factors. New discoveries are also made every day in the field of diet. @ppfeiff, ever hear of the term "glycation"? Or AGEs? How too much sugar can gray the hair and cause accelerated aging? How modern fruits have 30x the amount of sugar of their predecessors? Does that change your perspective at all on John Rose, who at 63 years old is totally gray and senile?

I don't want to debate. I just say all these things as a warning. The moment you set your dietary beliefs in stone is the moment you trap yourself. If I were you, I'd adopt the more open mindset that @Richard Alpert has.

Lol, senile. Have you looked up what the definition of senile is?

I have to disagree that John Rose is showing a "loss of mental faculties." I can point to other elderly people at age 63 who fail to see the big picture, and cannot even wrap their minds around the connection between lifestyle choices and their health...  I know peers in their twenties who have a less sharp mind than John Rose!

Have you considered that John Rose is showing signs of aging because of accumulated effects? He only discovered the diet around 25 years ago, at around age 40 years old... What if he began since age 20? 10? Birth? Still gray hair at age 63?? You can do a LOT of damage in 40 years on SAD, and I don't think you need to look far to see proof of that.

As for orthorexia, I'm sorry to hear that.

I am open to new ideas. When I say "species specific diet", I am open to the possibility that it may require modification in today's world, especially when considering how much fruit, vegetables, and the soil has co-evolved with us, AND how our bodies may be damaged in unique ways. That said, do you have a better solution?

Lol, it's not a religion to me! If meat was the ideal diet, then I'd be all for it! I don't care what the diet IS, I just care what works! ;)

As for 5 months... Did you get blood tests while eating raw?? Were you certain you were producing adequate amounts of DHA?? Did you try supplementing with a raw egg yolk for a while??

I am curious.

Just got blood work yesterday:

  • CBC
  • Chem 29
  • TSH
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin D 25-Hydroxy
  • Ferritin Serum

Everything was perfect except for vitamin D (need more sun!). Vitamin B12 was in the "normal" range, although a bit low in spite of my infrequent oral supplementation (will make it more regular now). Iron, WBC count, proteins, thyroid, etc. looked great! And this is after almost 1 Year of 100% Raw Vegan!

As for limiting myself?

I don't. I listen to my body and simply eat what I desire when I desire.

I don't crave meat, processed foods, or cooked foods. Period. I know the harm they cause simply from trial and error or experience. The pain they cause is just not worth it to me.

I understand that the feeling of limiting yourself was your experience, however, you can't simply project that onto me or other Raw Vegans?? That is psychological in nature, correct? Your psyche?

If you saw "feet and feet" of muciod plaque come out, are you not concerned? Do you think that is supposed to be in there?

Edited by ppfeiff

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@Richard Alpert

2 hours ago, Richard Alpert said:

I have some of Morses herbs in my home. He definitely knows a lot but at the same time he is half a quack.

I have read 5-6 years about nutrition and a lot of it about plant based.

I prefer more plant based myself and of course i knew markus is a vegan.

It´s not all that black and white as many vegans think.

Im sure many people on paleo can also tell about it helping with IBS and acne.

I have IBS myself and that´s one big reason why i have done research for the last 6 years.

You didnt get the message in the video. forget about the water and watch the whole video.

Acid = bad Alkaline = good IS FALSE. Vegans always throw that everything alkaline and no acids.

the blood ph always tries to go back to homestatis no matter what you eat, 7.35-7.45 ph. You cant control blood ph much by eating only alkaline foods.

If what you are doing works for you, great, keep going. I wouldnt recommend 100% raw diet for average Joe without a supervisor.

Nd´s and naturopaths runs on testimonials so far, they have no science or studies to back up so far. They make false claims that everything is curable just by adjusting just diet. Diet is just one part.

Of course bettering your diet helps. I really would hope that some scientist would do researches on Robert Morse and these guys practices. It would be great for humanity if we found out it´s legit. I know he has cured many cancers etc. but what really is the success rate etc. It would be great if we could show that it´s really legit.

worth reading blog from ex naturopath if read with an open mind.

So 80% success rate with cancer patients (i.e. eliminating their cancer completely) at Dr. Morse's clinic in Florida isn't convincing to you? Interesting...

And since no science backs that up, it must be false, right?

So he is a "quack"?

As for alkalinity, I'm not talking about blood pH. I'm specifically referring to how "acid" and "alkaline" waste-products from digestion interact in the body, that is, if they trigger mucous in the body. For example, I can eat plenty of avocados, and I feel clean. Yet AS SOON as I eat a tablespoon of hemp seeds (on an empty stomach), I immediately feel a trail of mucous flowing down my throat. Same with dairy, meat, grains, and all other foods that are considered "acidic." NOT, however, with "alkaline" foods such as fruits and vegetables. Use whatever label you wish, however I'm speaking about how the food interacts in the body from experience.

I did not cure my IBS or acne on Paleo after 2-3 years. Some will, yes, however this goes back to eliminating the mistakes in your diet:

8 hours ago, ppfeiff said:

@AMS I've done Paleo for years and yes, I felt better relative to SAD like a lot of people, but that was only because I eliminated grains and processed foods. However, a Raw Vegan eliminates 5 mistakes: 1) processed foods, 2) grains, 3) meat, 4) cooking, and if organic, 5) chemicals. A carnivore diet you're still committing 3 of the latter mistakes. Of course the less mistakes relative to your previous diet you make, the better you will feel and "heal" the body. Truly food does not heal the body, but the body heals itself. It's only hindered the more obstacles you  create for yourself with each mistake you incorporate into your diet.

For some people, their genetics are strong enough to cope with more mistakes in their diet, and they'll "see results" even if they eliminate only 2, as on a Paleo diet. For many of us, however, that have inherited deteriorated genetics after generations of mistakes, we need to eliminate more than 2 just to feel base-line OK. 

Anyway, I'd also like to point out that diet changes is only one spoke of the wheel of health.

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1 hour ago, ppfeiff said:

I am open to new ideas. When I say "species specific diet", I am open to the possibility that it may require modification in today's world, especially when considering how much fruit, vegetables, and the soil has co-evolved with us, AND how our bodies may be damaged in unique ways. That said, do you have a better solution?

I don't. I wasn't trying to spark a debate, rather to share my experience and leave a warning about taking diet too seriously.

1 hour ago, ppfeiff said:

As for 5 months... Did you get blood tests while eating raw?? Were you certain you were producing adequate amounts of DHA?? Did you try supplementing with a raw egg yolk for a while??

That's a good point. I wasn't. I did cronometer to make sure I got most of my macros and micros. DHA seemed to be fulfilled by the fruit, but probably not enough. Perhaps because of soil quality, as you mentioned before.

1 hour ago, ppfeiff said:

I understand that the feeling of limiting yourself was your experience, however, you can't simply project that onto me or other Raw Vegans?? That is psychological in nature, correct? Your psyche?

Yes, they are projections. Thanks for pointing that out!

1 hour ago, ppfeiff said:

If you saw "feet and feet" of muciod plaque come out, are you not concerned? Do you think that is supposed to be in there?

Honestly, I still don't know what to make of it. 

“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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2 hours ago, ppfeiff said:

@Richard Alpert

So 80% success rate with cancer patients (i.e. eliminating their cancer completely) at Dr. Morse's clinic in Florida isn't convincing to you? Interesting...

And since no science backs that up, it must be false, right?

So he is a "quack"?

As for alkalinity, I'm not talking about blood pH. I'm specifically referring to how "acid" and "alkaline" waste-products from digestion interact in the body, that is, if they trigger mucous in the body. For example, I can eat plenty of avocados, and I feel clean. Yet AS SOON as I eat a tablespoon of hemp seeds (on an empty stomach), I immediately feel a trail of mucous flowing down my throat. Same with dairy, meat, grains, and all other foods that are considered "acidic." NOT, however, with "alkaline" foods such as fruits and vegetables. Use whatever label you wish, however I'm speaking about how the food interacts in the body from experience.

I did not cure my IBS or acne on Paleo after 2-3 years. Some will, yes, however this goes back to eliminating the mistakes in your diet:

For some people, their genetics are strong enough to cope with more mistakes in their diet, and they'll "see results" even if they eliminate only 2, as on a Paleo diet. For many of us, however, that have inherited deteriorated genetics after generations of mistakes, we need to eliminate more than 2 just to feel base-line OK. 

Anyway, I'd also like to point out that diet changes is only one spoke of the wheel of health.

I have heard estimations about morses success rate. But can you link me the studies and researches? Im not all about science guy, but scientific studies show the cold data / facts. Like i said, the problem with the holistic healing is that there is not much data. It's mostly hearsay and testimonials. Im not saying it does not work, but there is a reason why it is not taken too seriously, yet. Hopefully in the future. Like i said i want people to invest money to follow morse and a likes. All fruits and vegetables are not alkaline, some even highly acidic in ph. Plus nowadays you only want to buy organic because most of them include pesticides. Im pretty sure you have eaten acidic fruits and vegetables, wierd that it didnt cause the same reaction as other acidic foods if all acids cause you the same reaction like you said. Did i mention previously about the black and white? Yes we agree that you shouldnt eat too much acidic foods. More important is food combining. 

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