
Diet For Consciousness Work

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I'm surprised no one's talked about the ketogenic diet yet. 

Keto is an incredibly therapeutic diet. It resets your body's metabolism to primarily burn fat for fuel. Fasting or missing meals becomes a non-issue, as your hunger is suppressed and blood sugar remains steady throughout the day. Your cravings for carbs shut down completely after a couple weeks. For anyone looking to eat healthier and is having a hard time cutting out sugar, keto is a good start.

Being in ketosis also feels a bit like Bradley Cooper in the movie Limitless. You can keep going, and going, and going, and going. Your focus is improved twofold. Your mood is uplifted. For anyone who feels depressed and has a hard time getting out of bed, keto is a good start.

Most of the foods you eat on keto, if you remove dairy, are very gut-friendly too. If you have leaky gut or digestive issues, keto is a good start.

You don't feel like you're missing anything on the ketogenic diet, since your carb cravings shut down. The problem I had with veganism and raw veganism was that my cravings were ridiculously hard to control. I continued craving meat even after five months into it. On keto, you feel satiated all the time. You don't have to think about food so much. For those of you who are recovering from eating disorders like orthorexia or bulimia, keto is a good start. 

I'm not sure about the long-term benefits of the diet though. I'm only a little more than two months into it. If you want to learn more about the diet, @Siim Land has a lot of quality videos on it: 



Edited by jjer94

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50 minutes ago, MiracleMan said:

Guys, what about one of my favorite foods:  mushrooms!  I like portabella and your standard white mushrooms, raw or cooked many different ways.  Are they good to have in your diet?

@Outer  What about Pecans?  I love me some walnuts too though.

Yeah mushrooms seem like healthy meat alternatives. But I am also interested in Leo's opinion on this.

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1 hour ago, jjer94 said:

I'm surprised no one's talked about the ketogenic diet yet. 

Keto is an incredibly therapeutic diet. It resets your body's metabolism to primarily burn fat for fuel. Fasting or missing meals becomes a non-issue, as your hunger is suppressed and blood sugar remains steady throughout the day. Your cravings for carbs shut down completely after a couple weeks. For anyone looking to eat healthier and is having a hard time cutting out sugar, keto is a good start.

Being in ketosis also feels a bit like Bradley Cooper in the movie Limitless. You can keep going, and going, and going, and going. Your focus is improved twofold. Your mood is uplifted. For anyone who feels depressed and has a hard time getting out of bed, keto is a good start.

Most of the foods you eat on keto, if you remove dairy, are very gut-friendly too. If you have leaky gut or digestive issues, keto is a good start.

You don't feel like you're missing anything on the ketogenic diet, since your carb cravings shut down. The problem I had with veganism and raw veganism was that my cravings were ridiculously hard to control. I continued craving meat even after five months into it. On keto, you feel satiated all the time. You don't have to think about food so much. For those of you who are recovering from eating disorders like orthorexia or bulimia, keto is a good start. 

I'm not sure about the long-term benefits of the diet though. I'm only a little more than two months into it. If you want to learn more about the diet, @Siim Land has a lot of quality videos on it: 




i tried it 4 times, it does not work for me at all

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The best diet is a customized diet.

A diet with a lot of vegetables Works best for me.

also Check blood type diet.

Also drinking a lot of water and only juices and smoothies from 4AM -12 noon, after noon solid food and also stop eating after 19PM

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1 hour ago, egoless said:

Yeah mushrooms seem like healthy meat alternatives. But I am also interested in Leo's opinion on this.

I think in one of Leo's videos he said mushrooms don't have much nutritional value.

Cool to read all this advice. I've tried buckwheat for the first time and it is gluten-free and a superfood. So goes really well with a salad. It can replace rice in a meal whilst being much more healthy

I didn't know tomatoes increase sleep quota, interesting. 

Personally, I find having a tonne of Spinach and Rocket and mixed salad in stock. I love good salmon, watering at the mouth just imagining it!

For breakfast, I always go with Porridge (I think it's called Oatmeal in the U.S) and put in honey, cinnamon, and a good amount of flax/chia/hemp seeds, Flax and hemp seeds can go into any meal really and they're super healthy, which is great!

I aim for 5 pints of water a day. That keeps me fresh and alert through the day.

I just buy healthy things when I'm at the supermarket, so even if I have cravings for things, I can't eat them haha. It's funny, moving to the food for energy mindset from the food for taste mindset makes you aware of how much I use food as an emotional crutch. I still do really, if I've been working a lot on a given day I always raid the cupboards for tasty food. Only now I am aware that it's me trying to find emotional support. 

Does anyone know why Yogi's don't recommend onions? I love cutting them up raw into a salad. 

Edited by -Rowan

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The Jedi master Arcturus RA has some extremely solid advice. ;)


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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Healthy fat is good. The trick is getting it from healthy sources, like wild Alaskan salmon or grass-fed organic animals.

I have no problem with eating fats. I don't shy away from consuming organic olive oil, etc. I avoid butter though, because it's dairy.

You can take an iron supplement. Just don't take too much. My iron levels are good. My B12 is good. My thyroid gland is dysfunctional though. Seems like perhaps a genetic thing, because my Mom's is too and I've tried dozens of cures which never worked out.

I never have more than 2 meals a day. But I do snack on stuff like fruits, raw honey, etc.

Check out lugol's solution for re-balancing iodine within the body to its optimal levels. You may need to start small then work your way up and you can also test if you are deficient by rubbing the solution on your skin and the faster it disappears the more deficient you are.


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11 hours ago, Dino D said:

what aobut fat, omega 3... in the recent time there is a lot going on about a keto diet (vegan or not), and fat is very important for the brain, hormones and so on... your diet sound like a low fat diet?

Whats with iron-I'm lways low iron or slightly anemic, when I cut out meats it gets worse...? and btw. you look also like a low iron guy hehe ;) (little bit pale, sometimes circles under your eyes)


vitamin b 12?

and onother question, eating 5 times a day, or one time? whats better ?

If you want more iron just eat lots of beans and lentils. 

You'll need to supplement B12 on a vegan diet because it's very very difficult to get enough from just a plant based diet.

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@Outer I meant taste texture. There is nothing closer to the meat than shrooms. 

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On 2017-11-07 at 9:17 PM, Outer said:

Walnuts have the best fats, folks, the absolute best. Smash 'em a bit with your hands and sprinkle it in your soups-wherever, just eat 'em. Whatever you do. You gotta get some of 'em. Trust me. Believe me. The best fat, the absolute best.


What is it that makes them better than other nuts?

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@Hsinav pecans are even better from what I've heard. I personally prefer walnuts though. they taste so good:x

whatever arises, love that

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@Leo Gura

What about body types? Such as the three doshas in Ayurvedic medicine? It is believed that certain body types (such as vata/vata-pitta) are to eat well-cooked grains, as well as heavy fats and well-seasoned meals. It is theorized that people of a certain body type eating these types of food will balance out their inner "skinny dry-ness". Any thoughts?

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There's a staggering amount of research to do into finding your proper diet. It's not really about asking me for answers, but doing the research and experimentation for yourselves. Diet is an individualized thing, and diet will evolve with you as your consciousness increases, so it isn't just about getting it right once and for all. I've been evolving my diet for the last 15 years and I'm still not done.

Read some books about nutrition. Not fad diets, but nutrition fundamentals. Focus on health, energy, and clarity of mind NOT gaining muscles or cutting fat.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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If you want to really know whats the best diet for your body IMO, do a 8-14 day water fast, it completely reboots the system to its most natural function, then when you introduce food you introduce one food at a time then wait and see how your body/mind/mood reacts then take notes, next food ect..

Always start off with fruits or something very light then work your way up, this way you can really listen to the body and learn to communicate with cells via meditation as well since the body is pure the mind/body/spirit connection is strongest.

Everything is consciousness so even a simple food introduced into the system becomes the system an can easily manifest a pattern of thoughts, feelings ect.. because its ultimately slightly altering the vibrational frequency of your own being.

Edited by pluto


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On 11/11/2017 at 5:35 PM, Leo Gura said:

Diet is an individualized thing, and diet will evolve with you as your consciousness increases, so it isn't just about getting it right once and for all. I've been evolving my diet for the last 15 years and I'm still not done.

@Leo Gura Diet is NOT an individualized thing.

Human beings have a species specific diet. The optimal diet for Jim isn't ice-cream if ice-cream isn't optimal for human beings. While I acknowledge food preferences exist among individuals, this does not mean we can just pick and choose which diet is best for us. This is pre-determined by our biology, which is especially apparent in our anatomical limitations: All carnivores and herbivores have digestive tracts that are 3x the length of their torso, no exceptions. All frugivores have digestive tracts that are 10x the length of their torso. Human beings, like our close relatives the Orangutans and Monkeys, have digestive tracts that are 10x length of their torso. You are a fruigivore. Human beings are designed to eat FRUIT!

Why do you think candy flavors are based on FRUIT? Bubble gum flavor is based on Jack FRUIT.

Why do you think we crave sugar "sweets"? Fructose and glucose is the primary fuel for our cells.

Hold in one hand fresh strawberries, and in the other, a McDonalds cheeseburger to a young child (who hasn't been completely indoctrinated by culture's way, yet), and which food will the child instinctually reach for?

Hold in one hand fresh strawberries, and in the other, steamed asparagus to a young child, and which food will the child instinctually reach for?

I think we can both agree the young child will instinctually choose the fresh strawberries, every-time!

Some questions to contemplate:

  • Which foods do we have a symbiotic relationship with?
  • Which foods want us to eat it?
  • Which foods don't require any processing (e.g. heat) to eat it? (because stove-ovens naturally exits in nature, right?)

Cooking destroys 100% of the bio-photon and enzyme content in our food, 40-50% of the bio-available proteins, vitamins, and mineral content in our food, and caramelizes fat into acrylamides, a known carcinogen.

Our ideal species specific diet is predominantly fruit in an ideal world.

Of course, today, based on the damage we've done to our bodies and the environment due to our poor diet and lifestyle choices, we may have to modify this diet to include some leafy greens to compensate for the mineral-depleted soil producing today's mineral-depleted fruit.

We are sick as a species (look around you! who do you see that is the pinnacle of optimal human health?), because we've strayed far from nature, and are so misguided that we prefer what a so-called expert nutritionist has to say on the subject than what our body instinctually calls for.

As many of you can sense, humanity is currently headed for an ice-burg... If WE don't change, things will never change. That includes meeting our biological needs through proper diet and lifestyle choices, and regaining our bio-photon connection with the Universe. This is why spirituality is hypothesized to be a subsequent need, because human beings are supposed to be connected to source, effortlessly.

We are so damaged today, and disconnected as a result, however, that no one can blame the other for pursuing some form of connection, whether it be spirituality, or religion. That is a larger discussion, however.

P.S. For all those who are claiming they "tried" the raw-vegan lifestyle and it "didn't work," you must understand the sewer system of your body that is the lymphatic system, and how the process of detoxification, due to stagnant waste from prior poor diet and lifestyle choices, may manifest as flu-like symptoms. You cannot expect to just "reverse" the damage you've done to your body overnight or in a week, especially if we're talking about accumulated effects from 10, 20, 30, 40, or even 50+ years of eating an incorrect species specific diet. Please research Dr. Robert Morse and John Rose on YouTube to educate yourselves on this topic. A 90+ day Juice FEAST or Solid Food Vacation (SFV) is HIGHLY recommended for making a smooth transition from SAD to Raw Vegan / Fruitarian. From personal experience, my life was completely lifted to an entirely new plane, on every level: spiritually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. I saw the light--it's amazing what happens when you get reconnected!

P.S.S. Leo, please research this topic, as well as John Rose on YouTube. He HAS a MASSIVE large-picture perspective on why we're living in the Hell we're currently living in. I know you in your wisdom can see the powerful link between dietary choices and your state of consciousness. What if you were hindering your growth because of ignorance in not meeting your biological needs? Truly, I hope, that you will experiment and see the profound effects of achieving optimum health, that is, meeting all your fundamental needs, and consequently, sharing the message with your enormous subscriber base so we can turn this planet around.


"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." - Mark Twain

Edited by ppfeiff

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@ppfeiff human diet is individualized... Everyone sees and says what he wants or believes is good for him. I don't believe those nutritionists any more... neither do I believe to vegan researchers. I believe to what my body says. I believe that more raw food diet is best choice generally. But yet again it depends on personal body type. For example my skin has bad reaction on dairy products. Egg is very healthy source of protein and vitamins. You wouldn't last long solely on fruit diet. Except you are extremely adapted to it.

In response to your example children would most likely choose mcdonalds lol! Even if they tried it once.

Edited by egoless

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40 minutes ago, egoless said:

@ppfeiffEveryone sees and says what he wants or believes is good for him. I don't believe those nutritionists any more... neither do I believe to vegan researchers. I believe to what my body says.

1 hour ago, ppfeiff said:

...we've strayed far from nature, and are so misguided that we prefer what a so-called expert nutritionist has to say on the subject than what our body instinctually calls for.



40 minutes ago, egoless said:

@ppfeiff I believe that more raw food diet is best choice generally.

1 hour ago, ppfeiff said:

Cooking destroys 100% of the bio-photon and enzyme content in our food, 40-50% of the bio-available proteins, vitamins, and mineral content in our food, and caramelizes fat into acrylamides, a known carcinogen.

Our ideal species specific diet is predominantly fruit in an ideal world.

Of course, today, based on the damage we've done to our bodies and the environment due to our poor diet and lifestyle choices, we may have to modify this diet to include some leafy greens to compensate for the mineral-depleted soil producing today's mineral-depleted fruit.


I don't believe we are disagreeing on these points?

40 minutes ago, egoless said:

@ppfeiff  But yet again it depends on personal body type. For example my skin has bad reaction on dairy products. Egg is very healthy source of protein and vitamins. You wouldn't last long solely on fruit diet. Except you are extremely adapted to it.

Skin reactions, while may be perceived as an individual issue, is not a random fluke. We live in a causal reality: cause/effect. The cause that creates skin reactions is the same cause cause that creates cancer in almost all cases. Genetics simply dictate how the degenerative effects will manifest, which DOES vary based on individual. This is why dairy for you may cause obvious skin reactions, while in a friend no obvious effects are observed (the in-obvious effect may be osteoporosis of their bones, or mucus build-up in their intestines). This is also why the accumulated effects can take longer to be obvious in some individuals over others, since some have weaker genetics. Make no mistake, however, everyone pays the effects from the actions they take, whether it is obvious or not. As for eggs, I agree, if our body is damaged and can no longer manufacture essential nutrients, non-ideal supplementation may be required. This does not change the fact that human beings are not designed to eat meat, grains, dairy, and a surplus of vegetables, and that "choosing" paleo over Atkins for example is a mistake. We need to meet our primary needs first, then any secondary needs as a result of the ripple effect (damage to our bodies) from making poor diet and lifestyle choices.

40 minutes ago, egoless said:

@ppfeiff In response to your example children would most likely choose mcdonalds lol! Even if they tried it once.

1 hour ago, ppfeiff said:

...(who hasn't been completely indoctrinated by culture's way, yet), and which food will the child instinctually reach for?

Have you actually observed a young child and their preferences? My niece LOVES fruit. In grocery stores, children LOVE when their parents buy fruits, but hate when vegetables are bought ("I don't like broccoli!").


When I say diet is non-individual, I say that in the broad sense, which is that we can't just "decide" an ice-cream diet is best for us because we want it to be. This is where I'm not concerned with "belief." I'm just concerned with what IS the best diet for us by simple observation and empiricism.

Edited by ppfeiff

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Hi, interesting thread! Good to see Leo's views on this in one condensed place. I have a couple of questions. I'm vegan.

Firstly, what's the consensus on soy? It's very easy for me to get lots of tasty protein from soy products like tofu. But I feel that it is probably too good to be true, there must be something up with it.

Another thing - I love tea :x:x:x. Obviously caffeine has its fair share of drawbacks. So, what's the consensus on decaffeinated products? I love the taste of tea more than anything. I can do without the caffeine, and would say (disagree all you like ;)) that I never drank it for the caffeine effect. For me it's a pointless side effect.

Top tip for vegans: oat milk in tea tastes just as good, and is almost indistinguishable from, cow's milk. Without the cruelty or health effects of dairy!

One last thing on caffeine - I would recommend to not completely discount caffeine. Its sparing, ritual use I have seen to be most useful in advancing one's own spiritual practice.

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@ppfeiff you are making good points but you limit empirical evidence to your perspective. Your niece may prefer fruit over mcdonalds but that does not mean that generally children prefer fruits. I can agree with you on some points but living solely on fruits - I doubt that. What is your proof of that? Again linking only one youtuber or research explains nothing. You don't know how subjective or objective they are. Eating meat is considered something bad in vegan community - yes I understand that in regards to mass farming where animals are kept in horrible environments. But bio and free range meat is not something negative imho. Other animals eat meat too do we judge them? I believe there are body types which need animal protein.

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