
Diet For Consciousness Work

177 posts in this topic

33 minutes ago, egoless said:

@ppfeiff you are making good points but you limit empirical evidence to your perspective. Your niece may prefer fruit over mcdonalds but that does not mean that generally children prefer fruits. I can agree with you on some points but living solely on fruits - I doubt that. What is your proof of that?

You're right, my point that children instinctually choose fruit is limited to my observation.

With regards to proof that a species specific diet for human beings consists of predominantly fruits, a fact that cannot be ignored:

2 hours ago, ppfeiff said:

This is pre-determined by our biology, which is especially apparent in our anatomical limitations: All carnivores and herbivores have digestive tracts that are 3x the length of their torso, no exceptions. All frugivores have digestive tracts that are 10x the length of their torso. Human beings, like our close relatives the Orangutans and Monkeys, have digestive tracts that are 10x length of their torso. You are a fruigivore. Human beings are designed to eat FRUIT!

In addition:

2 hours ago, ppfeiff said:

Why do you think we crave sugar "sweets"? Fructose and glucose is the primary fuel for our cells.

There's a reason why the brain kicks into ketosis when a shortage of food supply occurs (this is especially apparent during water fasts). Fat = backup fuel. If complex sugars are ingested, such as in sweet potatoes, the sugars must FIRST be broken down to simple sugars before the cells may utilize the fuel source. This is energy consuming and a highly inefficient process for the body.

Why would the body be inefficient at utilizing a fuel source??

Whole fruits, on the other hand, are composed of simple sugars such as fructose, which are readily absorbed by the body. This is a highly efficient process.

What about bowel transit time?

Since human beings have unusually long digestive tracts, it is imperative that ANY food by-products as a consequence of digestion is exited from the body as soon as possible. Why? What happens if you leave raw meat on the counter on a hot summer day? It putrefies! This is highly toxic to your cells. Suppose this happens in your body, over the course of days after ingestion of meat. Why? Because meat has ZERO grams of fiber. Peristalsis of food, or the involuntary passing of food along the digestive tract, REQUIRES fiber to function.

Fruit is HIGH in fiber.

From personal experience, I can completely digest a fruit from mouth to bowel movement in less than 24 hours* (I've cleaned my bowels of impacted waste with a Juice FEAST, so results may vary nowadays). Most people are so backed up because of poor dietary choices that they need to shove more food down just to have "regular bowel movements!"

1 hour ago, egoless said:

@ppfeiff Eating meat is considered something bad in vegan community - yes I understand that in regards to mass farming where animals are kept in horrible environments. But bio and free range meat is not something negative imho. Other animals eat meat too do we judge them? I believe there are body types which need animal protein.

I agree, other animals eat other animals (carnivores), however we simply do not have the short digestive tract / faculties to quickly digest and eliminate meat, which is highly susceptible to putrefaction due to its zero fiber content.

This is not an ethical debate. Nor is this about "judgement."

Human beings simply are not designed to eat meat on a physical level. Period.

This is the danger of the human species... We want to hear all the reasons why we can continue indulging in our bad habits. 

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@ppfeiff ok that's interesting. Can you link notable scholarly articles about these implications? So far I've heard that  frugivores eat vegetables, fruits and nuts. Even if we are frugivores why do you limit it only to fruits? If we were not designed to eat meat how did we survive so long on meat based diet? You see? You can't rely only on research and science because sometimes common sense may turn out to be right. We don't know anything even about human biology yet we like to show otherwise. Scientists can't even proove that the universe is matter.

P.S. if you look into history you'll notice that the people who had the strongest warriors generally were on meat based diets - Vikings for example.

Edited by egoless

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22 minutes ago, egoless said:

@ppfeiff ok that's interesting. Can you link notable scholarly articles about these implications? So far I've heard that  frugivores eat vegetables, fruits and nuts. Even if we are frugivores why do you limit it only to fruits?

This an excellent question and requires a deeper discussion (I'm not going to overwhelm this thread). Needless to say, I did not say solely fruits:

3 hours ago, ppfeiff said:

Our ideal species specific diet is predominantly fruit in an ideal world.

Of course, today, based on the damage we've done to our bodies and the environment due to our poor diet and lifestyle choices, we may have to modify this diet to include some leafy greens to compensate for the mineral-depleted soil producing today's mineral-depleted fruit.


22 minutes ago, egoless said:

@ppfeiff Can you link notable scholarly articles about these implications?

No. This is a can of worms that I won't get into here. All I will say is that unfortunately, the medical industry has the tendency to favor economic wealth over human welfare, and there is a HEAVY bias to which study topics are funded. Lack of evidence ≠ proof of falsehood.

22 minutes ago, egoless said:

@ppfeiffIf we were not designed to eat meat how did we survive so long on meat based diet? You see? You can't rely only on research and science because sometimes common sense may turn out to be right. We don't know anything even about human biology yet we like to show otherwise. Scientists can't even proove that the universe is matter.

We are using simple common sense here my friend, and basic understanding of anatomy, nutrition, biology, and logic. Notice I'm not throwing at you lists of scientific research articles and the like.

Also, as I said prior:

3 hours ago, ppfeiff said:

Truly, I hope, that you will experiment and see the profound effects of achieving optimum health, that is, meeting all your fundamental needs...

There's good, better, and best. Yes you can survive on meat, and perhaps it is the sole reason of why this species exists today. That said, what got us here today, isn't necessarily the ideal solution for what will get us through to tomorrow. Just because something is a calorie source, doesn't mean it's intended to be inside our bodies as human beings. If you want to thrive, and this is includes in your consciousness work, striving for the best diet possible, that is the modified species specific diet, cannot be ignored. Even the Buddha recognized that asceticism (depriving himself of food) would not help him realize enlightenment, because the body is the foundation of the mind and spirit. A weak foundation cannot support the highest pursuits of the spirit. Thus he allowed himself to "take the middle way," and have food for nourishment, which aided in his ultimate realization of enlightenment.

Cheers my friend, great discussion!

Edited by ppfeiff

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I saw "Sleep Quota" mentioned here a few times in relation to diet.

Anywhere you'd recommend reading up on this? Thanks

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On 11/7/2017 at 8:37 PM, MiracleMan said:

Guys, what about one of my favorite foods:  mushrooms!  I like portabella and your standard white mushrooms, raw or cooked many different ways.  Are they good to have in your diet?

@Outer  What about Pecans?  I love me some walnuts too though.

Yeah Pecans are great:


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My go-to resource when it comes to nutrition is A LOT of valuable information about building a healthy diet available here. You can make use of it even if you are not vegan, like me.

Like really, REALLY you have to at least take a glance at this channel. You won't regret. And no, no-one has paid me for that. :D Learning basic principles from this site is a good first step in cleaning up your diet.

Edited by Girzo

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@Leo Gura  [I forgot to apply the @ User function in my prior original post before editing it. Re-posting here because I am convinced that this a HUGE puzzle piece many people are missing that needs to be acknowledged]

On 11/11/2017 at 5:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

Diet is an individualized thing, and diet will evolve with you as your consciousness increases, so it isn't just about getting it right once and for all. I've been evolving my diet for the last 15 years and I'm still not done.

Diet is NOT an individualized thing.

Human beings have a species specific diet. The optimal diet for Jim isn't ice-cream if ice-cream isn't optimal for human beings. While I acknowledge food preferences exist among individuals, this does not mean we can just pick and choose which diet is best for us. This is pre-determined by our biology, which is especially apparent in our anatomical limitations: All carnivores and herbivores have digestive tracts that are 3x the length of their torso, no exceptions. All frugivores have digestive tracts that are 10x the length of their torso. Human beings, like our close relatives the Orangutans and Monkeys, have digestive tracts that are 10x length of their torso. You are a fruigivore. Human beings are designed to eat FRUIT!

Why do you think candy flavors are based on FRUIT? Bubble gum flavor is based on Jack FRUIT.

Why do you think we crave sugar "sweets"? Fructose and glucose is the primary fuel for our cells.

Hold in one hand fresh strawberries, and in the other, a McDonalds cheeseburger to a young child (who hasn't been completely indoctrinated by culture's way, yet), and which food will the child instinctually reach for?

Hold in one hand fresh strawberries, and in the other, steamed asparagus to a young child, and which food will the child instinctually reach for?

I think we can both agree the young child will instinctually choose the fresh strawberries, every-time!

Some questions to contemplate:

Which foods do we have a symbiotic relationship with?

Which foods want us to eat it?

Which foods don't require any processing (e.g. heat) to eat it? (because stove-ovens naturally exits in nature, right?)

Cooking destroys 100% of the bio-photon and enzyme content in our food, 40-50% of the bio-available proteins, vitamins, and mineral content in our food, and caramelizes fat into acrylamides, a known carcinogen.

Our ideal species specific diet is predominantly fruit in an ideal world.

Of course, today, based on the damage we've done to our bodies and the environment due to our poor diet and lifestyle choices, we may have to modify this diet to include some leafy greens to compensate for the mineral-depleted soil producing today's mineral-depleted fruit.

We are sick as a species (look around you! who do you see that is the pinnacle of optimal human health?), because we've strayed far from nature, and are so misguided that we prefer what a so-called expert nutritionist has to say on the subject than what our body instinctually calls for.

As many of you can sense, humanity is currently headed for an ice-burg... If WE don't change, things will never change. That includes meeting our biological needs through proper diet and lifestyle choices, and regaining our bio-photon connection with the Universe. This is why spirituality is hypothesized to be a subsequent need, because human beings are supposed to be connected to source, effortlessly.

We are so damaged today, and disconnected as a result, however, that no one can blame the other for pursuing some form of connection, whether it be spirituality, or religion. That is a larger discussion, however.

P.S. For all those who are claiming they "tried" the raw-vegan lifestyle and it "didn't work," you must understand the sewer system of your body that is the lymphatic system, and how the process of detoxification, due to stagnant waste from prior poor diet and lifestyle choices, may manifest as flu-like symptoms. You cannot expect to just "reverse" the damage you've done to your body overnight or in a week, especially if we're talking about accumulated effects from 10, 20, 30, 40, or even 50+ years of eating an incorrect species specific diet. Please research Dr. Robert Morse and John Rose on YouTube to educate yourselves on this topic. A 90+ day Juice FEAST or Solid Food Vacation (SFV) is HIGHLY recommended for making a smooth transition from SAD to Raw Vegan / Fruitarian. From personal experience, my life was completely lifted to an entirely new plane, on every level: spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I saw the light--it's amazing what happens when you get reconnected!

P.S.S. Leo, please research this topic, as well as John Rose on YouTube. He HAS a MASSIVE large-picture perspective on why we're living in the Hell we're currently living in. I know you in your wisdom can see the powerful link between dietary choices and your state of consciousness. What if you were hindering your growth because of ignorance in not meeting your biological needs? Truly, I hope, that you will experiment and see the profound effects of achieving optimum health, that is, meeting all your fundamental needs, and consequently, sharing the message with your enormous subscriber base so we can turn this planet around.


"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain

Edited by ppfeiff

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18 hours ago, ppfeiff said:

Our ideal species specific diet is predominantly fruit in an ideal world.

Have you ever watched how Eskimos live and eat in Alaska, or in Siberia?

That puts a hole in your neat little theory very quick. Their diet is like 90%+ animals. And they have been living that way for 10,000 years at least.

Human beings are very diverse creatures. We have adapted to live and eat in radically diverse environments. We are omnivores, which gives us more flexibility than many other animals. We are more like bears than cats or cows. If you lived in the Arctic circle (as many people do, and have done), you simply couldn't survive there on fruits and vegetables.

Of course there are obvious no-no's when it comes to healthy diet, like no corn syrup, no trans fats, no deep fried food, no soda, no hormones, no antibiotics, no chemicals, no refined wheat, no ice cream, no McDonalds, no candy, etc. But there is a lot of variation as far as what a healthy diet looks like.

And on top of that, most people are addicted to decades of bad diets. So they cannot transition to an all-fruit diet overnight. They would require years of inner work to actually pull that off successfully.

Not to mention that most people probably couldn't afford an organic all-fruit diet. That would increase their grocery bill by at least x4. And if you don't do organic, it's not at all clear that all those pesticides won't eventually kill you faster than ice cream.

Human nutrition is a very complex field. The science on it just isn't good enough yet. We'll probably need another 100 years of research before we have a clear picture of all the good stuff vs all the bad stuff. But even so, it is still possible to eat a lot healthier right now, so don't let this be an excuse to eat ice cream.

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@phoenix666 Sorta proves my point actually: nutrition science is sketchy and contradictory.

And there is much more to the issue of health than just fish oil or heart disease. The problem with all such kinds of studies is that they are ridiculously unholistic. They track one or two variables and then make conclusions about overall human health based on that. When in fact there are clearly thousands of variables involved.

My larger point was: if a sub-population of humans can survive and thrive for 10,000+ years, then nature probably has adapted them to eating what they eat.

Any one scientific study can be overturned or proven inaccurate or misleading. That's the problem with studies. You don't know which one to trust nor what the big picture consequences are.

I would predict that when we look back on the nutrition knowledge we have today in 100 years, much of it will look like voodoo and bro-science.

Yes, my own nutrition theories could also be wrong. That is the point.

I think the best overall rule of thumb is to stick to as natural foods as possible. But the problem is, natural foods are almost non-existent. All modern animals, fruits, and wheat have been artificially bred. We have little idea of what's in them or on them.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I have to agree with you there. specially about studies being extremely unholistic. I see that in lectures at university as well. that's one of the biggest problems of modern medicine alongside financial interests, pharmaceutical companies, ecc. 

I've been trying to reverse the whole process of science over the past year: like zooming out and getting a big picture of overall health. of course I could be wrong, but I've come to the conclusion that a whole food plant based diet has so many benefits. it all makes sense in my eyes. many spiritual teachers also lean towards a vegetarian, or even vegan diet. science starts to go in that direction as well. it's like they all come to the more or less same conclusion. 

I can also speak of personal experience. I feel so much better since I've started centering my diet around whole plant foods. 

I am curious where all of this will lead us. given the environmental  problems we have to face, we'll almost be forced to move towards more plant based diets.. 

whatever arises, love that

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I just want to leave with you guys another perspective.  I have little desire to reply really at all to any comments querying this way of eating (I am still in the process of healing myself so don't want to be some guru representative just yet and also hardly have the time) but this link covers just about everything you might want to know anyway.

It is going to ruffle some feathers up no doubt but I would feel strange holding back this information when it is helping me along with 13,000 others (fb group: Zeroing In On Health) around the world have some miraculous health transformations and finally start to thrive after years of damage from eating plants.

This is the Original Human Diet/Paleolithic Ketogenic Diet/Zero Carb/Carnivorous Diet.

You can search through some tabs and read some testimonials, some science behind it (however not too many modern studies been done due to it being new knowledge even though the oldest of all time haha but you can read the concrete science behind why plants can be really problematic for people...think natural defensive mechanisms, research 'salicylates'), the history of it, resources of people who have eaten like this (even in modern times).  Even Owsley "The Bear" Stanley who was the sound engineer for The Grateful Dead and a player in the LSD 60's movement claims to had eaten like this for nearly 50 years (I found this interesting with the psychedelic reference and probable high level of awareness).  He even went to such extremes as trading things to get an extra sausage when he got sent to jail.  He has a whole section on this website where he gives some guidelines to the diet.  On top of that there is an about me section from the author who was a long time vegan that became very sick and where a carnivore diet has begun to heal her (there are a huge chunk of cases like this on the zero carb fb group as well).  (Don't get all defensive about this but I am just listing what I have seen) I have observed that a lot of vegans first feel good for 5 or so years after coming from such a poor health background but then over time their bodies start to break down from the plant material.  This is the case for literally thousands on this group.  I don't know if this is the case for all vegans necessarily I just realise that veganism is definitely not the right option for everyone.  The way that we see it is that meat is primary and plant food is secondary when meat isn't easy available.  I feel certain people's bodies can just tolerate the plant toxins better.

I highly recommend you guys at least browse it briefly, however I understand for some of you your belief systems are really going to stand strong and get in the way of getting something so radical through.  Just entertain it, I would love for Leo to try to be open to it as well.

I have seriously come to the conclusion (especially through following Leo's Epistemology videos) that knowledge is crazy limited.  I am now all about intuitively researching and putting self experimentation as a top virtue.  I have had to go through years of sickness and diet struggles to eventually lead me here to where I am finally getting digestive relief, it's pretty fucking nuts!  I have been eating literally nothing but meat and salt for nearly 6 months, you don't just do that out of the blue so at least take that as a hint that I might be onto something here.  Some on the group for 5,10,15 years in thriving health.

Hopefully I can help some people out here who might feel forced into having to quit eating meat which their body is naturally craving, especially a hot topic in spirituality circles.  I understand I am just some random and this is my first post on here but I just felt like this was the time I really had to contribute.  Hopefully I will get more deeply active on the forum in the future when time allows (if I'm not banned for eating this way lmao).

Remember don't expect big responses from me, no need to defend or have a war here.  I seriously just wanted to get the information across for the potential help of others, I am very passionate about it.  Maybe right for all, maybe right for some but at the moment too many of us think that it's right for none.  It is actually a modern tragedy. 


Edited by AMS

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@Leo Gura

8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Have you ever watched how Eskimos live and eat in Alaska, or in Siberia?

That puts a hole in your neat little theory very quick. Their diet is like 90%+ animals. And they have been living that way for 10,000 years at least.

Eskimos have short life-spans!

Just because something is a calorie source, does not mean it's intended to be in the human body!

Just because humans have been doing something for 10,000 years (i.e. tradition), does not make it right!

I want to emphasize that our ideal diet is that of a Frugivore. Yes, we can survive on meat, and perhaps meat is the sole reason why this species exists today, but we cannot thrive on meat because it is NOT a part of our species specific diet. We're physically not designed to eat meat!

8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

We are omnivores, which gives us more flexibility than many other animals. We are more like bears than cats or cows. If you lived in the Arctic circle (as many people do, and have done), you simply couldn't survive there on fruits and vegetables.

Seriously? We're like bears?? You have sharp canine teeth and paws to rip open flesh??

Have you ever considered that human beings are not designed to live in cold climates? If we were, why don't we have fur to keep us warm like a bear?? Why do peoples of northern climates have chronic Vitamin-D deficiency and peoples of the tropics do not??

You're right, if I lived in the Arctic circle, I could not survive there on fruits and vegetables because I'm not designed to live there!!

It's obvious when observing the anatomical limitations given to us since birth that we are NOT omnivores:

  • Our digestive tract is 10x the length of our torso, like all other Frugivores, such as the Orangutan and Monkey
  • All Omnivores + Carnivores have digestive tracts 3x the length of their torso, no exceptions  [I made a mistake in my prior post, Herbivores have digestive tracts 20x the length of their torso]
  • We REQUIRE fiber in our food to stimulate Peristalsis in our digestive tract. Meat has ZERO fiber! This means that meat stagnates in our systems and putrefies. This is HIGHLY toxic to our cells! 
  • All Omnivores and Carnivores do NOT require fiber in their food to stimulate peristalsis, unlike ALL Frugivores.


8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

And on top of that, most people are addicted to decades of bad diets. So they cannot transition to an all-fruit diet overnight. They would require years of inner work to actually pull that off successfully.

That's where a 90+ day SOLID FOOD VACATION or Juice FEAST comes into play. Test an idea whose time has come! See John Rose on YouTube.

8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Not to mention that most people probably couldn't afford an organic all-fruit diet. That would increase their grocery bill by at least x4. And if you don't do organic, it's not at all clear that all those pesticides won't eventually kill you faster than ice cream.

Yes, you're right, right now it can be expensive.

However, ever heard of supply and demand? How many people are seriously pursuing a Raw Vegan diet, let alone a Fruitarian diet???

Also, organic produce is NOT pesticide-free. "Natural" pesticides can and still are used.

That said, if your body is running optimally (your lymphatic system isn't backed-up!), you'll have no difficulty dealing with a bit of toxicity, especially when considering the alternatives of anti-biotic and epinephrine-laden meat and dairy. Also, this goes without saying, but we're not granivores either (we're not birds!).

8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Human nutrition is a very complex field. The science on it just isn't good enough yet. We'll probably need another 100 years of research before we have a clear picture of all the good stuff vs all the bad stuff. But even so, it is still possible to eat a lot healthier right now, so don't let this be an excuse to eat ice cream.

I agree 100% with you my friend. 100%. It doesn't mean we shouldn't try to apply some common sense instead of waving our hands saying "just pick which diet is your favorite! They're all the same!"



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  • Humans lived through many ice ages. We certainly are adapted to living in the cold. Many people thrive in the cold, not just survive.
  • Rather than sharp claws and teeth, nature equipped you with a brain to make sharp stone tools, which hominids have been making for probably a million years.
  • Yes, we require fiber because our diets always included plants. Roots and shoots and berries and leaves and mushrooms can be gathered in many places.

I generally agree that a veggie and fruit diet is best.

Seems to me that our ancestors basically ate anything and everything they ran across. Like bears.

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You are both right in your own way, yes we are possibly the most superior species when it comes to adaptation but what @ppfeiff said is correct about fruit being our optimal food in an optimal world.

For me these charts explain it all


but for others that cannot see the connection in nature and this chart and have trouble communicating with their bodies the best advice is follow your own body and experiment! Do few weeks this, few weeks that do a long water fast or juice fast to restore the bodies chemical balance, find what works for you and keeps you sharp, happy and thriving.

For me personally in my spiritual progress and consciousness work, only to mostly fruit is possibly the best I've ever felt, lightest, sharpest, happiest and most alive (diet-wise) although i have felt even more spiritually evolved(so to speak) and aware when i stopped eating altogether and fasting.

The purer the body, the purer the being, the purer the connection to source consciousness, but this is only for the most extreme as this cannot be sustained properly unless you live like a monk in the mountains far away from the rest of the world and society where energy is clean and can be optimally sustained and regenerated.

There is no life if comfort zones, you must be your own master.



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I find it interesting that cats don't crave carrots, and cows don't crave meat. But humans crave meat, fat, and sweets.

You never see a cow going, "Damn! I sure could go for a juicy roast chicken right about now."

You never see a cat going, "Damn! I really want that juicy apple."

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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 I also spend a little bit of time researching diet. The thing is that since 14 I have not crave any sweets and fats. Maybe, because I started to be really sensitive to my stomach. I mean I don't feel pain, but if I eat something and it still is not digested fast I feel really bad... It seems that I am really aware of my stomach and digestive system. As far as my current diet I mostly eat vegetables and fruits, however since I am 18 I need to eat some chicken, so I also include some chicken in my diet. And so for I tried intermittent fasting. It is amazing thing! I actually feared it a little bit, cause of my age, but the results are amazing. My blood had got better quality and energy has also increased.And meditation got better, then you fasting. Have you tried intermittent fasting? Also I would recommend buckwheat as a super food !

Edited by vikisss1

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@Leo Gura I agree with you, the human species is remarkably resilient, ingenious, and flexible. I won't deny the power of the mind either.

After this intellectual debate, I can only conclude that the skeptic must test an idea whose time has come, that is, prove or disprove the theory for him or herself via direct experience.

I invite you to try Raw Veganism Leo, with the deep understanding of what detoxification and regeneration is, if you haven't already of course :)

From personal experience, in the non-ideal world we live in today, a diet consisting of 100% raw, fresh, living, enzyme-rich, organic fruits, vegetables, and some nuts and seeds is profoundly healing for the human being on every level: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The anecdotal evidence, as flawed as the concept of anecdotal evidence is, of people healing themselves of diseases of all kind, from cancer, tumors, colitis, to persistent acne, is absolutely STAGGERING. What other diet claims to do that and has the results to back it up? Of course, you won't find these anecdotal reports on TV, for a reason ;)  

The truth is, if you've never tried it, you don't know what you don't know.

I invite you to test an idea whose time has come. 

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@Leo Gura

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I find it interesting that cats don't crave carrots, and cows don't crave meat. But humans crave meat, fat, and sweets.

You never see a cow going, "Damn! I sure could go for a juicy roast chicken right about now."

You never see a cat going, "Damn! I really want that juicy apple."

Do humans crave meat? Or are they conditioned to eat it since birth?

That is, are you under the hunger spell? Do you feel a morbid sensation in your belly whenever you're "hungry"?

I did 136 days of 1+ gallons of raw, cold-pressed, fresh fruit/vegetable juice per day. A SOLID FOOD VACATION (SFV) or Juice FEAST. No solid food. Period.

On day 7, the "hunger" feeling most people describe vanished.

On day 136, I felt true hunger.

True hunger is a watering sensation of the throat.

"Whatever deceives men seems to produce a magical enchantment." -Plato

I do not get "hungry" in the belly anymore. The hunger signal is obvious now whenever my throat and mouth pleasantly "waters."

We're so misguided, we don't even know what hunger IS! 

I'm not the only one either. THOUSANDS know the truth now. Read the overwhelming positive testimonials in John Rose's YouTube comments sections. 

I cleaned my bowels out like a fontanal with juice. Why do we need to clean our bowels you may ask? When you eat an incorrect species specific diet, waste matter putrefies, and becomes impacted on the walls of our intestines. We're literally full of shit!!! This is a recipe for disaster and one of the true causes of dis-ease. Most people cannot believe the shit that's coming out of their bodies even on day 90 of ZERO solids. Next time you visit a doctor, ask them if they know what is causing your ailment. If they don't know, why are you accepting their solutions?? If you want to fix the effect, I think we can both agree you need to address the root cause directly.

Back in the day, water fasting used to be the ideal preparation for a better way of life, but today, we're so toxic with chemicals and pesticides, juice fasting is the modern day water fast.

Why do you think Jesus fasted for 40 days and nights? Why do you think Pythagoras fasted to study with the Egyptians? Even Plato, Aristotle, and Socrates mention achieving "mental efficiency" when fasting for days.

They lacked the knowledge of how to live (what the species specific diet is), but they knew intuitively the power of cleaning their bowels.

This is EXPLICITLY described in the dead sea scrolls, in the Essene Gospel of Peace (No, I'm not religious).

Fats, I agree with, and are included in a Frugivore diet in the form of avocados, coconuts, durian, nuts, and seeds. Sweets come in the form of fruit of course! :)

I'm telling you my friend, you are missing a HUGE puzzle piece if you choose to ignore this information. And unfortunately, most people will never come across this information in their lifetime, to their detriment.

Edited by ppfeiff

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On 11/13/2017 at 8:55 AM, egoless said:


P.S. if you look into history you'll notice that the people who had the strongest warriors generally were on meat based diets - Vikings for example.

If you want to talk about strength, research Dr. Nun Amen-Ra. World-Record holder in deadlifting. 100% Vegan. Strength is besides the point, however.

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